单词 | works |
释义 | works [英 [w?:ks] 美 [w?:ks] ] works的意思、解释 过去式:worked; 过去分词:worked; 现在分词:working; 复数形式:workings; works 基本解释 名词工程; [机] 工厂,工场; 所有的事物; 全套物品; 作为( work的名词复数 ) 动词(使)工作( work的第三人称单数 ); (使)运作; 运转; (使)产生效果 works 情景对话 Heating Air-Conditioning-(暖气和空调) A:Wow, you keep this place cold. 哇,你这个地方真够凉快的。 B:Yep. It’s cold in the summer, hot in the winter. 是。冬暖夏凉。 works A:Your electricity bills must be enomp3ous. 你的电费可不得了吧。 B:Yeah, well, it’s a small price to pay to be comfortable, in my mind. 是呀,可是,我觉得要住得舒适这点钱不算什么。 A:It is nice to come in here after a run. 跑步完进来这里真不赖。 B:Yeah. The central heating and air-conditioning works like a champ3. 是呀,中央冷暖系统简直妙不可言。 A:I usually don’t use it unless it gets really hot. I just open up some windows, and I’m fine. 除了真的非常热我是不会用(空调)的。就把窗户打开,这样就很好了。 works的解释 B:My friend’s family did the same thing. I could never get used to it, though. 我朋友家里也是这样。可是我可不习惯。 了解航班情况 works的反义词 A:Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand? 你们有没有直飞新西兰的航班? B:Sorry, we dont. But I think you can fly on Northwest 222 to Tokyo and then have a connecting flight on Japan Airline 123 to Auckland. And it is the most economical flight, just USD 560. 对不起,我们没有直飞的航班,但你可以乘坐西北航空公司222航班到达东 京,转乘日本航空公司的123班机到达奥克兰。这个航线也是最经济的,机票才560美元。 A:When does the Flight 222 depart? 那么222航班什么时候起飞呢? B:At 11:30am. By the way, it also makes a refueling stop at Chicago. 上午11:30。顺便提一下,此次航班还要在芝加哥加油。 A:How big is the layover at Chicago? 在芝加哥加油需要停留多长时间? B:Less than one hour. 不到一个小时。 works什么意思 A:And how long do I have to stay in Tokyo for the connecting flight? 我需要在东京呆多久才能转机? B:Not so long, just one hour. 不长,才一个小时。 A:So the time for the whole journey is about... 那么整个旅程大约是… B:About eleven hours. 大约十一个小时。 works什么意思 A:Let me count. OK, it works out for my time schedule. Thanks a lot. 让我计算一下,还行,比较适合我的时间安排。多谢。 works在线翻译 B:You are welcome. 不用谢。 Promotional Activities-(促销活动) A:As you know, the FastTrek 2000 is due for release next month. I think weve finally worked the kinks out. 正如你所知,FastTrek 2000 预定在下个月推出。我想我们已经解决了所有琐碎的问题。 B:Great. Thats vital. Quality is the focus of the ad campaign. The boards must work well if theyre going to be the cash cow we want them to be. 太好了。那很重要。品质是广告活动的焦点。如果要让这些适配卡如我们所要的成为摇钱树的话,就不能出乱子。 A:Lets go over our promotion plans again. 我们再看一遍我们的促销计划。 B:OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows. 我们有六家主要的零售商在大部分的分店做展示。而且我们的展示队伍已经为计算机展在起跑了。 A:Good. What about print and radio? 很好,那印刷品和广播呢? B:Weve taken out full-page ads for two large trade magazines. And more important, our press releases have been well received. 我们在两家大的商业杂志刊登了全版广告。更重要的是,我们的新闻稿已经全被采纳了。 A:Any larger ads? 有再大一点的广告吗? works的反义词 B:Yes. Were putting the same full-page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers. 有的。我们在三大报的星期天版面放了相同的全版广告。 A:Sounds perfect. 听起来很周全。 B:But nothing ever works out as you want it. So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve, as well. 不过有时候就是会事与愿违,所以我还有很多其它的妙计。 works 网络解释 1. 1. 工厂:他拥有众多的分支机构..比如实验室(Labs),工厂(Works),娱乐中心(Games)等等.. 他认为,用户体验远远要比产品性能重要..于是,专门开放了体验中心.. 当然,对于企业解决方案他也不是不在意,因为,企业领域毕竟是个香饽饽.. 2. works的反义词 2. 著作:用 文本 (texts)取代了 著作 (works),如欲取得最佳浏览效果,请使用最新的、使用串联样式表(CSS)的浏览器. 虽然你可以使用目前的浏览器浏览网站,但是,你不能获得最佳视觉享受. 请考虑使用最新版本的浏览器软件或在可能情况下让你的浏览器可以使用串联样式表. works 双语例句 1. I applied it to my blog and it works like a charm. 我套用到我的博客,它就像一个工程的魅力。 