单词 | voice |
释义 | voice [英 [v??s] 美 [v??s] ] voice的意思、解释 过去式:voiced; 过去分词:voiced; 现在分词:voicing; 复数形式:voices; voice 基本解释 名词嗓音; (动词的)语态; 呼声,发言权; 歌唱才能 及物动词发音; 表达,说出; 给(一部乐曲)配上声部; 给(如管风琴音管)整声 voice 相关词组 1. with one voice : 异口同声地; 2. lift up ones voice : 高声叫喊, 大声疾呼; 3. at the top of ones voice : 高声地; 4. raise ones voice : 提高嗓门说, 生气地大声说; 5. find ones voice : 能说话了; voice 相关例句 及物动词 1. The workers voiced their indignation at being unfairly dismissed. 对被不公平解雇一事工人们表示愤慨。 2. voice在线翻译 2. Yet ever since then, people at home and abroad have voiced different opinions about it. 然而,从那时起,国内外的人对这个政策一直发表不同的看法。 3. voice的意思 3. He voiced the feelings of the crowd. 他表达出群众的情绪。 名词 1. He talked of his trip to HongKong in a cheerful voice. 他兴高采烈地谈了他的香港之行。 2. I've lost my voice. 我嗓子哑了。 3. I have little voice in the matter. 我对此事没有多少发言权。 voice 双语例句 1. voice的解释 1. You are talking to me in a cheerless voice. 你很不快乐地跟我讲野喎! 2. voice是什么意思 2. The Italian-born Cico, 44, is guiding Brasil Telecom into new markets like voice-over-Internet Protocol. 齐柯,意大利人,现年44岁,领导巴西电信进入新兴的市场,如IP电话市场。 3. 3. In the past all the great masters in one voice used to say that until we`ve given up the illusion of the reality of the futility of this life totally then we can`t really turn our minds to the reality of the Dharma. 过去所有伟大的上师都曾同出一辞地告诉我们,除非我们能完全地放弃这个幻相,认识到此生的虚幻,我们才能真正认识到佛法的真相。 4. Gently shake youth Campanula ring, a pleasant voice on the heart attack, looked up rays in the halo of colorful dreams, a few heart will indulge in the glory of touching: the stream of history, the splendid ancient Chinese poem so elegant that the idea of flying the look, clean up one's soul and beautify their own temperament; breathing poetry of the text in the mellow air, let poets of sentiment or feeling melancholy; then Qingli poetic, sincere love, dream The gorgeous cast of human soul, the soul of the strokes used to write their own lines, to the life of paper left on a clean page. 轻轻摇响青春的风铃,一阵悦耳声袭上心头,抬头仰望霞光中五彩梦的光环,心几就会沉醉在那动人的光环之中:从历史的小溪里,掬起古人灿烂的诗句,让那飘逸的思想、飞动的神采,荡涤自己的灵魂,美化自己的气质;呼吸诗文中醇厚的文气,感悟诗人们放达抑或忧郁的情怀;再把诗的清丽、情的真挚、梦的绚烂投人心灵之中,用灵魂的笔触写出自己的诗行,给生命的纸页上留下一笔清澈。 5. But it's not the important, laste year's August the eight, the laster time i hear your voice, i just want to tell sorry, and you are my friend forever. 然而,这并不重要,那是去年的八月八日,是我最后一次听到你的首音,我只想告诉你我的歉意,并且让你知道你是我的终身朋友。 6. In the Windows operating system, this will involve accessing'Audio Properties'through the'Control Panel'and setting the audio and voice devices to your newly paired Bluetooth headset. 在视窗操作系统这将涉及使用『音频性能'通过'控制面板',把你的录音和声音装置新近配对蓝芽耳机。 7. The trees come up to my window plike thef yearning voice of the dumb earth. 绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是喑哑的大地发出的渴望的声音。 8. His voice was tense, a ripple of emotion flowing through it. 他的声音是时态,一阵流动过它的情绪涟波。 9. Customer Approaching to the Window: The customer in the rest area goes to the appointed window to handle the business according to information of the display screen and voice announcement. 客户到窗口办理:休息区的客户根据显示屏信息和语音提示到指定窗口办理业务。 10. FORMAT: THEME AND ANNOUNCEMENT VOICE: A research team at California Institute of Technology has learned a lot about human hearing, by studying the auditory system of the barn owl, species Tyto alba. 在加利福尼亚科技学院的研究小组通过研究一中谷仓猫头鹰,提多阿尔巴的听力系统,已经掌握了许多关于人类听力的真相。 11. voice的翻译 11. Customer Resting and Waiting: The customer holds the number ticket resting and waiting in the rest area, looking out for the information of the display screen or voice announcement. 客户休息等待:客户持号票在休息区休息、等待,留意显示屏信息或语音提示。 12. Unique to the MX816/826/836 cellular audio processors is the ability to route audio to an external Voice Store and Retrieve device such as the MX802 or MX812 thus providing the radio system with a voice answering and announcement facility using external DRAM. 