单词 | watershed |
释义 | watershed [英 [?w?:t??ed] 美 [?w?:t?r?ed] ] watershed的意思、解释 复数形式:watersheds; watershed 基本解释 名词流域; 分水岭; 集水区; 转折点 形容词标志转折点的 watershed 网络解释 1. 分水岭:如印度中央银行和印度农业与农村发展银行共同出资8亿卢比在印度农业与农村发展银行成立了小额贷款发展基金;此外,印度农业与农村发展银行还建立了农村基础设施发展基金、分水岭(Watershed)发展基金等多项专项基金. 2. 流域:它以流域(watershed)为系统的边界,便于分析系统的输入与输出,借助GIS手段监测和模拟土地利用变化,采用了分层次的园林景观动态分析方法,这对于空间异质性较强的城市生态系统研究是很重要的. 3. 水域:台湾岛内的人为活动所产生及排放之大量废气与废污水,直接或间接影响气域(Airshed)与水域(Watershed)的生地化循环. 另外,邻近的中国大陆快速发展所衍生的污染物, 伴随大气传输进入台湾的自然生态系统,这些过程都冲击整个台湾陆域水土资源的利用, 4. 流域; 盆地; 集水区:waters edge岸边;水岸;河岸;海岸 | watershed流域;盆地;集水区 | watershed分水岭;分水线;分水界 watershed 双语例句 1. The bad geology conditions of watershed are usually scoured by the rain that brings lots silt into the reservoir and cause serious silting. After observation over the variation of reservoir`s capacity, below the elevation 37m, it is almost filled with silt and the effective capacity is beyond 1.3 million cubic meter. 由於尖山埤水库集水区地质条件不佳,受降雨冲刷泥砂入库,水库淤积严重,目前该水库在高程37公尺以下容积几乎为泥砂淤满,而水库实质有效容积亦在130万立方公尺以下。 2. 2. It shows that runoff is closely correlated with the features of individual precipitation, and it is also affected by vegetation within a short period of time. Raindrop erosion, sheet flow erosion and rill erosion on the slope are the main soil erosion patterns; sediment yield occurs mainly in flood season. Human activity and individual precipitation are two important factors that control the soil erosion at a small watershed. Comprehensive management on the slope in a small watershed is an efficient measure of water and soil conservation. 分析表明,小流域的产流方式容易随次降雨条件的变化而变化,植被因素在较小时间尺度内就会影响产流;产沙主要来源于坡面上的溅蚀、片蚀和细沟侵蚀,时间主要集中在汛期;人类活动以及次降雨条件是控制小流域侵蚀产沙的重要因素;在小流域内进行坡面的综合治理是水土保持的有效措施。 3. 3. The surface water and ground water is polluted by P in the watershed, the concentration of TP is above the limit of eutrophication. 和79.8%。小流域中磷素的迁移也是以水溶态磷为主,为63%,而颗粒态磷的含量相对较低。 4. watershed的意思 4. Only about half of this important watershed is left today due to water diversion and draining. 只有大约一半的这一重要分水岭被遗弃今天由于水的转移和排泄。 5. watershed在线翻译 5. By taking the loess hill and gully region as an example, a process model of soil erosion in small watershed based on CA is constructed. 以黄土高原丘陵沟壑区小流域为例,构建了基于元胞自动机的小流域侵蚀产沙过程模型。 6. watershed什么意思 6. Key words: watershed; single rainstorm event; sediment transport modulus; runoff erosion power; model 关键 词:流域;次暴雨;输沙模数;径流侵蚀功率;模型 7. watershed的翻译 7. Both water erosion and wind erosion are responsible for the heavy sediment yield from the watershed. 结果揭示出:在风沙区,由于水力的搬运作用仍然决定了流域输沙量的大小,所以风力作用产生的输沙模数很小,在总输沙量中只占约1/4;风力作用增加输沙量比例最大的地区是穿过风沙区和丘陵沟壑区交界区,既有活跃的风沙活动又有强烈的黄土水蚀,风力和水力形成强耦合侵蚀搬运作用的干流上游,占输沙量的1/3以上;位于靠近风沙区并有片沙分布的黄土丘陵沟壑区的流域,风蚀产沙占流域输沙量的比例约为1/10;在黄土丘陵沟壑区,相对强烈的水力侵蚀,风力作用对产沙影响较小。 8. According to the correlativity of the data about this experiment, this watersheds correlativity can be used to calculate annual sediment transport modulus when underlying surface factors are quite alike in the design of water conservancy project near watershed. 根据该小流域实验资料建立的相关关系,在附近流域进行水利工程设计时,在下垫面因素比较相似的情况下,可以移用该流域相关关系计算年输沙模数。 9. According to the correlativity of the data about this experiment, this watershed's correlativity can be used to calculate annual sediment transport modulus when underlying surface factors are quite alike in the design of water conservancy project near watershed. 根据该小流域实验资料建立的相关关系,在附近流域进行水利工程设计时,在下垫面因素比较相似的情况下,可以移用该流域相关关系计算年输沙模数。 10. Our company has been building since 1998, is one of the few specializing in the production of high-speed opening of the valve core and watershed device manufacturers. 我们公司自1998年建厂以来,是国内为数不多的专业生产高档快慢开阀芯的及分水器的厂家。 11. Main production warm Watershed for, ppr inserts and various pieces of brass. 主要生产地暖分水器,ppr嵌件和各种铜管件。 12. According to the characteristics of the captured images, at first a watershed-like technique is used for background removal, followed by a dynamic thresholding to binarize the detected effective sublingual region, then candidate sublingual veins regions are extracted by combining image intensity features. Finally, the intensity consistency of sublingual vein region is used to assist the adaptive region growing, and the more accurate contour of sublingual veins is obtained. 