单词 | whoop |
释义 | whoop [英 [wu:p] 美 [hup, hwup, wup] ] whoop的意思、解释 过去式:whooped; 过去分词:whooped; 现在分词:whooping; 复数形式:whoops; whoop 基本解释 名词呐喊; 大叫; 喘息声; 哮喘声 不及物动词喘息; 叫喊; 高声说; 唤起 及物动词高声说,唤起 whoop 相关词组 whoop的反义词 1. not care a whoop : 毫不在乎; 2. not worth a whoop : 毫无价值, 一文不值; whoop 相关例句 及物动词 1. The captive was whooped and jeered. 俘虏被叱责讥笑。 不及物动词 1. The newspaper is whooping for leftist candidates. 这家报纸热烈拥护左派候选人。 2. He whooped with delight. 他开心得呼喊起来。 3. whoop什么意思 3. The train whooped out through the suburbs. 火车隆隆地驶过郊区。 名词 1. There were whoops of approval by the customers. 顾客们发出赞同的呼喊。 whoop 网络解释 1. 欣喜,兴奋,或因手脚笨拙而感到尴尬:Whoopee! 高兴 | Whoop! 欣喜,兴奋,或因手脚笨拙而感到尴尬 | Wow! 诧异,惊讶,羡慕,快乐 2. 大叫:whoop it up 庆祝 | whoop 大叫 | whoop-de-do 狂欢 3. 呼叫声:whom 谁 | whoop 呼叫声 | whose 谁的 4. (欢乐的)高喊,高呼:exultant 兴高采烈的,狂喜的 | whoop (欢乐的)高喊,高呼 | languidly 懒洋洋的,无精打采地 whoop 双语例句 1. 1. Back in the White House, I let out a whoop of joy, and relief. 回到白宫后,我发出了一声兴奋的欢呼,松了一口气。 2. It's not that I care a whoop what becomes of you, but for the dogs'sakes I just want to tell you, you can help them a mighty lot by breaking out that sled. 你们怎么样我倒不在乎,但看在狗的份上,我想告诉你们,滑板冻住了。 3. With a whoop, Saegan yanked on his fishing rod. 希甘大吼一声,猛地拉起了他的钓鱼杆。 4. whoop的近义词 4. The war whoop of the American Indian was bloodcurdling. 美洲印第安人的作战喊杀声使人毛骨悚然。 5. It may be that we are doomed, that there is no hope for us, any of us, but if that is so then let us set up a last agonizing, bloodcurdling howl, a screech of defiance, a war whoop! 也许我们命中注定要遭厄运,也许我们当中没有一个人有希望活下去。 6. When rabbit run the terminal point quickly, heard however to spread a burst of war whoop in the terminal point, the tortoise won again. 当兔子就快跑到终点时,却听到在终点传来了一阵欢呼声,乌龟又赢了。 7. It is quick deeply of comfortable one breath, flank rang out war whoop, voice big arrive it quick get a fright, turn round on see, don't know in oil press when, jam from surroundings to join a crowd for fun of people. 之敏深深的舒了一口气,旁边响起了欢呼声,声音大到把之敏吓了一跳,转身一看,油坊里不知何时,挤满了从周围来看热闹的人们。 8. whoop是什么意思 8. Turn, top carry on the back, last, Dan Feng, pull Yan, Jian, the side Deng hang up to kick, an action make and will come out and see person the dimmed eyesight be confused, crowd inside continuously send out to drink a colourful voice, war whoop. 转,上背,上顶,丹凤,拉燕,起毽,侧蹬勾踢,一个个动作使将出来,看得人眼花缭乱,人群里不停的发出喝彩声,欢呼声。 9. The Canadian prime minister makes a special trip to New York, pay respects toward Soong Mei-ling, and invite her to leave for to add.6Month 14 days, Soong Mei-ling leaves for Canadian capital city, Ottawa to do to visit on the 3rd from New York.16The sunrise seat Canadian national legislature deliver a speech, two councilman in the hospitals dedicate with the war whoop with warmly applause.6Month 24 days, Soong Mei-ling once more visits the White House after Canada returned to arrive New York.6Month 29 days, Soong Mei-ling multiplies by an American government to have a special airplane to start on journey to return to country especially from American the south. 加拿大首相专程至纽约,向宋美龄致敬,并邀请她赴加。6月14日,宋美龄自纽约赴加拿大首都渥太华做3日访问。16日出席加拿大国会演说,两院议员献以欢呼声与热烈掌声。6月24日,宋美龄自加拿大回抵纽约后,再度访问白宫。6月29日,宋美龄自美国南部乘美国政府特备专机启程返国。 10. I wanna go back, but I know it will not the last time to whoop 我要回归,但不是最后一次呐喊。我知道 11. He gave a whoop of joy when he saw his new bicycle. 他看到自己的新自行车时,高兴得叫了起来。 12. whoop在线翻译 12. I`m leaving, all right? No big whoop. Continue your day. 我要走了,不要乱叫,接着过你们的日子 13. And you could hear her whoop to Jericho. 而且你能听到她大声叫喊。 14. I'll whoop your ass. 我会打得你屁股开花 15. So big whoop for me. 这么大的呐喊,为我。 16. Pump your fist in the air and go Whoop Whoop! 帮浦你的拳头空中和去兴奋的叫兴奋的叫! 17. Facing passer-by's accusation, the middle-aged woman not cares a whoop, firm must let old person lose money. 面对路人的指责,中年妇女毫不在意,坚决要让老人赔钱。?? 18. To put it in perspective, I had 500 people at aclap and whoop after I finished. I'm used to that 放入一个视角来看,几星期以前,在一个500人的研讨班上,当我讲完以后,所有的人都站起来,鼓掌以及叫好。 19. 19. Sitting or lying on a sled or toboggan, people coast whoop ing down to the very middle of the river, getting a lot of excitement and fun out of the experience 人们或坐或卧在冰橇上,沿着冰道向下俯冲,风驰电掣般地滑向江心,既惊险又有情趣。 20. I heard the whoop again; it was behind me yet, but in a different place; it kept coming, and kept changing its place, and I kept answering, till by and by it was in front of me again, and I knowed the current had swung the canoe's head down-stream, and I was all right if that was Jim and not some other raftsman hollering. 准是别的什么人的喊声吧,要不然,那就是我的划子转过头了。我把桨一扔,但听得喊声又起。还是在我身后,只是换了个地方。喊声不停地传来,又不停地更换地方,我呢,不停地答应。到后来,又转到了我的前边了。 whoop 词典解释 1. (高兴地)大喊,大叫 If you whoop, you shout loudly in a very happy or excited way. whoop的反义词 e.g. She whoops with delight at a promise of money. 她因为有可能获得一笔钱而高兴得大叫。 2. see also: whoops whoop 单语例句 1. Those inequities haven't worsened, but the failure of the talks are a small whoop. whoopwhoop 英英释义 noun 1. a loud hooting cry of exultation or excitement verb 1. cough spasmodically e.g. The patient with emphysema is hacking all day Synonym: hack 2. shout, as if with joy or enthusiasm e.g. The children whooped when they were led to the picnic table |
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