2. The emancipation of their minds, the raised economic incomes and social status, and also the strengthened pressure from their works make more and more women go out and choose the form of travel to relax and keep abreast of the outside world. 女性思想的解放,经济收入和社会地位的提高以及在工作生活中所承受的压力的不断增强,使越来越多的女性走出家门,选择以旅游的方式来放松心情并了解外面的世界。 3. In the competition of 2008, we had collected 975 pieces of effective works. 年的活动,我们收集了 975 份有效作品,每个参与者收到了 4500 美元的奖学金和一件超酷的 T 恤。 4. In the first part we will describe what VMware is, how it works, and how to install it. 第一部分我们将描述什么是VMware,它的工作方式,以及怎样安装它。 5. Here`s how to do it, and why it works 下面是这个滤镜的工作原理和过程。。。 6. This chapter describes the pluralism style in his lyrics, and the contradictions between his ideas and works, from which a common attitude on lyrics in Song dynasty can be observed - in favor of but no courage to speak out about the favor. 本章详细分析了王灼词在风格上的多元化倾向,以及词学思想与词作创作之间的矛盾,以及从中折射出的整个宋代文人所共有的一种对词爱而不敢公开言爱的态度。 7. 7. Over the past four years the company has set up the following projects: Rizhao City Construction Committee Building elevator between Mentao stone materials for decoration, the national flag for Taiwan and the stone facade and construction; Rizhao City Mentao the Inland Revenue Department building elevator doors decorated stone for construction materials and, within Dry-hanging stone wall for materials and construction, the East China Sea Hotel for materials; Gloria Plaza Hotel before the floor, stone ornaments for materials; sunshine-million for materials and construction of the hotel; part of the Shandong Water Conservancy Institute for materials and installation; sunshine Commissioner of South East along the external walls of floor dry hanging Stone materials and for installation in Chinese medicine hospitals, the East and the transformation of the old city hospital and other projects for materials and installation; sunshine Belvedere Garden staircase still for materials and installation works. 成立四年来公司曾为下列工程服务:日照市建委综合楼电梯间门套石饰供料,国旗台及门面供石材及施工;日照市地税局大厦电梯门门套石饰供料及施工,内墙干挂石材供料及施工;东海饭店供料;凯莱大酒店前楼石材饰品供料;日照万平酒店部分供料及施工;山东水利学院部分供料及安装;日照东关南路沿街楼外墙干挂石材供料及安装;市中医院、东港医院及旧城改造等工程供料及安装;日照丽城花园楼梯踏步供料及安装等工程。 8. NTOURS GLOBAL】works at offer useful information to the members of DCN CLUB. Design and promote new international travel routes and products, . Train the agents and contact wholesalers, we also offer quotations and service to groups and individuals travelers 驾游天下-NTOURS GLOBAL】发布的所有内容和所提供的资讯,旨在为DCN CLUB会员提供详实有用的资讯,针对国际市场的出境线路产品进行设计和推广,负责与各批发商联络并提供新线路培训,同时也提供对团散客的报价和跟踪协调服务。 9. Religion works for some people, but I'm just here'cause I got kicked out of Westview. 宗教对某些人有用但我来这里是因为被西景开除 10. works什么意思 10. Chapter II first inspects more than 140 kinds of poetic works, and then this chapter studies the form of these works. 第二章首先考察了明代140多种诗话、诗格和诗法的著作。 11. The concerned research works of VFTO is investigated. A new transient circuit model to the question of the steep front and high amplitude value of VFTO is proposed based on general transient circuit model. The numeric simulation that disconnector switched off short bus has been proceeded by using above circuit model and the comparison of results with the one based on EMTP are given. 首先针对操作GIS中隔离开关所产生的快速暂态过电压上升时间短及幅值高的特点,在一般暂态电路模型的基础上提出了新的暂态电路模型,并利用该模型,对GIS中隔离开关切断短母线的等值电路进行了数值模拟,并与电磁暂态程序的计算结果进行了比较。 12. works什么意思 12. The works were on display in Washington for the first part of 1996, before moving to The Hague in Holland to celebrate the tercentenary of the Amsterdam auction. 