独有的MX816/826/836蜂窝音频处理器是如MX802或从而提供一个声音回答无线电系统MX812能力路线音频到外部的声音,存储和检索设备公告设施和使用外部的DRAM。 13. voice是什么意思 13. Duplex(DT2-4), simplex selective control, re-leveling, door re-opening, home landing, full-load bypass, over-load protection, anti-nuisance, car parking and switch off by key switch, car attendance, voice announcement, fire emergency return, F. E. O. 群控(DT2-4),其余单台集选控制,再开门,基站返回,满载直达,过载保护,防捣乱,钥匙基站锁,司机操作,语音报站,火警紧急返回功能,消防员操作运行,信号返回至监控室,发电机紧急疏散控制功能及接口。 14. And for those few minutes, I heard the voice of courage. 这位母亲让我见识了什么是真正的英雄本色。 15. She was in Australia but I could hear her voice as clear as a bell. 她虽然在澳大利亚,但我却能非常清楚地听到她的声音。 16. He must be somewhere around here. I can't see him but his voice sounds clear as a bell. 他一定就在这附近,虽然看不见他,但能很清晰地听到他的声音。 17. 17. The effect contextualizes Ember`s voice as an instrument that is but one part of the aural portrait Lentic paints. 这正是我I 在这天籁般的声音的烘托下,子玉的歌声成了一种媒体,用歌声画出一幅幅美丽的图画。 18. Miserable interjection, have already had the Mao cow stands, anxious and fretfuluneasily move hoof of son, send out trampling of jar voice jar spirit the voice of laxsnow ground ring. 压抑不住的凄惨的叫声,已经有牦牛站立起来,焦躁不安地挪动着蹄子,发出瓮声瓮气的踩踏着松 19. This article outlines the debate in the UK about student voice and choice, the interest in consulting students about their learning. 此文概述在英国有关学生意见与选择的一项争论,探讨与学生商议教学的重要性。 20. 20. Its main function is voice cycle, in order to distinguish voice signal and the noise signal. 主要功能是声音周期计算,以区别声音信号与噪音信号。 voice 词典解释 1. 嗓音;歌声;说话声 When someone speaks or sings, you hear their voice . e.g. Miriam's voice was strangely calm... 米里亚姆的声音异乎寻常地平静。 e.g. 'The police are here,' she said in a low voice... “警察在这里,”她低声说。 2. 观点;意见 Someone's voice is their opinion on a particular topic and what they say about it. voice的意思 e.g. What does one do when a government simply refuses to listen to the voice of the opposition?... 当政府就是不肯听取反对意见时,你该怎么做呢? e.g. There was no disagreement, there were no dissenting voices. 既没有争执,也没有异议。 3. 表达意见的权利;发言权 If you have a voice in something, you have the right to express an opinion on it. e.g. Egypt is once again accepted as an important voice in Arab politics... 埃及再一次被认为是阿拉伯政治中的一个重要声音。 e.g. But your partners will have no voice in how you operate your company. 但是你的合伙人对你如何经营公司不会有发言权。 4. 表达,吐露(观点或感情) If you voice something such as an opinion or an emotion, you say what you think or feel. e.g. Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans... 有些科学家表示了担忧,认为这种病可能传染给人类。 e.g. The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration. 底特律的阿拉伯人所表达的似乎主要是一种挫折感。 5. 主动语态/被动语态 In grammar, if a verb is in the active voice, the person who performs the action is the subject of the verb. If a verb is in the passive voice, the thing or person affected by the action is the subject of the verb. 6. (克服恐惧、惊讶或困难)开口说话 If someone finds their voice, they start to speak in spite of fear or surprise or difficult circumstances. e.g. 'Kurt Kohn was my paternal grandfather's name,' Laura said when she found her voice. “库尔特·科恩是我祖父的名字,”克服了恐惧的劳拉开口说道。 7. (作家)形成个人风格,找到属于自己的写作主题 If you say that a writer finds his or her voice, you mean that he or she finds a style and subject matter that are personal and original. voice e.g. The poems which he wrote in the trenches are generally agreed to be those in which he found his true voice. 他在战壕里创作的那些诗歌被公认为是他找到了自己声音的作品。 8. 表达(观点);表露(需求);表白(心迹) If you give voice to an opinion, a need, or a desire, you express it aloud. e.g. ...a community radio run by the Catholic Church which gave voice to the protests of the slum-dwellers. 一家由天主教教会开办的、贫民区居民可以在其节目中表达抗议的社区电台 9. 放低声音;轻声讲话 If someone tells you to keep your voice down, they are asking you to speak more quietly. e.g. Keep your voice down, for goodness sake. 看在上天的份儿上,小点儿声。 