单词 | receptive |
释义 | receptive [英 [r??sept?v] 美 [r??s?pt?v] ] receptive的意思、解释 receptive 基本解释 形容词善于接受的; 能容纳的; 有接受力的; 感受的,感官的 receptive 情景对话 求职面试 B:What do you find frustrating in a work situation? 在工作中,什么事令你不高兴? A:Sometimes, the narrow-minded people make me frustrated. /Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. 胸襟狭窄的人,有时使 我泄气。/不能接受新思想的那些人。 receptive 网络解释 1. receptive在线翻译 1. 接受性的:复习时应该注意,想要写出更为地道的英文,必须通过听、读这类接受性的(receptive)语言活动,提高对语言的感悟能力,即语言意识,只有通过与真实语言的充分接触,才能让自己获得一定的鉴赏眼力, 2. 接受的:我们可以把说与写的技能训练看作创作的 (productive) 活动,而把听和读的训练当作接受的 (receptive) 活动. 我们也可以把听和说的活动归为口语和听力的技能训练,把读和写看作一种书面的技能训练. 这样, 3. 接受性:高频词汇属于产出性(productive)词汇,低频词汇一般属于接受性(receptive)词汇. 因此,我们应该把较多的精力放在高频词汇上. 高中阶段可以把比较常用的1800~2000个单词作为产出性词汇来教学,要求学生不仅会读会拼,记注基本词义, receptive 双语例句 1. The method of polyintracellular microelectrodes was applied to confirm the type of synapses between the mechanoreceptor neurons T, P and N cell and the AP cell and the phenomenon of positional discrimination of the receptive fields by AP cell. The synapse between the T cell and AP cell was rectifying electrical and that between the P cell and AP cell was the same. The synapse between the lateral N cell and the contralateral AP cell included rectifying electrical and excitatory chemical synapses and the synapse between the middle N cell and the contralateral AP cell was rectifying electrical and inhibitory chemical. The synapses between the N cells and their ipsilateral AP cell were rectifying electrical. 采用多根细胞内微电极记录的手段,分别对机械感觉神经元T、P和N细胞与同体神经节中AP细胞的突触连接方式和部位分辨现象进行了确证。T细胞与AP细胞的突触连接方式是整流型电突触;P细胞与AP细胞的突触连接方式是整流型电突触;N〓细胞与对侧的AP细胞的突触连接方式是整流型电突触和兴奋性的化学突触,N〓细胞与对侧的AP细胞的突触连接方式是整流型电突触和抑制性的化学突触,N细胞与同侧的AP细胞的突触连接方式是整流型电突触。 2. After all, Yahoo may be more receptive to a deal now, but that is less reflective of Microsoft's often erratic deal-making strategy than Yahoo's weak negotiating position. 毕竟雅虎现在或许更有可能接受一项城下之盟了,但这与其说是微软那经常无固定套路的谈判策略起了作用,倒不如说应归功于雅虎不利的谈判处境。 3. receptive的翻译 3. Hearts and flowers are a must, and Libras showered with a sea of beautiful things are likely to be most receptive to amorous entreaties. 对多情的追求者们而言,真心与鲜花是必不可少的,而若能使天秤们沉浸在美丽的事物中将会使其更添胜算。 4. Otherwise you will not be receptive enough to benefit from my more powerful weekly mental energy gifts in the future. 非虹道仙宗学员务必使用快乐针达到纯熟与稳定的状态,不然我将来每个星期会发送意识能量大礼,格友仍然是乌龟吃大麦,收不到。 5. By contrast, TI`s Asia and Pacific regional director, Peter Rooke, said Indonesia`s BRR agency had been very receptive to the involvement of affected communities in reconstruction and was well aware of the need to control corruption. 与此对比,透明国际的亚太地区负责人 Peter Rooke 认为,印度尼西亚的恢复与重建代表处非常乐于接受公共社团参与重建活动并对腐败控制的必要性有良好的认知。 6. receptive的解释 6. The hemispheres of the brain display clear functional differences. Language and speech, brief duration stimuli, and detailed information are processed in the left hemisphere in most individuals. The right hemisphere appears to process information in a more holistic fashion, preferring spatial and tonal information. Lesions to Wernicke`s area in the dominant hemisphere result in a receptive language deficit with relatively intact speech fluency, whereas damage to Broca`s area results in loss of speech fluency. Damage to the arcuate fasciculus connecting these two regions will result in conduction aphasia, and damage to all of these regions will produce global deficit. 大脑的两个半球显示清楚的功能上差异,在多数个体中的左半球负责著语言以及言谈简短期间的刺激及细节般的资料处理,右半球则明显地在一种较多全体论的潮流去处理资讯,较优於空间及音乐的资讯,在显性半球魏尼凯区域的损害导致於语言接收的不足,随著相对完整的流利言谈,虽然布洛卡区域的损害会引发言谈流利的丧失,有关於这两个区域对弓状的肌束的损害将导致失语症,同时对这区域的所有损害也将产生球体的不足。 7. receptive是什么意思 7. But the ACLU president found a receptive listener in Oriana McGee, a student from Hamilton High School in Los Angeles. 但锡先生发现一名犯人在接受听众McGee公司、汉密尔顿从高中学生在洛杉矶。 8. receptive 8. You will be extremely receptive to new and progressive methods at work. 你极易吸收新的先进的工作方法。 9. receptive的意思 9. In fact, approval is often counter-productive because it sedates the brain and makes it less receptive to new facts or a re-examination of conclusions formed earlier. 其实,认可制约了生产力,因为它使大脑镇定,使它不容易接受新事物或者再次检查以前下的结论。 10. receptive在线翻译 10. The receptive field theory and the lateral inhibition mechanism are of the same view. 论证了感受野学说和侧抑制理论的本质一致性。 11. To promote the bilateral communication, the Ming and Qing governments together with Ryukyu set up special receptive agencies and built ship making basements, favorable harbors and religious temples. All these historical sites become great monuments for the bilateral communication, and the tombstones for dead Ryukyuan in China, the Ryukyuan tributes and their manuscripts or paintings in the Forbidden City of Beijing witness the friendly contact in history. 