单词 | put aside |
释义 | put aside [英 [put ??said] 美 [p?t ??sa?d] ] put aside的意思、解释 put aside 基本解释 搁; 撇开,储备; 扔下; 积蓄 put aside什么意思 put aside 相关例句 ph. 1. put aside 1. He put his book aside and stood up. 他把书放在一边,站了起来。 2. put aside的反义词 2. He put aside his work to spend more time with his son. 他把工作暂时搁下以便有更多时间陪儿子。 3. The president had to put aside some pet programs to deal with a crisis. 总统必须把一些喜爱的事暂放一边而先去处理紧急事件。 put aside 网络解释 1. 储存,保留:put across 解释清楚;做成(交易) . | put aside 储存,保留 . | put away 把...收起;储存,积攒 . 2. 储存:pickout truck 货车 | put aside 储存 | slip表示分数下滑,dip表示气温下降 3. 把...放在一边:keep up with 跟上 | put aside 把---放在一边 | put down 写下 镇压 4. 储存,保留;暂不考虑,把...放在一边:pull up (使)停下 | put aside 储存,保留;暂不考虑,把...放在一边 | put away 放好,收好 put aside 双语例句 1. put aside什么意思 1. Brothers, put aside the petty grievance that have splintered us for so long. 兄弟们,让我们把过往那一些噜苏的积怨都抛在一旁。 2. But shore leave is supposed to be a chance to put the job aside for a while. 但是上岸许可期让他们有机会暂时抛开他们的工作。 3. put aside什么意思 3. You can also use other shapes to make a nice, realistic reflection. If you changed to a flat shape then you can easily simulate a wall or something else … you can make a plane and light it from the bottom edge or you could put two or more lights aside so that it looks like a window from the reflections. 你也可以使用其他的形状来创建漂亮真实的反射,如果你选择一个平的形状你就可以很容易的模拟一堵墙或者其他类似的……你可以创建一个平面然后在它的底部照明或者你可以使用两盏或者多盏灯光放置在它的旁边,这样在反射你看起来就像窗户一样。 4. I still remember my sister leaving after visiting me at the school. Seeing that I was skin and bones, she put aside the money for her return trip and stuffed all the money she had on her into my pocket 我仍然记得姐姐当年到学校来看我后离开时的情景,她看到我黄皮寡瘦的,把身上的钱都掏了出来,留下回程车票钱后,余下的全都塞进我的口袋。。。。。。 5. As we consider this question, we should put aside the nightmare scenarios much talked about in the press. 在我们考虑这个问题,我们应该抛开的恶梦多有关甚嚣尘上。 6. Next, you must put aside all other duties, sit in a quiet spot, and churn the curd. 下一步就必须要把所有的责任放在一旁,坐在一个安静的地方,然后搅拌凝乳。 7. 7. In Arkansas, she put her political ambition aside to raise their daughter and help Bill develop his career. 在阿肯色州,她把她自己的政治野心搁置在一边而抚养女儿,并帮助比尔拓展他的职业生涯。 8. I'd like you to put the rest of the wool aside for me. 我希望你能把剩下的羊毛留给我。 9. In the States expect those whom they speak to put aside whatever they are doing and listen. 人'。'',把他们正在做的任何事情都放开,专心来听他的话。 10. Society, people in the States expect those whom they speak to put aside whatever they are doing and listen. 但是美国人还是希望与他交谈的人,把他们正在做的任何事情都放开,专心来听他的话。 11. Despite the informality that pervades society, people in the States expect those whom they speak to put aside whatever they are doing and listen. 虽然美国社会普遍不拘泥小节。但是美国人还是希望与他交谈的人,把他们正在做的任何事情都放开,专心来听他的话。 12. put aside的意思 12. Walls but did not give in on one of the developers put aside too much space. 四四方方墙壁,但没有透露在一个开发商抛开太多空间。 13. His spiritual advisers gave him Prayer Books to use, but he put them aside. It helps little to pray, he said, if I do not know the God to Whom I pray. 他属灵的指导者给他一些关乎祈祷的书,可是他却把这书放在一边,他说:如果我不认识那听我祷告的神,这些东西对于我的祷告,并不能有多少的帮助。 14. 14. For issues we cannot settle for the time being, let us put them aside and consider them later. 由于种种原因,中美双方还存在这样那样的隔阂、误解乃至摩擦。 15. Let us put aside partisanship and 让我们把党派心和微小 16. However, very few people will be specially reserved space nanny and let us put aside a few more tens of thousands of square meters of paying back the principal did not mention, and outsiders live together also have too much inconvenience. 