单词 | alarmed |
释义 | alarmed [英 [??lɑ:md] 美 [??lɑ:rmd] ] alarmed的意思、解释 现在分词:alarming; 复数形式:alarms; alarmed 基本解释 alarmed的解释 惊慌;“alarm”的过去式和过去分词;张皇;惶惶; alarmed 网络解释 1. 恐吓的, 警告的:amused愉快的, 开心的, 好玩的 | alarmed恐吓的, 警告的 | bitter苦的, 痛苦的, 怀恨的 2. alarmed 2. 洒然:alarmbell 警钟 | alarmed 洒然 | alarmingly 令人挂虑地 3. alarmed在线翻译 3. 惊恐:4.愤怒Angry | 5惊恐Alarmed | 6.痛苦Painful alarmed 双语例句 1. 1. Again, I find myself struggling to feel alarmed by all these workplace psychos. 同样,我还是很难为这些工作场所的神经病感到震惊。 2. Yes, and one day an old potwas so alarmed, that he fell down and was broken to pieces. 是的,前天有一个老罐子吓了一跳,跌下来打得粉碎。 3. alarmed 3. Yes, and one day an old pot was so alarmed, that he fell down and was broken to pieces. 是的,前天有一个老罐子吓了一跳,跌下来打得粉碎。 4. MODENA - Alessandro Nesta, at his return to competitive action after his injury, is not happy about the draw at Modena, but finds no particular reasons for Milan to be alarmed. 摩德纳―伤愈复出的内斯塔对于比赛结果并不满意,但是认为米兰并没有值得指责的地方。 5. Don't be alarmed. 他也毋需抢夺你已得到的胜利。 6. alarmed的解释 6. If we are alarmed at any time, we should spring to arms for that is what the Italian cry all'arme meant. 如果我们感到震惊在任何时候,我们应该春天武器,这就是意大利哭all'arme meant。 7. alarmed的反义词 7. I am not myself apt to be alarmed at innovations recommended by reason. 我是不会为理性招换的革新和变化担心的。 8. He said he is alarmed by the increasingly partisan tone to the debate in the United States over continued military operations in Iraq. 他表示他为美国国内就在伊拉克继续军事行动问题上越演越烈的党派争端感到吃惊。 9. If a bodhisattva takes his stand on perseverance, is gentle and compliant, never violent, and never alarmed in mind; and if with regard to phenomena he takes no action but observes the true entirety of phenomena without acting or making any distinction, then this one might call the practices of a bodhisattva. 菩萨能忍辱无嗔,能柔和随顺众生,而不猝暴,心地平静而不惊惧。又是能知任何佛法,但又不着相于法。而是观察诸多法的实相,不随便行动和分别佛法高底。 10. 5 Are all external doors alarmed and linked to the main alarm system? 是否厂区所有的入口报警系统连接到主系统? 11. But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts. 但随着基督教的传播,他们震惊的是异教习俗和他们之间的转换农神节庆祝活动持续。 12. alarmed的近义词 12. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. 如果你的心头一阵忙乱,现在不要惊慌。 13. Tom slept well, and in fact, beat alarmed in the morning. He had leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work. 晚上,他睡得很好,早上很早就起床了,从容地吃了早餐,然后高高兴兴地开车去上班了。 14. At once those who were going to interrogate him backed away from him, and the commander became alarmed when he realized that he was a Roman citizen and that he had had him bound. 于是那些要拷问保禄的人,便立即离开他走了。千夫长一知道他是罗马人,又因为曾捆绑了他,就害怕起来。 15. Alarmed at Denisov`s condition, Rostov suggested he should undress, drink some water, and sent for the doctor. 罗斯托夫被杰尼索夫的狼狈相吓了一跳,便叫他脱下衣裳,喝一点水,然后就着人去延请医生。 16. The beta-blocker propranolol has the potential to lessen the fearful reactions of PTSD sufferers recalling traumatic events, but the suggestion of giving it to troops as a prophylactic has alarmed some observers, who worry that taking the emotional sting out of bad memories might make troops operate without the restraint of conscience. 一种叫心得安的β-神经阻滞剂可以减轻PTSD患者回忆痛苦经历时的可怕心理反应,但将其作为预防药物提供给军队却引起了一些观察家的不安。他们担心一旦消除心理上的阴影,士兵的行动就会缺乏良知的约束。 