单词 | wizard |
释义 | wizard [英 [?w?z?d] 美 [?w?z?rd] ] wizard的意思、解释 复数形式:wizards; wizard 基本解释 wizard的近义词 名词男巫; 奇才; 行家; 向导(程序) wizard 同义词 wizard的解释 名词geniusmasterconjurorsorcererexpert wizard 反义词 名词witch wizard 相关例句 名词 1. She's a wizard at playing harp. 她是弹奏竖琴的奇才。 2. That's a fairy story about a wizard. 那是讲一个男巫的童话。 3. wizard在线翻译 3. Edison was a wizard at invention. 爱迪生是一个发明奇才。 wizard 网络解释 1. wizard 1. 法師:索尼将这一交易看作是零售合作伙伴参与其数字发行计划的范例.索...该作首席设计师Jay Wilson在接受D3爱好者网站的采访时首次明确表示,只有巫医才具备与前作类似的魔法值系统(蓝罐罐),法师(Wizard)和武僧(Monk)没有可资利用的魔法储能系统, 2. 2. 男巫:Library) 为魔法工会每层增加一种魔法 守望塔(Lookout Tower) 扩大各城的视野翅膀雕像(Sculptor Wings) 使石像鬼每周产量+4知识之墙(Wall of Knowledge) 为访问的英雄增加1点知识炼金术士(Alchemist) 男巫(Wizard)加速(Haste) wizard 双语例句 1. I can have tea with the grand wizard of the KKK if I want 如果我愿意,我可以和和3K 党的头子坐在一起喝茶 2. wizard 2. I am a Muggle but you are a wizard 我是麻瓜而你是巫师 3. How does it differ from the standard wizard and sorcerer classes? 与传统的法师和术士相比又有什么不同? 4. That is correct: I used the uncouth term wizard, not sorcerer. 最近 Caldeum 的年轻人们很是崇拜这样一个不羁的巫师的故事。 5. wizard的反义词 5. These spells are drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. 这些法术依照术士/法师的法术列表。 6. These spells are drawn from the sorcerer/ wizard spell list. 这些法术依照术士/师的法术列表。 7. Have Products: OPP sealed with adhesive tape, textured plastic, double-sided tape, bubble bag, EPE, tensile membrane and a variety of industries with special adhesive tape products; 2004 business layer in view of market expansion and product wizard considerations, started planning for supporting the printing and packaging business, and in the same year in Dongguan Tangxia create wing and printing presses. 产品有:OPP封箱胶纸、美纹胶、双面胶、汽泡袋、珍珠棉、拉伸膜及各种工业用特殊胶粘带制品;2004年公司经营层鉴于市场拓展及产品向导因素的考虑,开始策划配套的印刷包装业务,并于同年在东莞塘厦创建荣和印刷厂。 8. It has multilanguage support and two work modes: Wizard and Standard. 它多语种的支持和两个工作模式:向导和标准。 9. 9. This article is the update of an article I had previously published: QA: How can I use a property sheet to implement a Wizard? 本文是一个我以前发表的文章更新:质量保证:如何使用属性表实施向导? 10. At that point it was essentially the idea for a boy who didn't know he was a wizard, and the wizard school he ended up going to. 在11岁生日那天,他获知自己有巫师潜质,经神秘人物指点,前往霍格沃茨魔法学校读书。 11. Setup Wizard based on Microsoft Windows Installer standard, easy to use Administration Application, and comprehensive Help allow system administrators to install, configure and run Narawen Inox POP3 Connector in efficient way. 安装向导基於微软的Windows Installer标准的,易於使用的管理应用,以及全面的帮助,让系统管理员安装,配置和运行narawen inox POP3的连接器,在高效地展开。 12. It supports forms processing, inclusion of HTML, graphics and XPATH filter wizard. 支持形式处理,HTML,图像和 XPATH 过滤器向导的包含物。 13. wizard在线翻译 13. Bragge appears on a Famous Wizard card because his actions changed the game of Quidditch forever. Bragge 成为著名巫师卡片上的人物,就是因为他彻底改写了魁地奇的历史。 14. Nothing, it's just that the Living One is the reincarnation of a powerful elf wizard...I can't, uh, remember his name, but I think it's carved down on that altar... {没什么,只不过转世者是一个伟大的精灵法师的转世……我现在,呃,记不起他的名字了,但是我想那个祭坛上一定刻了他的名字…… 15. Nazu is to maintain the strength of the ultimate strength of the entire Undead, Undead he was the source of strength, according to Li Dan Nazu almost destroyed the power of the dark night in the Wizard inadvertently saved Nazu, according to Li Dan in Qioujidan Almost under the command of the Frozen Throne, the Undead in the most critical moment, so that only those with the sorrow of frost Assas in order to save the fate of the Undead, despite the continued weakening in the force, or Assas Yiwufangu to go step by step ice Throne, he knew, only to kill an open Xue Lu, Nazu to save in order to allow their forces to continue to have, once lost the power of his presence or not, it will have any significance? 