10. (因病)失声,不能讲话 If you lose your voice, you cannot speak for a while because of an illness. e.g. I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice. 我必须得小心,免得嗓子痛,话都说不出来。 11. 提高嗓门/压低嗓门 If you raise your voice, you speak more loudly. If you lower your voice, you speak more quietly. e.g. He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women... 为了让其他两个女人听清,他提高了嗓门。 e.g. She'd lowered her voice until it was barely audible. 她把嗓音压低到几乎听不见。 12. 以最大的声音;声嘶力竭地 If you say something at the top of your voice, you say it as loudly as possible. e.g. 'Damn!' he yelled at the top of his voice. “该死!”他声嘶力竭地喊道。 13. 异口同声地;众口一词地 If a number of people say something with one voice, they all express the same opinion about something. e.g. This would enable the community to speak with one voice in world affairs. 这将使该共同体在国际事务上能以一个声音讲话。 voice 单语例句voice的翻译 1. Annan suggested his decision to resign was due to the absence of a single voice on Syria by the international community. 2. They have lost their voice in the cacophony of the fighting between the two parties. 3. Even after 20 minutes she showed no sign of ending the call, and ignored requests from passengers to lower her voice. 4. Let me add my voice to the minority chorus that thinks there is nothing wrong with a little newfangled capitalism here. 5. For their voice to be taken into account the bloc should build more cohesion and actively challenge the dominance of Western powers in global governance. 6. New research findings suggest that the sound of a person's voice may predict his or her level of sexual activity. 7. Fan explains the process as starting with the selection of characters and background music, followed by online auditions to see whose voice is closest to the actual character. 8. Current market trends show voice services will continue to be the cash cow, with revenue remaining more or less flat. 9. This gives telecom operators a great chance to cash in on the use of data traffic to counter their declining revenue from traditional voice services. 10. This gives telecom operators a great chance to cash in on the use of data traffic to counter declining revenue from traditional voice services. voice 英英释义 noun 1. a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated e.g. the voice of the law the Times is not the voice of New York conservatism has many voices 2. the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech e.g. A shrill voice sounded behind us 3. the ability to speak e.g. he lost his voice 4. the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music e.g. he tried to sing the tenor part Synonym: part 5. expressing in coherent verbal form e.g. the articulation of my feelings I gave voice to my feelings Synonym: articulation 6. the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract e.g. a singer takes good care of his voice the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations Synonym: vocalizationvocalisationvocalismphonationvox 7. something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression e.g. the wee small voice of conscience the voice of experience he said his voices told him to do it 8. a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance e.g. the noisy voice of the waterfall the incessant voices of the artillery 9. an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose e.g. the meeting was attended by spokespersons for all the major organs of government Synonym: spokespersoninterpreterrepresentative 10. (metonymy) a singer e.g. he wanted to hear trained voices sing it 11. (linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes verb 1. give voice to e.g. He voiced his concern 2. utter with vibrating vocal chords Synonym: soundvocalizevocalise |
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