单词 | ambivalent |
释义 | ambivalent [英 [?m?b?v?l?nt] 美 [?m?b?v?l?nt] ] ambivalent的意思、解释 ambivalent 基本解释 形容词矛盾的; 对某物、某人或某境况具有矛盾情感的 名词两性人 ambivalent的意思 ambivalent 相关例句 形容词 1. There is an ambivalent feeling towards rural workers. 人们对于民工的心情是复杂的。 ambivalent 网络解释 1. 矛盾的:其他家庭成员观察患者两种日子里的行为各有什么好处.此类作业的作用是引起对原有的退化,适应不良行为产生领悟.另外,面对冲突处境的人,如与父母情感纽带解离困难的青少年,其困惑常起于不能同时处理矛盾的(ambivalent)信息.这个作业可以帮助他们辨别自己的心理需要, 2. 矛盾:答:内心充满矛盾(ambivalent)吧. 我认为,美国没有美国人自己想的那么强大. 美国的强权在衰退中. 你看越战,美国也输了. 九一一恐怖事件的大震撼之後就更清楚,我认为美国在一九六○年代就开始衰退,很多统计数字就显示出来了. 3. 矛盾的,好恶相克的:79. Indigestible 不吸收的 | 80. Ambivalent 矛盾的,好恶相克的 | 81. Subside 下沉,平息,衰减 4. 不定的:glitch 误操作 | ambivalent 不定的 | ascendant 占优势的 ambivalent 双语例句 1. I'm a ambivalent syntheses, i preferably to endure the burden of love, i need the love of dynamic, frankly, loyal, but i still afraid of harm. 我是一个矛盾综合体,情愿背负爱情的负担,也不要做一个不懂爱的人。渴望轰轰烈烈的爱情,真诚,坦白,也害怕受伤。 2. Don't be shocked if a couple of ambivalent feelings sneak in there, too. 如果你同时有矛盾的感受,可别惊讶。 3. He keeps to himself, his feelings still ambivalent. 他保持他自己,仍然矛盾的他感觉。 4. ambivalent的解释 4. There is an ambivalent feelings towards the rural workers. 人们对于民工的心情是复杂的。。。 5. Although she professed fear of the Russians, she seemed to have ambivalent feelings toward Philby himself 虽然她承认害怕俄国人,然而她似乎对菲尔比本人有一种矛盾的感情。 6. Compositions in the Romantic period are full of emotional expressions. The ambivalent or indescribable feelings of composers can be heard in their works. 在音乐的历史上,浪漫时期的创作思潮开始追求无尽情感的创作,作曲家会在自己的创作中表现本身矛盾或是心中无法言喻的情绪。 7. Hester shows her inner feelings of ambivalent attitude to the Puritan beliefs. 海丝特表明了她内心世界对清教教义的矛盾态度。 8. Struggling with this ambivalent alien employer, the local recruits had to re-learn their identity with unresolved doubts and misgivings. 而台湾编采人员经历过《壹周刊》的劳动条件和工作环境,已某程度改变了他们的劳动意识。 9. Guo Yuozhang, 63, whose grandson attends the Loulong school, said he was more ambivalent. 郭耀章今年63岁,他的孙子在洛龙小学读书,他说的显得比较矛盾。 10. Based on the research of modern advertisement design, it was found that the vagueness is permeating in the field of design gradually, and has formed concrete expression techniques, such as allomerism, ambivalent space. 基于对现代广告设计的研究,发现模糊性正逐渐渗透于其中,并不断形成了系列化的模糊性广告设计表现手法:异形同构、异质同形、意的逆反、矛盾空间、虚实相生。 11. Based on the research of modem advertisement design, it was found that the vagueness is permeating in the field of design gradually, and has formed concrete expression techniques, such as allomerism, ambivalent space. 基于对现代广告设计的研究,发现模糊性正逐渐渗透于其中,并不断形成了系列化的模糊性广告设计表现手法:异形同构、异质同形、意的逆反、矛盾空间、虚实相生。 12. The French are usually sniffily ambivalent about the detail of romantic disputes among public figures. But this particular break-up has caused extraordinary interest as the French people gaze at the wreckage of the golden couple of Left-wing French politics. 法国民众虽然对公众人物之间夸大的争吵细节嗤之以鼻,但对于这对法国左翼政治黄金搭档的分道扬镳,却引起了他们非常大的兴趣。 13. Thirdly, our culture is presaged by the growth of capitalism, but this capitalism has the ambivalent function in our culture. 第三,我们的文化是预示了资本主义的增长,但这种资本主义有矛盾的功能在我们的文化。 14. ambivalent的翻译 14. One is mark-to-market accounting where it is ambivalent, for example endorsing the idea that banks be allowed to shift assets into loan books where they need not be written down immediately. 