为保证双方的顺利交往,明清政府与琉球王国成立专门的接待机构、开辟有利的造船基地和航海港湾,修建相关的宗教寺庙,这些遗迹成为中琉友好交往史上的伟大丰碑;而来华死难者的坟茔墓碑、北京故宫所珍藏的琉球贡品、琉球册封使及其从客的著述遗墨,则成为这段友好交往史的有力见证。 12. Whenever do one thing better prepared psychologically people tend to be more likely to be successful, or more receptive to constant error and constantly make new attempt. 但凡做一件事,心理上准备得好的人,往往会更加容易成功,或者说更加容易接受不断的失败,再不断的进行新的尝试。 13. receptive在线翻译 13. As a IE, Minds that are not receptive to new ideas. 作为一名IE工程师,我认为那些不能接受新思想的人更难改变。 14. An inflammatory encephalitic process has been suggested as a possible cause of this disorder. About two-thirds of patients are left with a more or less severe receptive language deficit. 这种情况的病因仍未知,但临床的特徵显示了发炎性脑炎过程病变的可能性,有叁分之二的儿童有严重的接受性语言障碍。 15. The seamy side of life can leave one calloused and impenetrable. But the earthquake brought the jailer to his knees both physically and spiritually. He was open, receptive, softened by the circumstances. 遭遇不愉快的人生经历,可以令人硬心和故步自封,但一场地震令这名狱卒的身心灵都折服了,这件事令他变得开放、接纳,内心亦软化下来。 16. The receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells comprise a central approximately circular area, where light has one effect on the firing of the cell, and an annular surround, where light has the opposite effect on the firing of the cell. 随其 17. These statistics suggest that companies that are interested in creating a FISC will probably find a receptive government audience. 这些统计数字显示,公司表示有兴趣在创造一个国库可能会找到一个愿意接受政府的观众。 18. It is a very active state of mind, a very receptive state of mind, ready at an instant to grasp an image, yet with no image pre-formed in it at any time. 但是其神智是积极的、接收的,准备好在任何瞬间撷取影像,且不论何时心中都没有任何预先形成的影像。 19. receptive 19. Their behaviors of visiting and entering the receptive fig were comparatively studied, and further their active time inside the fig was also investigated. The results showed that these two wasp species had intraspecific fighting behavior when they looked for the ostiole, and the fight of D. yangi was more drastic. 结果显示:在搜寻苞片处进蜂口时,2种榕小蜂的种内均出现打斗行为,并且杨氏榕树金小蜂的打斗更为激烈,但种间没有打斗行为发生,杨氏榕树金小蜂总是等待钝叶榕传粉榕小蜂先期进入榕果,然后才跟随着进入。 20. 20. They become more receptive and skilful in recognising and dealing with changes. 这些儿童的接受能力较强,而且更容易洞悉及处理转变。 receptive 词典解释 1. (对新思想或建议)乐于接受的,能接纳的,善于听取的 Someone who is receptive to new ideas or suggestions is prepared to consider them or accept them. e.g. The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas... 选民看上去很愿意接受他的想法。 e.g. Do you think that there is any receptive audience for his remarks. 你觉得有人愿意接受他的言论吗? receptiveness There was less receptiveness to liberalism in some areas. 在一些地区自由主义并不怎么受欢迎。receptivity There was a lack of receptivity to the advances in science. 对于科学的进步还缺少接纳能力。 2. (对治疗)反应良好的,能接纳的 If someone who is ill is receptive to treatment, they start to get better when they are given treatment. e.g. ...those patients who are not receptive to treatment. 治疗未见效果的那些病人 receptive 单语例句receptive 1. The people of Hong Kong are today more receptive to the mainland, a commentator said in an exclusive interview on Monday. 2. Xi also urged the Party to be more tolerant of criticism and receptive to the views of others at a Lunar New Year's gathering. 3. The female's estrus period comes just once a year, and she is receptive for only a few days. 4. The spud wound up in the kitchen of someone with a receptive eye. 5. While not all fitness centres seem receptive to the idea at first, many workers are using their powers of persuasion to negotiate special rates. 6. She decided to study here because Pitt was receptive to her, and the friendliness of Pittsburgh residents has convinced her she made the right choice. 7. He said a few of the greens were more receptive on Saturday, but it was still too dangerous to attack with abandon. 8. How come they have been so receptive to what you have to say? 9. Yao Chen says being an attentive listener made refugees more receptive to her. 10. If all females of a group become receptive within a short period of time, it becomes increasingly difficult for a particular male to monopolize matings. receptive 英英释义 adj 1. able to absorb liquid (not repellent) e.g. the paper is ink-receptive 2. of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system e.g. sensory neurons Synonym: centripetalsensory(a) 3. open to arguments, ideas, or change e.g. receptive to reason and the logic of facts 4. ready or willing to receive favorably e.g. receptive to the proposals Synonym: open |
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