17. alarmed是什么意思 17. The software functions mainly include the simulation of fuel oil system, arrangement of the fuel oil system by the two dimension images, main engine rotating process by its two dimension images, dynamic showing of the oil tank levels, liquid flowing in the pipes, simulating at the super/sub real time when the fuel oil system runs at the normal condition, operating of opening or stopping oil pumps and over-changing valves, showing of parameter curves at real time, over-changing between heavy fuel oil and diesel oil. And the software has an interface of the checked parameters and their normal value ranges. There is also an alarm system interface which can be alarmed by lights and sounds and be acknowledged and soundless after acknowledged, meanwhile the parameters and their high and low limits can be shown at real time. There is also a failure setting interface on which the failures in the list can be chosen at random and the malfunction setting time can be recorded at the same time. Certainly the malfunctions can be removed at any time. Moreover, the steam control valve of the fuel oil pre-heater can be controlled manually or automatically. And the pressure of the safety valves and overfill valves can be adjusted at real time. 它实现功能如下:可以实现船舶主机燃油系统各种工况下实时仿真;用二维图象展示了燃油系统的布置图;用二维图象展示了船舶主机运转过程、各油柜的液位动态显示及管路流体流动的运动过程;实现了燃油系统正常工况下的实时与超亚实时的仿真;可以实现燃油系统各油泵起停、阀的开关、转换等实时操作过程;实时显示燃油系统正常工况下的特性参数并绘出有关的特性曲线;实现了重油与柴油的换油过程仿真;设有巡检参数界面,实时显示其数值,并给出了参数的正常值范围;设有报警系统,可以灯光显示和声音报警,并可消音和确认,同时可以实时显示报警的参数及其数值的上下限;设有故障设置的界面,可以随意选择所需要设置的故障,各故障可以任意组合;同时可以记录故障设置的时间;此外,可以清除设置的故障;燃油加热器的蒸汽控制阀可以实现自动和手动的调节功能;各安全阀和溢流阀的压力可以实时设定调节操作 18. Duke Hui did not accept Qing Zheng's advice ans as soon as the drums of battle began to sound, the horse from the state of Zheng became alarmed and uncontrolable. 晋惠公没有听从庆郑的劝告,结果,战鼓一响,郑国马就惊慌起来,无法驾驭,战车就陷入泥坑,想进不能;要退不得,晋军大败,连晋惠公也被秦军俘虏。 19. Encountered on the alarmed at the kind of point events... 遇到点大事就慌神的那种。。。。 20. The director of the International Maritime Bureau in London, Pottengal Mukundun, told VOA the maritime community is alarmed not only by the number of vessels seized in such a short period, but where some of the hijackings are taking place. 在伦敦的国际海事局主任穆昆敦对美国之音说,航运界不仅对如此短的时间内被劫持的船只数量感到吃惊,也对其中一些劫持行动发生的地点表示惊讶。 alarmed 单语例句 1. Alarmed by the rising numbers, the government's Planning Commission has recommended prostitution be legalized to help fight AIDS. 2. But the capture of foreigners in Baghdad in operations that seem carefully planned is an escalation that has alarmed foreign embassies and firms. 3. But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts. 4. The continuous damaging weather has alarmed the government and experts on prices, but they argued it is still early to foresee a drop in grain output. 5. In Germany's capital people are not overly alarmed by the economic nightmare scenarios which recently have been contrived by economic experts on a daily basis. 6. Thanks to suburban sprawl and a growth in numbers of both people and animals, a rash of coyote encounters has alarmed residents. 7. After going to the hospital, my mom and I were alarmed by the result of my gastroscopic examination. 8. Obama invited fellow APEC leaders to a summit in Hawaii in 2011, but may have alarmed them with the dress code. 9. Human rights groups are alarmed that such people might achieve any power in Haiti. 10. Some US senators'efforts to introduce a " buy American " clause in its economic stimulus bill have alarmed the international community. alarmed 英英释义 adj 1. experiencing a sudden sense of danger |
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