1996年初,这些作品在华盛顿展出,而后移至荷兰海牙以庆祝阿姆斯特丹那场拍卖300周年。 13. He was always in great ferment when he was painting, and his works exhibit an expressionist style 他在创作的时候,处于一种高度兴奋与紧张状态,很有点表现主义的味道 14. The Italian illustrators'works are always coloful(don't know why), and I think that is what I need-To be COLORFUL. Ironically, this set of books cost me almost 40000 NT. 很讽刺的是这一套绘本花了我将近四万元,我几乎是没有读他们,现在已经在我书柜中积灰尘了,真是浪费。 15. I`ve found that this method works even better on the grill. 我发现这种方法更美好的晚餐。 16. Parsec S. r. l., a company that works closely with Crowcon in the Italian wine industry, installed the units. 该装置由Parsec有限责任公司负责安装,该公司与科诺康公司在意大利酒行业有着紧密的合作。 17. If it works, you travel to Vega at the speed of light. 如果运行正常,你将以光速前往织女星 18. Sound internal organization, internal management is standardized and orderly, the company has major management system: the company management manuals, personnel management manual, the Logistics Management Manual, works to tender agent management manual, financial and accounting management manual, staff performance appraisal management manuals. 公司内部组织机构健全,内部管理规范有序,公司主要管理制度有:公司管理手册、人事管理手册、行政后勤管理手册,工程招标代理管理手册,财务会计管理手册,公司员工业绩考评管理手册等。 19. With his works as example, he showed his understanding of characters and his local customs and artistic spirit. 之后他给学生们欣赏了他的人物作品,展示了他对人物的另一种理解,表达了他们国家特有的民族习俗、人文气质。 20. works的翻译 20. In order to analyze the reason that model of rural mass participation works in the period of Chinese transformation, the second chapter analyzes the impression of compressive system. 通过回顾人民公社体制时期以来的乡村政治参与发展特征和转型期中国农村化解两委矛盾的两个典型方案,第二章论证了乡村群众参与模式对于转型期中国乡村政治参与问题的现实解释力。 works 单语例句works 1. Not only does the art of storytelling spin magic for the game industry, it also influences how advertising business works. 2. The organization she works for is funded partly by the Hong Kong business community. 3. To prove herself a worthy match, she works toward becoming a successful businesswoman herself. 4. I have a wonderful teacher named Emily who works with me and is very patient when I butcher her language. 5. We act in strict compliance with the authorization, and exploit digital copies of the works in a reasonable and legal manner. 6. Lopez once said she does squats and works with loads of weights in the gym to achieve her butt's shape. 7. Wyden says that while there are numerous interpretations of how the Patriot Act works, the official government interpretation of the law remains classified. 8. Monday's Nobel awards ceremony set off another buying rush on Mo's works among Chinese readers. 9. Neilson began buying works, but soon ran out of space to hang them. 10. Such a clause would raise the cost of public works projects funded by the stimulus package and affect the efficiency of the US economy. works 英英释义 noun 1. performance of moral or religious acts e.g. salvation by deeds the reward for good works Synonym: deeds 2. buildings for carrying on industrial labor e.g. they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles Synonym: plantindustrial plant 3. the internal mechanism of a device Synonym: workings 4. everything available usually preceded by `the' e.g. we saw the whole shebang a hotdog with the works we took on the whole caboodle for $10 you get the full treatment Synonym: whole shebangwhole kit and caboodlekit and caboodlewhole kit and boodlekit and boodlewhole kitwhole caboodlewhole worksfull treatment |
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