单词 | rapture |
释义 | rapture [英 [?r?pt??(r)] 美 [?r?pt??] ] rapture的意思、解释 过去式:raptured; 过去分词:raptured; 现在分词:rapturing; 复数形式:raptures; rapture 基本解释 名词极度欢喜 及物动词使…狂喜 rapture 相关例句 名词 1. He fell into raptures over classic music. 他对古典音乐喜爱若狂。 2. She listened with rapture to the sweet music. 她着迷地听着那美妙的音乐。 rapture 网络解释 1. 狂喜:托凯完成于2001年的打击乐协奏曲(Rapture)的灵感来自叶芝托凯这部打击乐协奏曲是为苏格兰皇家国立交响乐团创作的,2001年由该团与青年打击乐家柯里(Colin Currie,1976~ )合作在阿尔索普(Marin Alsop)指挥下首演于格拉斯哥. 2. 欢天喜地:phet of Everblight)欢天喜地(Rapture) 特殊能力(多重) 威力(7) 加总(16)灭世喷吐(Blighted Breath) 射程(SP) 射击次数(1) 范围(-) 威力(12)武艺大绝Feat-暗黑苏醒(Dark Revival)你选择一只非角色的已方灭世军团魔兽返回游戏, 3. 3. (被提):我们若要深入认识潘汤,理应以他从神所领受的主要托付着手,也就是在他最主要的两卷著作(The Judgment Seat of Christ)和(Rapture)所详细解释的. 4. 着迷:rapprochement 和睦 | rapture 着迷 | rapturous 狂喜 rapture 双语例句 1. O bewitching night, exquisite rapture, O delightful memory, mad elation, sweet dream! 哦,令人心醉神迷的夜晚,明亮的星群,哦,温馨的回憶。狂醉的欢乐,甜蜜的梦乡! 2. But first from under shadie arborous roof, Soon as they forth were come to open sight Of day-spring, and the Sun, who scarce up risen With wheels yet hov'ring o're the Ocean brim, [140] Shot paralel to the earth his dewie ray, Discovering in wide Lantskip all the East Of Paradise and Edens happie Plains, Lowly they bow'd adoring, and began Thir Orisons, each Morning duly paid [145] In various style, for neither various style Nor holy rapture wanted they to praise Thir Maker, in fit strains pronounc't or sung Unmeditated, such prompt eloquence Flowd from thir lips, in Prose or numerous Verse, [150] More tuneable then needed Lute or Harp To add more sweetness, and they thus began. 首先从密林如盖的荫翳下,走进一望无际的晨光普照的旷野,太阳还没有升起,他的车轮还徘徊在天边海际,他那带露的光线,平射在大地上,显现出乐园东部和伊甸福地的辽阔土地的风光,他们二人便卑躬虔诚地礼赞天神,像每天早晨一样,各种体裁的向创造主唱念,颂歌赞词,出口成章,有合乐的歌曲,即兴的颂词,都成神圣的欢乐,也有美妙的韵语和无韵散文,与丝竹合奏相比,更加和谐合律,更加妥贴亲切,于是二人开始这样唱道 3. rapture的意思 3. Within the premillennial movement another issue, the time of the rapture of the church, has given rise to three views. 内部premillennial运动的另一个问题是,这个时间的破裂的教会,已经引起了三点看法。 4. I think what we`re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. 我认为我们找的是活着的体验,所以我们的纯身体层面的生活体验就会和我们最深处的灵魂产生共鸣,所以我们实际上感受着生命的欣喜若狂。 5. He's always gazing in/with rapture at the girl he loves. 了老是喜不自胜地注视着他心爱的姑娘。 6. She stretched out her arm to enjoin silence about her, held her breath, and began to listen with rapture 她伸出手臂,叫大家静下去,她屏着气,听得心往神驰。 7. She stretched out her arm to enjoin silence about her, held her breath, began to listen with rapture. 她伸出手臂,叫大家静下去,她屏着气,听得心往神驰。 8. rapture是什么意思 8. For, though the celestial rapture falling out of heaven seizes only upon those of tender age, and although a beauty overpowering all analysis or comparison, and putting us quite beside ourselves, we can seldom see after thirty years, yet the remembrance of these visions outlasts all other remembrances, and is a wreath of flowers on the oldest brows. 这段我试着翻了一下,有很多地方觉得别扭,希望大家多提意见。。。尽管降临自天国的狂喜至悦只能震慑稚龄人们的心魄,尽管令人溺惑痴狂以至难于析较的冶艳丽质在人过中年后已属百无一见,然而此种美妙情景却有如斑斑鹤发上的花冠,鲜活于记忆中,回味逾常。 9. But one of the brightest kids picked up a piece, bit off a chunk, and started crunching away. The look of near rapture on his face meant it must have been delicious. So we rushed over, grabbed pieces of our own, and started crunching away. 一个聪明的孩子拿起一块煤,咯嘣咯嘣地吃起来,看他吃得香甜的样子,味道肯定很好,于是我们一拥而上,每人抢了一块煤,咯嘣咯嘣吃起来。 