单词 | act on |
释义 | act on [英 [?kt ?n] 美 [?kt ɑn] ] act on的意思、解释 act on 基本解释 对…起作用[有功效]; 奉行, 按照…而行动; 遵行; 践 act on 网络解释 1. 按照...而行动:act for 代理 | act on 按照...而行动 | act out 演出 2. act on什么意思 2. 施於:acoustics 聲學 | act on 施於 | action 作用量,作用,作用力 3. 对...有影响:10 achieve victory获得胜利 | 12 act on对...有影响 | 13 add up to 总计,合计 4. act on 4. 作用:keep ones word 遵守诺言 | act on 作用 | appeal to 呼吁,要求 act on 双语例句 1. It was founded in 1993 by the Final Act that concluded终止 the Uruguay Round of multilateral negotiations under the General Agreement on Ta riffs and Trade, which it super se des取代, and exists to ad mi nister and po li ce管辖 the 28 free trade agreements, oversee world trade practices, and a dju dicate裁定 trade disputes 争端。世界贸易组织是1993年由《关锐及贸易总协定》组织的乌拉圭回合多边谈判的最终议案而建立。它取代《关锐及贸易总协定》并继续执行28个自由贸易协议,监督世界贸易和裁定贸易争端。 2. Commute when the fault, the office on stretch duty and net is Beijing government to alleviate the traffic pressure during Beijing Olympic Games and new 3 act that carry out. 错时上下班、弹性工作制和网上办公是北京市政府为了缓解北京奥运期间的交通压力而新推行的三个举措。 3. act on什么意思 3. Gates then switched to his chief software architect, for his 20 years on the run along to act as supporting roles. 盖茨自己则改任公司首席软件设计师、为他20年来的得力助手充当配角。 4. act on 4. The results are consistent with the interpretation that positive intangible information tends to trigger institutional herding on the buy side.3. The securities Investment Funds act as momentum traders in bear market while as contrariant traders in bull market. Further analysis reveals that momentum trading by investment funds intensifies stock return momentum but stock price experiences a long-term reversal. It indicates return momentum results from mispricing instead of risk. The securities Investment Funds hamper market efficiency when they act as momentum traders.4 Both momentum trading and herding behavior intensify market anomalies and hamper market efficiency. However, momentum trading or herding behavior is the only one of the many aspects of the institutional investor. 第三,机构投资者的动量交易行为会加重了股票收益惯性,这一结论在分别控制股票规模、账面市值比因素后仍成立,并且机构投资者对股票的动量交易行为越强烈,股票收益的惯性也越明显,说明机构投资者具有影响股票价格的能力;进一步的分析表明,惯性利润在长期均实现反转,但反转的周期和程度受动量交易指标值的影响,股票动量交易程度越高,动量收益反转越强烈,反转周期越短,这表明机构投资者的动量交易行为使股价严重偏离其基础价值,在长期,股票价格不断调整逐渐靠近其基础价值,因此可以说,机构投资者对股票的动量交易行为会加重股票收益惯性和阻碍市场效率。 5. act on 5. He must act on any breach of a Rule that he observes or is reported to him. 他必须对自己观察到的和接到报告的任何违犯规则的行为采取行动。 6. Performance management is from the enterprise overall strategy have sth in mind, act on raise enterprise whole outstanding achievement to be a purpose, individual to employee the system of outstanding achievement management that has assessing with sectional whole. 绩效治理是一项从企业总体战略着眼,本着提高企业整体业绩为目的,对员工个体和部门整体进行考核的业绩治理制度。 7. A the Vendor shall continue to act as a director and major operator of the Company for a period of not less than 3 years from Completion on such terms and conditions as the Purchaser may deem reasonable 从完成之日起不少于3年期间,卖方应按照买方认为合理的条款与条件继续担任公司董事和主要营运人 8. The primary point of contact will be a simple device that will act as our window on the world. 交流的主要部份将会是一台简单的设备,它将作为我们在世界上的窗口。 9. Purchase more room to office premises Certificate on 30th, Beijing launched the State Council to act resolutely to contain some urban housing prices rapid increases the notice, which provides for a temporary and limited measures, with a purchase families can only in the city's purchase of a commodity housing. 购多套房无法办房产证上月30日,北京市出台落实国务院关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨文件的通知,其中规定了临时性的限购措施,同一购房家庭只能在本市新购买一套商品住房。 10. On Thursday the final act as European champions will be completed. Final, but always enthralling and prestigious. 本周四,米兰作为欧洲冠军的最后表演即将上演,但是欧洲冠军依然是令人神往而且享有盛誉的。 11. act on的反义词 11. Taken together, these findings suggest that Bmp-4, Shh and Wnt-5a gene expressions may act together on the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions occurring in several aspects of the early mouse craniofacial development, such as odontogenesis, neuronal development, maxillae and mandible ossification, palatogenesis and tongue formation. 