然而,很少有人会专门预留空间保姆,让我们抛开一些数万平方米的偿还本金并没有提及,并外人一起生活也有太多的不便。 17. Haoyuedangkong sprinkling Qinghui put aside the ill feelings in your heart will be that of bringing a slightest Rourou into your heart, wash away dust complicated and messy in the distracting thoughts, your world Shengge from everywhere. 皓月当空洒清辉,放下你心中的芥蒂,将那丝丝柔柔的皎洁融入你的心扉,涤荡凌乱的尘埃纷繁在杂念,你的世界从此遍地笙歌。 18. But one day it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its own pelt and strolled down among the sheep. 但是一天它发现了flayed并且被投掷了在旁边绵羊的皮肤,因此它投入了它在它自己的兽皮并且在绵羊之中漫步了下来。 19. And during supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon`s son, to betray him, 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, 4 rose from supper, laid aside his garments, and girded himself with a towel. 耶稣因知道父已把一切,交在他手中,也知道自己是从天主来的,又要往天主那里去,就从席间起来,脱下外衣,拿起一条手巾,束在腰间,然后,把水倒在盆里,开始洗门徒的脚,用束著的手巾,擦乾。 20. One tries to put aside egoistic pursuits and gain a deeper understanding of one`s connection to all people and things. 一个试图要放下自私自利追求和争取一个更深入的了解一个人的连接所有的人事物。 put aside 词典解释 1. 把…放在一边;(暂时)丢开;把…留作以后使用 If you put something aside, you keep it to be dealt with or used at a later time. put aside的翻译 e.g. She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside... 她拿起一片面包,焦虑不安地把它掰碎,又放在一边。 e.g. Encourage children to put aside some of their pocket-money to buy Christmas presents. 应当鼓励孩子们省下一部分零花钱来买圣诞礼物。 2. 忘记;不考虑;搁置 If you put a feeling or disagreement aside, you forget about it or ignore it in order to solve a problem or argument. e.g. We should put aside our differences and discuss the things we have in common... 我们应当抛开分歧,讨论一下我们的共同点。 e.g. We admitted that the attraction was there, but decided that we would put the feelings aside. 我们承认诱惑摆在那儿,但是决心不让感情左右我们。 put aside 单语例句 1. Mix and knead by hand to soft dough, then cover it with towel and put it aside for about an hour. 2. She said it was almost by instinct that she took the battery out of her phone and put it aside. 3. But the index has raised questions that should not be put aside through categorical denials. 4. " The hardest calls are often the ones that hit close to home, " Wandy explains about volunteers who need to put personal preferences aside. 5. Governments should put aside their prejudices towards China and abandon their " cold war mentality, " Wang said without naming names. 6. Some orthodox writers have harshly criticized young writers whom they claim put aside literary pursuits and " blindly adjust their writings to readers'bad tastes ". 7. Large commercial banks are already required to put aside a historic high of 20 percent of the deposits they receive as reserves. 8. He says he will often put aside the telephone for a moment or two in stressful situations and take two minutes to compose himself. 9. Let's put aside the rights or wrongs, pros and cons argued by different camps who dissected the " Lang Mo " phenomenon. 10. The groundwork building drive will dwarf Beijing's $ 2 billion Olympic operating budget and the $ 2 billion it has put aside for venue construction. put aside 英英释义 verb 1. turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily e.g. it's time for you to put away childish things Synonym: put away 2. stop using e.g. the children were told to put away their toys the students put away their notebooks Synonym: put away |
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