单词 | disembodied |
释义 | disembodied [英 [?d?s?m?b?did] 美 [?d?s?m?bɑ:did] ] disembodied的意思、解释 disembodied 基本解释 形容词(灵魂)脱离肉体的; 脱离实体的; 无身体的; 不具形体的 disembodied 相关例句 形容词 1. disembodied 1. Disembodied voices could be heard in the darkness. 在黑暗中听见了人声,却看不见人影。 disembodied 网络解释 1. 无实质的:disembarrassment 使免于困窘 | disembodied 无实质的 | disembodiment 脱离 2. 无实体的、空洞的:full-bodied (味道等)浓郁而强烈的 | disembodied 无实体的、空洞的 | unstudied 不造作的,优雅的 3. 非实体化:非物质化:dematerrialized | 非实体化:disembodied | 虚拟现实 virtual reality 4. 无实质的; 脱离现实的 (形):disembarkation 登陆; 上岸 (名) | disembodied 无实质的; 脱离现实的 (形) | disembodiment 脱离肉体; 遣散; 不具形体 (名) disembodied 双语例句 1. 1. Here, it suggests that contemporary aesthetics, historicism, and theory are in fact disembodied constructs--autonomous and self-referential. 这里,它建议,当代美学、historicism,和理论是实际上被遣散的修建--自治和自我参考。 2. Then, while a seedy-looking nondescript man carrying a leather bag stood on the steps of St. Paul`s Cathedral, and hesitated, for within was what balm, how great a welcome, how many tombs with banners waving over them, tokens of victories not over armies, but over, he thought, that plaguy spirit of truth seeking which leaves me at present without a situation, and more than that, the cathedral offers company, he thought, invites you to membership of a society; great men belong to it; martyrs have died for it; why not enter in, he thought, put this leather bag stuffed with pamphlets before an altar, a cross, the symbol of something which has soared beyond seeking and questing and knocking of words together and has become all spirit, disembodied, ghostly—why not enter in? 那时,一个穿地异常褴褛的男子拎着一个皮革的包站在圣保罗大教堂的阶梯上,踌躇不决的,在那里面充满着安慰,一个多么热烈的欢迎,多少写着墓志铭的坟墓在向他们招手呼唤,胜利的标志并不是献给军队的,而是献给,他认为,那讨厌的寻求真理的精神,而这种精神此刻没有理由的离开了我,还有比这更多的,教堂还能提供伙伴,他想,将邀请你成为社会的一员,伟大的人被葬在了这里,殉教者为它而牺牲,为什么不进去呢,他想着,站在圣坛前将皮包塞满传教的小册子,还有一个十字架,这是一种象征,高高在上的,探索着,寻求着,将不同的词组在一起,形成了一种涵盖一切的精神,无实质的,像鬼魂一样的——为什么不进去呢? 3. disembodied 3. The cold breeze is the so-called ectoplasmic issue of a disembodied soul passing by. 阴风就是灵魂的躯壳飘过的结果,所谓的空灵物。 4. Its best dialog comes its most notable character, a computer portrayed as a disembodied voice and unexpressive camera lens. 它最好的会话来它的最值得注意的个性,一部计算机描写如被使由肉体脱离的声音和 unexpressive 照相机透镜。 5. But... she opened up the box sometimes and let the phantom, who was neither boy nor girl but disembodied spirit, dance in the evening when there was no one to see. 但是。。。。有时她打开盒子放出幽灵,既不像男孩也不像女孩,而像空虚的灵魂,在无人的暗夜中漫舞。 6. It was white, with somewhat of a subdued silver sheen, like the sunny side of a cloud; and, falling over the wearer from head to foot, was supposed to insulate her from the material world, from time and space, and to endow her with many of the privileges of a disembodied spirit. 它是白色的,与一个银色光泽柔和一些,像云阳光明媚的一面;以及下降穿着者在头部到脚,应该是物质世界隔绝她从时间和空间,并赋予她同一个脱离现实的精神,许多特权。 7. disembodied是什么意思 7. The disembodied spirit of a dead human being; a shade. 幽灵:人类死亡后脱离人体躯壳的游魂;幽灵 8. This would be the loss to the Creator of part of the Creator and thus we were given permission, not to stop the events, but to ensure the survival of the, shall we say, disembodied mind/body/spirit complex. 我们被给予许可不去阻止这个事件的发生,但要确保那些脱离肉体的心/身/灵复合体的存活。 