单词 | severely |
释义 | severely [英 [s?'v?rl?] 美 [s??v?rl?] ] severely的意思、解释 severely 基本解释 副词严重地; 严厉地; 严格地; 严肃地 severely 相关例句 副词 1. A fire had severely damaged the warehouse. 一场大火严重地毁坏了仓库。 2. severely在线翻译 2. Dangerous driving should be severely punished. 危险驾驶应该受到严厉处罚。 3. He was severely punished. 他受到严惩。 severely 网络解释 1. severely的翻译 1. 严格地:settlement 解决 | severely 严格地 | shadow 阴影 2. severely的近义词 2. 激烈地:* sad: blue, grieved, upset, 难过的, 悲伤的. | * severely: 激烈地 | * disrupt: 分裂, 破坏, 中断. 3. 3. 严厉地,苛刻地:severe 严重的;严肃的 | severely 严厉地,苛刻地 | sew 缝制 vi.缝纫 4. severely什么意思 4. 严重地:severeexacting 苛 | severely 严重地 | severestrictacrimoniouslyacrimonyrigorousnesssevereness 严厉 severely 双语例句 1. 1. The drawback to using cardboard as an insulating material is that it tends to char quite severely. 缺点用纸板作为绝缘材料的是,它往往是烧焦相当严重。 2. I braved severely cold to return to be separated by 2, 000 miles morethan 20 years hometowns not to go Time is a severe winter, advancesgradually when the hometown the weather cloudy has been filthy Thecold wind blows in the cabin hum the sound As soon as looks from theloose crack to outside, under the greenish yellow nadir far and nearthe horizontal several Xiao Suo deserted village, is not having someliveliness My heart be out of control dismal to get up! 我冒着严寒回到相隔两千余里别了20余年的故乡去。时候即是深冬,渐进故乡时天气又阴秽了。冷风吹进船舱中呜呜的响。从蓬隙向外一望,苍黄的天底下远近横着几个萧索的荒村,没有一些活气。我的心禁不住悲凉起来。 3. In harsh environment, the precision measurement of the axis angle is critical for the development of space system. The factors such as temperature variations and platform vibration severely limit the accuracy and life time of axis angle measurement device in space. 在复杂恶劣的气候条件下进行高精度的轴角测量已经成为发展空间应用技术的主要瓶颈,其中空间温度交变和振动环境,严重制约着空间用轴角测量装置的精度和使用寿命。 4. As top coat and intermediate paint for concrete, steel in moderately to severely corrosive environment. 在中等至严重腐蚀性环境中用作混凝土、钢材等金属的面漆和中间漆。 5. The answer to the question of why some people are able to effectively release mercury and/or show absolutely no manifestations of mercury toxicity despite having lived in the same exact environments and had the same level of exposure to metals while others are severely affected with serious clinical manifestations, is not as difficult to answer as one would initially believe when the multiple variables are considered, which include the type of exposure, biological individuality and genetic predisposition. 生活在同样的环境,暴露在同样的重金属量,为什麼有人可以有效地排出汞,没有任何汞中毒的症状,有人就无法排出而有严重的临床症状呢?这个问题其实不难回答,如果我们相信汞中毒是和钗h变数有关,这些变数包括汞暴露的型态,个人的生物差异性和基因的倾向。 6. You shouldn't have critized him so severely in his face. 你不应该当面这么严厉地批评他。 7. The welding juncture of the axis head and the surrounded plate in the holding circle of bessemer converter crack severely. By means of analysis to the material, the structure and the process, we find out that one of the main reason of crack is the thickness of welding plates vary a lot, the other is that it isn't penetrable for welding. 转炉用托圈的轴头与围板焊接处严重开裂,通过对其材质、结构、工艺进行分析,找出接头断裂的主要原因,一方面是由于焊缝连接件厚度相差悬殊,另一方面是由于焊缝未焊透,这两方面原因造成应力集中。 8. In order to enhance the anode quality, it is necessary to control severely the content of every ingredient. 结果表明,为了生产较高质量的阳极,必须严格控制沥青各组分的含量。 9. 9. The deterioration of the environment I feel upset, and I thought: as a future successor of the young people do not understand the human environment if the composition and the seriousness of environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations relating to environmental protection, not to enhance environmental awareness, conscientiously fulfill the obligation to protect the environment, then our lives will be ruined in their own hands, God will punish us severely. 我为周围环境的恶化而感到心痛,我想:作为未来接班人的青少年,如果不了解人类环境的构成和环境问题的严重性,无视有关环境保护的法律法规,不去增强环境保护意识,自觉履行保护环境的义务的话,我们的生命将毁在自己的手中,老天将对我们作出严厉的惩罚。 10. Some fields are infested with wild oats and rye grass (Lolium spp.). Twenty-eight per cent of fields in the 1984 survey were moderately or severely infested with Phalaris minor and these fields yielded 1.4 t/ha compared to 1.9 t/ha for fields without weeds. 一些田块受野燕麦和黑麦草的侵害。1984年的调查表明28%的大田中度或严重受到小粒虉草的侵害,这些田产量为1.4吨/公顷,而无草害田块产量是1.9吨/公顷。 