纳祖的力量是维持整个不死族的终极力量,他是不死族力量的根源,依利丹几乎毁灭了纳祖的力量,在暗夜精灵无意中挽救了纳祖之后,依利丹又在奇欧吉丹的命令下直逼冰封王座,在不死族最紧要的关头,只有拥有冰霜之哀的阿萨斯才能拯救不死族的命运,尽管力量在不断削弱,阿萨斯还是义无返顾地一步步走向冰封王座,他知道,只有杀开一条血路,解救纳祖,才能让自己继续拥有力量,一旦失去了力量,他的存在与否,还会有任何意义吗? 16. wizard的解释 16. Spring to make themselves more to get to know some friends, then please verdant leaflets when the wizard, lobular arch out of bud, bud skin becomes spring guide, the spring breeze while accompanied by dancing, while moving rapidly ahead with a negative inside, walk through the street, as if the fish swim freely in the water drag. 春风为使自己多结识一些朋友,便请嫩绿的小叶当向导,小叶拱出了芽,芽皮就成了春风的向导,一会儿伴着春风翩翩起舞,一会儿带着内负疾速前行,在大街上穿行,好似鱼儿在水中自由自在地游曳。 17. It uses a 14 step wizard that guides you through the menu creation and cusomization process. 该软件在整个菜单制作和定制过程当中使用一个14步的操作向导。 18. wizard的解释 18. Because the vast majority of website can all be grouped into a fairly small range of standard page layouts, CSS wizard offers each of these via a simple selection as the first step of the process. 由于绝大多数的网站都可以归纳为一个相当小的范围标准页面布局,css的向导提供上述每通过一个简单的选择,作为第一步,这一进程。 19. System Speedup Wizard is a application software accelerator which is directviewing, simplicity of operator and practical. System Speedup Wizard是一个直观、操作简单、功能实用的应用程序加速器。 20. wizard的解释 20. For He is the greatest wizard, not I and not you. 因为他是最大的巫,不是我不和你。 wizard 词典解释 1. (传说或童话故事中的)魔法师 In legends and fairy stories, a wizard is a man who has magic powers. 2. 奇才;能手;行家 If you admire someone because they are very good at doing a particular thing, you can say that they are a wizard . e.g. ...a financial wizard... 金融奇才 e.g. Accountant John Talbot is a wizard with numbers. 会计师约翰·塔尔博特精通数字。 3. 向导程序 A wizard is a computer program that guides you through the stages of a particular task. e.g. Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages. 向导程序和模板可以帮助你创建手册、日历和网页。 wizard 单语例句 1. Sales have remained phenomenal even as Rowling's books have grown longer and darker, reflecting the boy wizard's maturation into adolescence. 2. The creator of boy wizard Harry Potter was voted Britain's greatest living writer in a survey released Thursday. 3. The real wizard in his life was his father August Coppola, who taught literature and served as dean of creative arts at San Francisco State University. 4. With a $ 125 million opening weekend, " Deathly Hallows " had the biggest start yet for the franchise about the young wizard. 5. Speculation has run high that " Deathly Hallows " could mark the death of the boy wizard hero. 6. The last of the eight films about the young wizard is the first in the franchise to reach the billion dollar mark. 7. It took Treebeard week after week to drum up other ents to fight Saruman, the bad wizard. 8. Harry learns that his parents were wizards and were killed by an evil wizard Voldemort, a truth that was hidden from him all these years. 9. That the future of the wizard world hangs in the balance in this final installment is only part of the tale. 10. It would take a young wizard's magic to solve this mystery, but alas Harry Potter's tale has been told. wizard 英英释义 noun 1. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field Synonym: aceadeptchampionsensationmavenmavinvirtuosogeniushotshotstarsuperstarwhizwhizzwiz 2. one who practices magic or sorcery Synonym: sorcerermagiciannecromancerthaumaturgethaumaturgist |
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