9. All in all, childrens accordion teaching does not only mean to teach children how to play accordion, more importantly, it help children to learn about music and peoples worldwide as well as to comprehend the accumulative aesthetics in the form of music and sound, to scrutinize the true, the good and the beautiful in music, to experience the strong emotional resonance arisen by music, Bring music education into full play as a soul purifier, a temperament cultivator, a wisdom enlightener, and a complement between emotion and interest; supersede ideas and activities that show craftsmanship, utilitarianistic, have skill and artistic meaning separated and have human quality and artistic meaning disembodied. 综上所述,儿童手风琴教学并不仅仅是为了教会孩子如何去弹琴,更重要的是通过手风琴这件乐器学习世界音乐文化,了解世界各个民族,积极地体悟音乐音响形式中的审美蕴积,审视音乐真善美的理想,去感受与之强烈共鸣的情感意兴,使音乐教育在审美活动中发挥净化心灵、陶冶性情、启迪智慧、情致互补的作用。 10. The moment seemed vaguely hallucinogenic, and I felt as if I were there but also somewhere else, my lonely soul like the disembodied spindrift of the whale's breath. 一时间我觉得恍恍惚惚,我明明身在甲板,可又感觉自己在不同的地方,自己孤独的灵魂就如同被鲸鱼的呼吸飞溅起的泡沫一样飘渺。 11. Disembodied Hand: Detach one of your hands and send it forth to manipulate objects or attack. 无形之手:切离你的一只手,并驱使它去操纵物体或战斗。 12. 12. It is not only disembodied but also restricting the application of practice regarding " preliminary audit strategies " as a way to be used to audit single designate and not to be used to whole audit. It should be corrected as soon as possible in the theory. 认为初步审计策略是审计单个认定可选用的方法,而不是整个审计的方法的说法不仅脱离实际,而且也制约了它在实务中的应用,理论上应尽快对其进行修正。 13. Byron himself is a disembodied idea, an aureate memory, compared with aaron. 跟埃伦相比,拜伦本人只是一个没有血肉的概念,一个光辉灿烂的回忆而已。 14. 14. This kind of thing a spontaneous handstand isn't something a disembodied cool blue soul can do, but a human being can do it. 这样的事不由自主的倒立之举不是脱离肉体的冷静的蓝色灵魂做得到的事,而人类却做得到。 15. A disembodied voice sounded from the back of the cabin. 从柜子后面传来了一个不见其人的声音。 16. It is, if I may say so, a disembodied ghost of a race, without a body, and it therefore inspires suspicion, and suspicion breeds hatred. 我可以说,它是个无体可附的鬼魂般的民族,因为无体,它易令人生疑,而疑心滋生仇恨。 17. It's as if Sal's first experience of Dean is already, in that scene, assimilated into the image of Dean: the disembodied, aesthetic image of Dean. 这好像是Sal第一次在那情景下,感到迪恩已经被同化成迪恩的形象:,空洞的,美的迪恩的形象。 18. disembodied的意思 18. It's just what you'd expect to see in a snap from an aquarium. A shark, blue water & and a disembodied HUMAN HEAD. 这就你在一张水族馆照片中所期望见到的:鲨鱼、海水,还有一个死人头! 19. disembodied 19. It is as though in this far country his spirit, that had wandered disembodied, seeking a tenement, at last was able to clothe itself in flesh. 仿佛是,思特里克兰德的精神一直脱离了他的躯体到处漫游,到处寻找寄宿,最后,在这个遥远的土地上,终于进入了一个躯壳。 20. In that context, then, using abstract, disembodied credit card points to purchase virtual purple cows is perhaps not that odd; or no more bizarre than what happens on Wall Street every day. 因此,在这种环境中,使用抽象、虚无的信用卡积分购买虚拟的紫奶牛,或许也不是那么奇怪的事情,至少不会比华尔街天天上演的戏码更加怪诞。 disembodied 词典解释 1. 似脱离人而存在的;无实体的;脱离现实的 Disembodied means seeming not to be attached to or to come from anyone. e.g. A disembodied voice sounded from the back of the cabin. 从柜子后面传来了一个不见其人的声音。 2. 脱离肉体的;与躯体分离的 Disembodied means separated from or existing without a body. e.g. ...a disembodied head. 一颗与躯体分离的头颅 disembodied 单语例句disembodied的近义词 1. Marlene is at the center of the novel, but she's oddly disembodied. 2. The disembodied noggin would whirl to the ground while the actor thrashed around. 3. Disembodied stairs spill out of many buildings, dangling from strands of rebar. disembodied 英英释义 adj 1. not having a material body e.g. bodiless ghosts Synonym: discorporateunembodiedbodilessunbodied |
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