11. The other problem in seismic inversion is that the frequency information and amplitude real value recorded by seismograph are incomplete and severely absent. 地震波反演的另一个障碍,主要是所记录的地震波响应中频率信息及相应的振幅真值的不完整与严重缺失。 12. severely的意思 12. They can criticize it severely, but if you try to do the same they will defend it furiously. 他们可以激烈地批评自己的国家,但是如果你要这么做的话,他们又会反过来气愤地为国家辩护。 13. The winter is long and is severely cold, dry multi-gales and snow hail weather; Summer short warm cool, the short warmth followed by cold, the rain and is accompanied by the snow hail, the natural condition is extremely severe. 文成公主和公赞干布在湖畔歇息逗留,在世世代代藏族人民中间,一直传为千古佳话,留下诸多神奇的传说。 14. Their value were severely doubted and criticized by all. 人们严重怀疑和批评他们的价值。 15. The prepared Star Anise Oil microcapsules had relatively low oxidation, and degenerated severely over 120℃. 同时表明试验制得的八角油树脂微胶囊在低温度下被氧化的程度较小,而在120℃以上,微胶囊受其影响比较大,发生比较严重的变质。 16. G/ml. After wt-p53 transfection and VCR treatment, the number of Bel-7402 cells was decreased; the cells were swollen severely with irregular projections; pyknosis, karyorrhexis and karyolysis were observed. After wt-p53 transfection, the expression of mdr1 and P-gp in Bel-7402 cells was down-regulated remarkably, and the expression of TopoⅡα was up-regulated. 形态学检查转染细胞,在VCR作用下细胞数明显减少,细胞散在不成片、细胞高度水肿、胞体不规则突起,可见核固缩、核裂解、核溶解。p53基因对Bel-7402细胞的mdr1/P-gp的表达有明显的抑制作用,对TopⅡα基因的表达有上调作用,对GSTπ、MRP基因表达没有影响。 17. They are not widely used on their own as they tend to severely affect coating and glue adhesion. 但由于严重地影响涂料和胶料的粘结作用,所以一般不单独使用。 18. 18. All cases of bullying will be severely dealt with. 所有以大欺小的情况都将受到严肃处理。 19. severely的近义词 19. The effectiveness of the threat depends upon a state's ability to convince a potential adversary that it has both the will and power to punish him severely if he undertakes the undesirable action. 威胁的有效性取决于一国令一个潜在敌人信服自己既有意志也有实力严厉地惩罚它,如果它采取不受欢迎的行动。 20. The average time of silicone oil temponade was 10.5 months, the incident rate of silicone oil emulsification was 28.6%, the incident rate of ocular hypertension was 15.7%, corneal degeneration was 2.9%, severely cataract was 46%. 硅油平均填充时间10.5mo,硅油乳化发生率28.6%,高眼压发生率15.7%,角膜变性发生率2.9%,严重白内障的发生率46%。 severely 单语例句 1. Crooks said the defendant was hospitalized for a month after breaking his back and several ribs and severely lacerating his buttocks. 2. Witnesses said the building's first three floors were severely damaged, and the fourth to eighth floors were also damaged by different degrees. 3. Chelsea needed to win to keep the championship alive but were severely limited by the injury absence of key striker Didier Drogba. 4. The underground water level is severely affected by the sea water and in some areas the underground water even directly links to the sea water. 5. Luo had clearly violated the copyright right, greatly disturbed the normal order of the CAD software market and severely damaged public interest. 6. So far four patients have died, all older than 90 and severely sick even before the calamity. 7. Those injuries will severely test United with Ferguson confirming a calf strain will keep Evans on the sidelines for two weeks. 8. Medical institutions severely violating the regulation will be ordered to suspend their service, cancel relevant clinics or even have their practice licenses rescinded and be closed down. 9. The lesbian activist had been repeatedly stabbed with broken glass, and beaten so severely with chunks of concrete that her teeth had been knocked out. 10. An oil tank truck struck the car from behind, severely damaging the rear of the vehicle. severely 英英释义 adv 1. to a severe or serious degree e.g. fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated badly injured a severely impaired heart is gravely ill was seriously ill Synonym: badlygravelyseriously 2. causing great damage or hardship e.g. industries hit hard by the depression she was severely affected by the bank's failure Synonym: hard 3. with sternness in a severe manner e.g. `No,' she said sternly peered severely over her glasses Synonym: sternly |
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