根据所采集到图像的特点,首先使用分水岭法去除舌下静脉周围的舌质背景等干扰信息;然后使用动态灰度阈值法在已获得的有效舌下区域进行二值化,并结合近红外舌下静脉图像的灰度信息确定舌下静脉候选区域;最后根据舌下静脉区域的灰度一致性进行自适应的区域生长,获得舌下静脉轮廓。 13. 13. Chapter 6 is about Ma Lianhe watershed distributed hydrological model. 第六章是马连河流域分布式水文模型的建立。 14. On the basis of water balance equation, the soil water surplus and deficit of Zulihe River watershed was temporally and spatially determined after each one of the water balance components were calculated. 4首先利用比较成熟的、国际上应用广泛的综合指标,根据前人所做的工作,对祖厉河流域潜在植被进行划分。 15. 15. Water quality of the reservoir inflow was decided by soil types of watershed、status of land usage and vegetation coverage. 一般情况下,湖泊型水库富营养化程度高于河道型水库,以灌溉为主的水库富营养化程度高于以发电为主的水库。 16. This is a watershed moment for the country. 这是国家的一个分水岭时刻 17. In addition, from the time point of view, the last year or 6124 is a watershed point. 此外,从时间的角度来看,过去一年或6124点是一个分水岭。 18. 18. To overcome the drawback, a method of improved watershed segmentation algorithm is proposed in this paper. 为了克服这种缺点,本文提出了改进的图像分水岭分割的方法。 19. In the part of region segmentation, watershed algorithm is analyzed. 在基于区域的图像分割部分,对分水岭算法进行了分析。 20. watershed是什么意思 20. But in Japan, 1959 also marked a political watershed. 但在日本,1959年同样也是政治上的分水岭。 watershed 词典解释 1. 转折点;分水岭 If something such as an event is a watershed in the history or development of something, it is very important because it represents the beginning of a new stage in it. e.g. The election of Mary Robinson in 1990 was a watershed in Irish politics... 1990年玛丽·鲁宾逊的当选是爱尔兰政治上的一个转折点。 e.g. Tonight could prove to be a watershed for the international career of Barnes. 今晚将可能成为巴恩斯国际职业生涯的转折点。 2. (成人电视节目播出前的)分水岭时间 The watershed is a time before which television broadcasters have agreed not to show programmes unsuitable for children, for example programmes that contain scenes of sex or violence. e.g. Bad language before the watershed is widely resented... 在成人节目时间之前出现的脏话深为众人憎恶。 e.g. The advert should only be shown after the 9pm watershed. 这则广告只能在晚上9点成人节目开始后才能播出。 3. 分水线;分水岭 A watershed is an area of high ground which divides two or more river systems, so that all streams on one side flow into one river and those on the other side flow into a different river. watershed 单语例句watershed是什么意思 1. " This marks a watershed in the active initiation of trade in meat products, " he said. 2. The initiation of 150 industrial pollution control projects and 13 watershed pollution control projects in the project area are also in the works. 3. That is because diplomacy toward neighboring countries is ultimately the major watershed that will decide the direction where Japan's foreign policy is headed. 4. The forecast suggests a watershed in Australia's economic strategy, pushing agriculture back into the spotlight. 5. The year 1993 became a watershed for the advertising industry, with the emergence of private firms as a force to be reckoned with. 6. A watershed moment for the team was at the 2006 World Championships, where it beat archrival Japan en route to claiming a record eight gold medals. 7. Turning 40 is a watershed moment in the Chinese perception of life " Man is free of confusion at 40 ". 8. Wu argued that interception of the upper watershed had lowered water levels and created ideal conditions for a rodent outbreak. 9. " 2011 has definitely been a watershed year in my artistic career ", recalls Mu at a recent seminar on his art in Beijing. 10. The demise of Tower Records is a watershed moment for the sale of recorded music. watershed 英英释义 noun 1. an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend e.g. the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations Synonym: landmarkturning point 2. the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet e.g. flood control in the Missouri basin Synonym: river basinbasindrainage basincatchment areacatchment basindrainage area 3. a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems Synonym: water partingdivide |
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