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单词 disjunction
    disjunction [英 [d?s?d???k?n] 美 [d?s?d???k??n] ]
    disjunction 基本解释
    名词析取; 分离
    disjunction 同义词
    disjunction 反义词
    disjunction 网络解释
    1. 析取:结节之间的联系有强有弱,它们之间靠同义、析取(disjunction)等关系串联起来. 这说明当一个节点或连接受到激活,激活就会向各个方向扩散. 网络结构决定触发提取. 我们可以将这一模式与联想搭配记忆相联系起来. Deese(1958)的实验充分说明,
    2. disjunction
    2. 分离:他称之为一种「分离(disjunction)的策略......各事件不相关连,相冲突的关系则被小心的保留,并拒斥整合或整体性. 」他企图证明:不用传统的构成原则、层级组织或秩序性,也可以设计出一个复杂的组构. Tschumi描述他的设计是 点、线、面三个系统毫无秩序的重叠在一起.
    3. 间断:可以作为古北与东洋两界在本地区的分野.黄土高原与华北平原半干旱-半湿润环境的形成是对基本上属于湿润环境的季风区的干扰.它一方面是喜湿动物的阻障,导致南北方向扩散(dispersal)的中止或间断(disjunction),另一方面成为干旱成分向东扩散的通道.伴随着青藏高原而形成的横断山系,
    disjunction 双语例句
    1. disjunction的翻译
    1. If the creature hits a magical effect or magic item with this narrowed eye ray, it disjoins the effect or item as if it had cast Mordenkainen`s disjunction on the effect or item.
    2. It is the result of incomplete disjunction of the cutaneous ectoderm from neural ectoderm during the process of neurulation.
    3. Disjunction normal form theorem in the modal logic system S5 is inductively proved, which can be used for representing complex modal formulas by means of conjunction and disjunction of simplest modal formulas with depth at most 1 in the system S5. As application, it is proved that a knowledge base could answer KB-queries if and only if it could answer queries of non-modal propositions and their negations, which is a basic problem on knowledge base.
    4. The edgewise technique was used to align and level the upper and lower arches gradually and upright the lower incisors. Then, modified LeFort Ⅰ osteotomy was operated with 4 cases pterygomaxillary disjunction and the other 2 cases not. The maxillas were not moved during the operation and sutured mucoperiosteum at the same place. After 3-5 days latency period, elastic distraction about 700g/side and increasing to 1400g/side gradually, was started with two cases which the maxillas were not cut off totally.
    5. We has discussed the mechanism of the trivalent synaptic adjustment, and it`s important use to control the chiasmata and disjunction of the chromosomes.
    6. e-PTFE was implanted into the pitting area after subcuntaneous disjunction. Results: 15 cases were followed for about 3 and 6 momths after implant of e-PTFE, including cases with saddle nose, pitting deformity of orbit, congenital lip cleft with depressed soft tissue around pyriform opening, parbial defect of helix. In these cases, satisfaction rate is evaluated as high as 97.9%, unexpected tissue response was not shown in this clinical trail. Conclusion: Depended on this clinical trail, we believe local e-PTFE manufactured by Shanghai Suo-kang Medical Implants Co., Ltd.
    7. disjunction
    7. The union operation is practically equivalent to the OR of sets. The union of two sets is another set where each element is a member of at least one of the sets, i. e., a member of one set or the other.
    联合操作和集合的OR(或inclusive disjunction)其实是等价的,两个集合的联合是一个新集合,该集合中的每个元素都至少是那两个集合中的一个成员,即,属于两个集合之一的成员。
    8. The disjunction between domestic currency operation and foreign currency operation is a major practical problem that have emerged in the course of China's opening up to the outside world and economic development.
    9. This paper explains the proposition and propositional logic, giving the definitions, forms and usages of negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication and equivalence.
    10. Synaptonemal complex (SC) which is a meiosis-specific supramolecular proteinaceous structure plays a crucial role in condensation, pairing, recombination and disjunction of homologous chromosomes at meiosis ⅰ.
    11. In the process of English language learning, the forming of icy period is put down to disjunction of the knowledge of English language and its application.
    12. disjunction什么意思
    12. Logical disjunction, as we define it here, is the inclusive OR operation.
    13. disjunction
    13. Tradescantia reflexa plant which has high spontaneous frequencies of non-disjunction is an ideal system for the study of aneuploidy induction.
    14. The disjunction between theory and practice in education is one of the main reasons that teacher education is criticized violently. The case method can perform an intermediary function in the conjunction between theory and practice in education.
    15. Is the inclusive logical disjunction of two.
    16. disjunction的反义词
    16. Recombination plays a crucial role in disjunction of the homologous chromosomes through generating chiasma.
    17. disjunction的解释
    17. Then the heuristic algorithms with low complexity are proposed, which use extended semijoin to reduce communication cost and use local disjunction, remote conjunction strategy to reduce respond time.
    18. disjunction
    18. The system of death sentence with a reprieve prescribed in 1979 Criminal Law had severe problems in theory and logic, and resulted in disjunction and broken of literary meaning of legislation, criminal policy and judicial practice.
    19. Synchronization of picture and sound also allowed for the disjunction of picture and sound.
    20. The low rate of success is due to congelation, non-shortened disjunction or mecism of disjunction time.
    disjunction 英英释义
    1. the act of breaking a connection
    Synonym: disconnection
    2. state of being disconnected
    Synonym: disjuncturedisconnectiondisconnectedness




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