可悲的是,在政治压力和银行的强烈游说下,美国的标准设立者很可能被迫放松规定。这也可能与美国的不良资产救援计划相悖,后者需要贷款和证券以市场清理价格计值才能运行。 15. Adult learning has it's own characteristic, and there are a lot of ambivalent leaning attitudes. 成人学习有其自身的特点,有许多矛盾性的学习心理。 16. We argue that relational identity integrates person-and role-based identities and thereby the individual, interpersonal, and collective levels of self; contrast relational identity and relational identification with social identity and social identification; contend that relational identity and relational identification are each arranged in a cognitive hierarchy ranging from generalized to particularized schemas; and contrast relational identification with relational disidentification and ambivalent relational identification. 我们认为关系型身份整合了基于个人和基于角色的身份,因此是个人的、人与人之间的和集体层次上的自我,然后我们将关系型身份及关系型认同与社会身份及社会认同进行对比;我们还主张关系型身份及关系型认同被各自安排在一个从一般到特殊的计划的认知层级中,并将关系型认同与关系型不认同和矛盾的关系型认同相对比。 17. Not all of you understand that ambivalent feeling deep inside my heart. 内心的模糊不是片言只语可以道明的。 18. This essay attempts first to re-conceptualize public's deep-seated ambivalent feelings, thoughts and perceptions about the first Taiwanese President Lee as'Lee Teng-hui complex'by refering the concept'complex'back to analytical psychologist Carl Jung's original usage. 本文首先从引介心理分析的「情结」概念开始,然后配合历史背景与李登辉继任总统以后的政党消长、统独议题与所谓「台湾结」与「中国结」论争等,进一步说明当前流行所谓「李登辉情结」的政治心理现象。 19. 19. But this is one area where Beijing is notoriously ambivalent. 但是,中央政府对房市这个领域态度矛盾是众所周知的。 20. Americans have always been deeply ambivalent, revering the nation's immigratio n roots and enjoying cheap immigrant labor, but resenting the newcomers who flo od their cities, drain their service and dilute their culture. 美国人一直处于深深的矛盾之中。一方面,他们为美国是移民国家而感到骄傲,并享受着廉价的移民劳动力;但另一方面,他们又怨恨那些新的移民涌入他们的城市,夺走他们的就以机会,削弱他们的文化。 ambivalent 词典解释 1. 摇摆不定的;犹豫不决的 If you say that someone is ambivalent about something, they seem to be uncertain whether they really want it, or whether they really approve of it. e.g. She remained ambivalent about her marriage... 她对于自己的婚事仍然拿不定主意。 e.g. He maintained an ambivalent attitude to the Church throughout his long life. 在他漫长的一生中,他对基督教信仰始终是一种摇摆不定的态度。 ambivalence I've never lied about my feelings, including my ambivalence about getting married again. 对于自己的感情,我从来不说谎,包括我对于再婚游移不定的态度。ambivalently They ambivalently condemn both the disorders and the jury verdict that touched off the disorders. 他们既对骚乱予以谴责,同时又指责陪审团的裁决引发了骚乱,立场很不明确。ambivalent 单语例句 1. Microsoft Corp could be excused for being somewhat ambivalent in its attitude toward the Chinese market. 2. Kenefick's response to the disclosure that he had been helped by the man he has dedicated himself to exposing as a charlatan was ambivalent. 3. Since educators themselves remain ambivalent or reluctant, it is anybody's guess as to how long the process will take. 4. Woods is ambivalent about his spiral down the world rankings, saying he has been through it before. ambivalent 英英释义 adj 1. uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow e.g. was ambivalent about having children |
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