单词 | penniless |
释义 | penniless [英 [?penil?s] 美 [?p?nil?s,?p?n?-] ] penniless的意思、解释 penniless 基本解释 形容词一文不名的; 不名一文; 贫穷的; 莫名一文 penniless 网络解释 1. 赤贫的:penniform 羽毛状的 | penniless 赤贫的 | pennon 旗帜 2. 2. 身无分文的:passionless不热情的 | penniless身无分文的 | pitiless无情的 3. 一文不名的:out of the woods.(走出泥潭) | penniless (一文不名的 | veritable (真正的 4. 贫困的;身无分文的:obvious 明显的;显而易见的 (1) | penniless 贫困的;身无分文的 (3) | pleased 欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的 (5) penniless 双语例句 1. penniless什么意思 1. Actually many famous movie stars begin with tiny and penniless walk-on. 事实上许多著名的影星就是从身无分文的不起眼的跑龙套的开始的。 2. penniless是什么意思 2. No. -No? -Oh, I see. It`s our very own penniless sitar player. 不 不?噢,我知道了,是我们自己的毫无分文的西塔琴选手。 3. He was an old emigre gentleman, blind and penniless, who was playing his flute in his attic, in order to pass the time. 那是一个年老的流亡贵族,又瞎又穷,待在他那间顶楼上,吹着笛子来解解闷的。 4. According to rumors predecessors, the late Qing Dynasty Tour points Qin Gong became a true member of Dong Wenhuan, Geng is clean and not corrupt is not accounted for, and thus leave it penniless, People are word-of-mouth praise. 另据先辈传言,晚清分巡巩秦道道员董文焕就任期间,清廉耿正,不贪不占,两袖清风,民众口碑皆赞。 5. 5. The debt- collector took all his money, and he was left completely penniless. 收债人拿走了他所有的钱,他身无分文了。 6. But before his viewpoints became widely accepted and his name well known, he had but a few ragged old clothes, and was virtually penniless. 苏秦最早曾游说秦惠王,但是遭冷遇不成功,他穿着破旧的袍子,钱也花光了,形容枯槁面有愧色地回家了。 7. 7. And my family was extremely penniless, for many times we couldn`t find anything edible. 我那时候是个牛童。 8. penniless的意思 8. Only you can let a client approbate you, believe you, achieve the biology catenary of the balance, you just have an opportunity to make money, is a the simplest truth, the client is penniless, be less than any value from your here accrual, can his door support you? Accredit you? 只有你能让客户认可你,相信你,达到平衡的生物链,你才有机会去赚钱,着是个最简单的道理,客户一无所有,从你这里收益不到任何价值,他门会拥护你? 9. Machine station both neither faces a market, also do not draw near road, besides the one-storey house that end builds a few seventies, it is penniless that other property can say. 机站既不临街,也不傍路,除了几间七十年代末建的平房之外,其他财产可以说是一无所有。 10. penniless 10. In the morning the young man found himself alone, penniless, on foot, and with no letter for the king. 第二天早晨,年轻人发现只剩下自己一个人,身上一分钱也没有,信也丢了,马也丢了。 11. penniless的翻译 11. And asks the blue sky. Waiting a moment, all the ones that behave one's own are penniless, the child is hollow and lonely, remote and painful. 等等,无一不表现自己的一无所有,只有空虚和寂寞而已,只有渺茫和痛苦而已。 12. A penniless branch of the Romanovs would be more valuable than a newly rich industrialist family descended from chicken thieves. the Romanovs家族的赤贫支脉要比传自偷鸡贼的暴发户家族有价值得多。 13. But everyone around me took marihuana and alcohol and I could resist, taking drug again. In 2003 and 2004, I was penniless because of drug. I wanted to commit suicide with ephedrine and antipsychotic but failed. 可是周围的人都吸大麻喝酒,我又复吸了。03~04年,我在木姐已经因吸毒成了乞丐,我想用麻黄素,安定药剂一起注射,想求一死,可我还是活下来了。 14. In the backside, there is a penniless heavy haversack, but your back is straight, your footstep is flimsy, your corners of the mouth smile is haughty and fortitude. 背后,是一无所有的沉重的背带,但你的脊梁直挺,脚步脆弱,嘴角是不训,不屈的微笑。 15. After she died penniless on January 28, 1960, she was buried in an unmarked grave. 她去世后,身无分文的1960年 1月28日,她被葬在没有标记的坟墓。 16. I am indeed penniless; you are barking at a wrong tree to expect a fortune from me. 我确实一个铜板都没有;想从我这里发洋财,你们想错了。 17. penniless的意思 17. While living in either Cagnes or Paris, Soutine lived a Bohemian and penniless life and was provided lodging by friends in La Ruche or the suburbs. 他于法国里维耶拉及巴黎之间,过着放浪不羁的生活,因为身无分文,便在朋友于「蜂窝」或近郊的居所居住。 18. Regularly, on roads leading away from casinos, rescue workers peel the wreckage of cars from trees into which their penniless, panic-stricken drivers have smashed them. 拯救人员经常在离开赌场的路上从树干移去车祸残骇,这些猛力撞向树干的车子的司机多是那些身无分文、惊惶失措的人。 19. penniless的意思 19. Story was happened in early 20th century of England, a penniless American Henry Adams occasionally came to London. 故事发生在20世纪初的英国,一位身无分文的美国人Henry Adams偶然来到伦敦。 20. penniless 20. The peach blossom bloom beautifully every spring in my hometown. I want to see them once more before I do blind. But I`m almost penniless now. 盲剑客:每年的春天,乡下的桃花都会开得很灿烂,我想在我失明前,再去看一次,可惜身边的盘缠都用光了。 penniless 词典解释 1. 一文不名的;身无分文的 Someone who is penniless has hardly any money at all. e.g. They'd soon be penniless and homeless if she couldn't find suitable work. 她要找不到合适的工作,他们很快就会身无分文,无家可归。 e.g. ...a penniless refugee. 一文不名的难民 penniless 单语例句 1. Reports are common about migrant workers who are not paid and have to return home penniless. 2. Delayed payment may force some penniless transient workers to resort to theft or robbery. 3. Jacobs died " penniless " in a London hospice in 1997, it added. 4. A Shanghai woman found herself cheated into marrying a penniless Japanese man and demanded a refund from the matchmaker. 5. It was raining heavily when she was kicked out of the plant penniless. 6. Two sibling cosmetics heiresses must grow up quickly when a company scandal leaves them penniless. 7. By the time her scam was discovered and she was arrested, she was once again penniless. 8. Dai found renting an apartment in Beijing may leave him penniless at the end of each month. 9. The penniless Huang was forced to work carrying heavy loads on a wharf in the Philippines. 10. He drank alcohol and complained he was penniless and had no one to love. penniless 英英释义 adj 1. not having enough money to pay for necessities Synonym: hard upimpecuniousin straitened circumstances(p)penuriouspinched |
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