单词 | pennant |
释义 | pennant [英 [?pen?nt] 美 [?p?n?nt] ] pennant的意思、解释 复数形式:pennants; pennant 基本解释 名词校旗; 锦标旗; 长三角旗; (船上用的)信号旗 pennant的解释 pennant 网络解释 1. 尖旗形:我们将研究三角形、旗形(flag)、尖旗形(pennant)、楔形(wedge)以及矩形(rectangle). 这些形态通常反映出现行趋势的停顿而不是反转,因此相对主要形态,它们通常被归为中级形态或小形态. 实际上,所有测算技法均是基于形态的高度. 2. 三角旗:都具有整理的功能而旗形或三角旗形是常见的整理型态,也是相当可靠的型态除了平行线组成的旗形之外,旗形也可能以小三角旗(pennant)的形态出现,它的意义和运用原则与旗形(flag)没有什么区别小三角旗看上去是个对称三角形形态, 3. 3. 彭南特:现在边路的优秀球员囤积,贝纳永(Benayoun),彭南特(Pennant),沃罗宁(Voronin),巴贝尔(Babel),卢卡斯(Lucas),莱托(Leto),还有里瑟(Riise)也可以提上来打左前卫,Harry面对的竞争空前激烈,29岁的他已不具备年龄优势,明年他的合同将到期, pennant 双语例句 1. pennant的近义词 1. Making Liverpool the first team to lift back-to-back FA Youth Cups since an Arsenal side consisting of Steve Sidwell, Jérémie Aliadière, Justin Hoyte, and Jermaine Pennant et alii. 那一支阿森纳后来出产了斯蒂夫·西德维尔,杰勒米·阿利亚迭雷,贾斯汀·霍伊特和杰米恩·彭南特等球员。 2. Bud ashtrays, bar towels, coasters, football pennant s, and similar items were offered for sale. 同时它还制作烟灰缸、酒吧餐巾、杯垫子、杯托子、足球赛用的三角旗以及诸如此类的物品用于销售。 3. It was a gamble to rely on rookies while trailing in a pennant race, but Cashman listened and trusted his instincts. 当正在锦标争夺中落后、去倚靠新秀是一种赌博、但Cashman听了他人的建议且相信他的直觉。 4. pennant的意思 4. K8 _2 n% V4 g- d It was a gamble to rely on rookies while trailing in a pennant race, but Cashman listened and trusted his instincts. 当正在锦标争夺中落后、去倚靠新秀是一种赌博、但Cashman听了他人的建议且相信他的直觉。 5. After a process class`s deathly stillness, the preparation must conclude, central sang the school song together everybody to the drill ground the meeting pennant, but our class nobody sang nearly, saw that was so happy to five classes I after a little not to envy them, has been good, all personnel returned together the chair the classroom! 经过班上的一片死寂之后,准备要闭幕了,大家到操场中央一起唱校歌将会旗,但我们班几乎没人唱,看到五班那麼开心我不经有点羡慕他们,好了,全班一起把椅子放回教室吧! 6. A flag officer.22316. A flag or an emblem similar in shape to a ship's pennant. 长条旗,燕尾旗一种与船只上的三角旗类似的旗帜或标志。 7. 7. A flag or an emblem similar in shape to a ship's pennant. 长条旗,燕尾旗一种与船只上的三角旗类似的旗帜或标志 8. A pennant, banner, or flag. A flag or an emblem similar in shape to a ship's pennant. 长条旗,燕尾旗一种与船只上的三角旗类似的旗帜或标志 9. The revitalize team come from the cellar to win the pennant. 该队重整旗鼓,从最后一名一跃而赢得冠军奖旗。 10. The revitalized team came from the cellar to win the pennant. 该队重整旗鼓,从最后一名一跃而赢得冠军奖旗。 11. pennant的近义词 11. In Pennant Blue, a deep Azure and Ocean mix with a slight metallic thrown in, the model is striking, especially with the beige seats and dash, highlighted by light tan carpeting and cream-colored steering wheel, dash and door trim. 在 Pennant 蓝中,一个深天蓝色和海运混台由于一微小的金属丢在,模型正在打击,尤其以浅褐色的位子和划,被轻鞣制革铺以地毯和乳酪-彩色的方向盘,划和门微调标明。 12. In the beginning it was Jermaine Pennant, he was very nice to me from day one. 我第一天来开始他对我就很好 13. 13. Pennant is out of contract in the summer and has had a string of offers from home and abroad. 彭南特的合同将于今年夏天到期,他目前已经受到了很多球队的关注。 14. We felt pretty good with him because of what he did last year under the microscope in a pennant race. 因为去年在竞赛的显微镜下,他所表现的让我们觉得他非常好。 15. If you look at the chart below, you can see a pennant forming. 如果你在下边看着图表,你能够看见形成的一面三角旗。 16. When a pennant flies in the direction of the trend, it is usually followed by a sharp reversal. 当一个旗形沿着趋势的方向飘扬时,通常后面就会发生强烈的反转。 17. Pennant is prepared to stay at Anfield until he is a free agent in the summer. 彭南特准备在利物浦留到明年夏天,这样他就可以恢复自由球员的身份。 18. The wind shows its course because of the pennant. 风因旗幡而显,旗幡是主因,应是幡动! 19. Hatabu and for pennant, the translation of the Sanskrit language patākā. 幡,又作旛,梵语patākā之译语。 20. The land is unceasing, mountains, make the bedroom has no basaltic backer supporter, and can stop all kinds of ShaQi from outside the window, and upon the barrel protector, free line bodhisattvas, make its blessing of peace, top White House office building with victory, the auspicious symbol pennant immediate flame symbolize career victory and pearls, base, the palace is gossip in the bedroom, please return weapon by southeast northwest orientation 地利,有绵延不断的山脉,使没有玄武靠山的居室有靠山,又可阻挡来自窗外门外的各种煞气,而桶身上有空行护法、诸佛菩萨加持护卫,使其屋室平安,顶上伞盖幢幡象征吉祥和胜利,顶头火焰象征事业胜利和宝珠,底座有九宫八卦方位,此法宝请回居室中按东南西北方位摆 pennant 词典解释 1. 三角旗 A pennant is a long, narrow, triangular flag. e.g. The second car was flying the Ghanaian pennant. 第二辆车插着加纳的三角旗。 2. (棒球联赛冠军队获得的)锦旗,冠军地位 In baseball, a pennant is a flag that is given each year to the top team in a league. The championship is also called the pennant. e.g. The Red Sox lost the pennant to Detroit by a single game. 红袜队以一场之差将冠军输给了底特律队。 pennant 单语例句 1. With seven minutes left Pennant escaped down the right and stretched every sinew to cross only for van Persie to hook over the bar. 2. Special guest poet Richard Douglas Pennant will fuse words into the flowing rhythms of the music. 3. He presented Fu with a pennant bearing an inscription about how he had safeguarded the capital's vegetable baskets. 4. Arsenal got their winner three minutes later when winger Jermaine Pennant crossed from the right and Van Persie flicked the ball home. 5. With more possibilities to get in, more teams are pulling out all the stops to get a crack at the pennant. pennant 英英释义 noun 1. a long flag often tapering Synonym: pennonstreamerwaft 2. the award given to the champion Synonym: crown 3. a flag longer than it is wide (and often tapering) |
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