综上所述,这些研究结果表明,骨形态发生蛋白4,Shh和Wnt信号- 5A型基因表达共同作用,对早期小鼠颅面部的发育中上皮间的相互作用产生很大影响,如牙齿的发育,神经发展,上颌骨和下颌骨骨化及舌头的形成。 12. To analyze from the oughtness and justifiability of the the of civil subject to free business, business administrative license should be regarded as a kind of administrative act that the administrative organs lift a ban from the business qualifications and capacity of the applicants based on the harmless examination. 从民事主体营业自由权的应然性和正当性来分析,营业行政许可行为应视为行政机关基于无害性审查对营业申请者获得营业资格和营业能力的行政解禁行为。 13. WHEREAS, the Company is issuing shares of Class B Common Stock to the public in an offering registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended AS contemplated by a registration statement on Form S-1, as supplemented and amended from time to time; and 鉴于公司正依据表格 S-1上的注册声明不断修订的和补充、更新的1933年证券法向公众招幕发行普通 B 股。 14. Available on the LaCrosse are head curtain side air bags that act like a protective curtain when deployed, unfolding from the roof rail between the A-pillar and C-pillar. 在君越,载有头部帘侧安全气囊的保护像一拉开帷幕,部署,从两国的A柱和C柱车顶纵梁展开。 15. Joint Committee on Taxation. If passed, the so-called Technical Corrections Act of 2007 would remove the financially favourable tonnage tax option for US flag ocean carriers moving cargoes between the US mainland and Puerto Rico. 一旦这项被称作2007年技术修正法(Technical Corrections Act of 2007)的议案获得通过,将改变利用悬挂美国旗船舶从事美国大陆和波多黎各之间货物运输的承运人财政上可进行吨税选择的有利地位。 16. 16. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read, print, disclose, store, re-transmit, act in reliance on or use this communication in any way whatsoever. 如果您不是接收者,你不应该阅读,打印,披露,储存,再传送,依赖于行为或以任何方式使用这种通信。 17. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. 根据国家法律和国际法律,在其行为或过失不构成犯罪的情况下,任何人都不应该被判处有刑事犯罪,也不应该承受与罪犯当时所犯的罪行相比更重的刑罚。 18. act on的翻译 18. We are ready to get this done today — but there has to be movement on all sides to recognize that it is better for us to act than to talk; it`s better for us to choose action over inaction; the future over the past — and with courage and faith, I believe that we can meet our responsibility to our people, and the future of our planet. 执古之道f毛片、x我们准备今天完成这个工作──但所有各方必须行动起来,认识到言辞不如行动;无所作为不如有所行动;拘囿于过去不如着眼于未来──只要有勇气,只要有信心,我相信我们能够肩负起对人民,对我们星球未来的责任。 19. They act on their own and do not make a fair judgement on their behavior to others. 他们对自己的行为并没有一个公正的判断,对自己的行为给他人带来的影响更是视若无睹。 20. You can say Qiaobusi is a completist, also can say he is paranoiac, an article of Cnn. com is evaluated to his very reach the designated position, To the technology, or the stock market, it is cancer even, he is act on one's own. 你可以说乔布斯是个完美主义者,也可以说他是偏执狂,cnn.com的一篇文章对他的评价很到位,对于技术,或者股市,甚至是癌症,他都自作主张。 act on 单语例句 1. She said the officers were responding to a call about an act of vandalism on a local bakery. 2. If they fail to act on the plan, the money could be released as soon as specific projects get the OK. 3. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment. 4. Palestinians in turn agreed to act against what Israel calls " ticking bombs " - assailants on their way to attack Israelis. 5. " The state organs are positioned to act against anybody who tries to disrupt the process, " President Thabo Mbeki said on Tuesday. 6. The amendment this year to the 1991 act on protection for the disabled demonstrated that. 7. The act was signed into US law in March, and China filed complaints to the WTO in on April 17. 8. He called on everyone to act in strict accordance with the Basic Law no matter how different their views and positions may be. 9. The responses came after US President Barack Obama signed on Thursday the National Defense Authorization Act of the 2013 fiscal year. 10. The US Consumer Product safety Commission will take into consideration China's opinion on implementation of the US Consumer Product safety Improvement Act of 2008. act on 英英释义 act on的翻译 verb 1. carry further or advance e.g. Can you act on this matter soon? Synonym: pursuefollow up on 2. regulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice e.g. The Founding Fathers acted on certain moral principles |
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