10. I want you to sing with rapture and dance like a dervish. 这句话用中文不好翻译,只能自己去体会。 11. I did not interested in listening. By in the ETP class are the rapture after the study. 没兴趣听。而到了基地之后上课都是全神灌注的学习。 12. rapture 12. The Reformers restored biblical perspectives by insisting that faith is more than orthodoxy, not fides merely, but fiducia, personal trust and confidence in God's mercy through Christ; that it is not a meritorious work, one facet of human righteousness, but rather an appropriating instrument, an empty hand outstretched to receive the free gift of God's righteousness in Christ; that faith is God - given, and is itself the animating principle from which love and good works spontaneously spring; and that communion with God means, not an exotic rapture of mystical ecstasy, but just faith's everyday commerce with the Savior. 改革者恢复了圣经的观点,坚持信仰的是多正统,而不是目的,只是,但fiducia ,个人的信任和信心,在上帝的怜悯,透过基督的,这不仅是功勋卓著的工作,一个小面人的正义,而是挪用仪器,一个空洞的手outstretched获得免费的礼物上帝的公义,在基督信仰是上帝-赋予,而且本身的生动活泼的原则,从其中的爱与善自发弹簧,并认为与上帝的手段,而不是一个外来的破裂神秘的狂喜,而只是信仰的日常商务与救世主。 13. With increase of bamboo ratio in the laminated composite, modulus of rapture and modulus of elasticity of the laminated composite increased, but their strength/weight ratio were different. 随着竹材在层积复合材料中比例的增加,复合材料的静曲强度和弹性模量增高,但强重比变化随复合形式的不同而有所差别。 14. What would you say again to the tale of Zeus, who, while other gods and men were asleep and he the only person awake, lay devising plans, but forgot them all in a moment through his lust, and was so completely overcome at the sight of Here that he would not even go into the hut, but wanted to lie with her on the ground, declaring that he had never been in such a state of rapture before, even when they first met one another 你难道还会说起关于宙斯的童话,当其它诸神和人类还在酣睡之中时,他独自醒着,可以随意规划安排世界,却不幸暂时忘却了一切,只顾独自满足私欲,结果完全被赫拉的美貌所控制,然后就钻进了欲望的小屋去逍遥快活去了,只记得如何跟赫拉她颠鸾倒凤,从此君王不早朝了,只记得他们初次相逢的销魂时刻 15. He quaffed the swelling rapture of life from the foaming goblet of the infinite. 他从那穹苍的起泡的杯中,痛饮充满生命的狂喜。 16. 16. Mother full of grace, I know that in Nazareth. You live in poverty, wanting nothing more. No rapture, miracle, or ecstasy. Embellish your life. 在纳匝肋,妳虽是充满圣宠的童贞女,却愿渡极贫穷的生活,什麼也不愿多有,没有欢乐,没有奇迹,没有神往来装饰妳的生活。 17. Wilson`s lap, where she fondled the weather-proof coat with rapture. 她欢大喜地地抚摸着那不怕伤风着凉的皮毛。 18. In the midst of his rapture, he was interrupted by his father. 他正欢天喜地,被他父亲打断了。 19. 19. Cause I think we should just sit in rapture. 原因我认为我们应该只是坐在着迷地听。 20. rapture的翻译 20. Because I think we should just sit in rapture. 我们就坐着认真听吧。 rapture 词典解释 1. 狂喜;欣喜若狂 Rapture is a feeling of extreme happiness or pleasure. e.g. The film was shown to gasps of rapture at the Democratic Convention... 在民主党大会上放映的电影使人们十分欣喜。 e.g. His speech was received with rapture by his supporters... 他的演说受到支持者们的热烈欢迎。 rapture 单语例句rapture 1. Samaranch's revelation set off a citywide explosion of volcanic and festive ceremonies and sent local people into triumphant rapture. 2. Then Zidane wrapped up the final before halftime, and sent France into rapture. 3. Camping predicted that the rapture would occur May 21 " beyond the shadow of a doubt ", a day when Christian believers would be lifted to Heaven. 4. It causes dissociation in the user and its effects range from rapture and paranoia to extreme boredom. |
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