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单词 amnesia
    amnesia [英 [?m?ni:zi?] 美 [?m?ni:??] ]
    amnesia 基本解释
    名词健忘; 遗忘(症),记忆缺失; 善忘; 易忘症
    amnesia 网络解释
    1. amnesia的解释
    1. 健忘症:健忘症(amnesia)是记忆障碍的一种. 指在一定时间内丧失记忆的一种状态. 患有健忘症的原因有脑出血 外伤等导致的脑损伤 慢性酒精中毒、维他命B1缺乏导致的阿尔茨哈依玛症、心理因素导致的健忘、电击等一时的刺激导致. 这种健忘症大体分为2类.
    2. 记忆丧失症:sy)、记忆丧失症(amnesia)时发表过的观点,对这个神秘的女孩子进行了分析和研究.正是这些神秘现象促使荣格把兴趣转向了心理学和心理病理学.他不能牺牲自己对人类复杂精神现象的关注而从事一般意义上的医学.(他必须始终保持自己内在精神的完整,
    amnesia 双语例句
    1. The results show that paper mulberry fruit could improve the space discrimination learning and memory, the harm-ful consolidation of memory caused by chloromycetin and erinitrit, the amnesia caused by ethanol by 30%, the erinitrit poisoning and antagonize the harmful acquisition of memory caused by scopolamine.
    2. Tang borrows a story from the Thai film Ruk Jung, saying she has amnesia, which is why she has forgotten how to say her family's Catholic grace at the dinner table.
    3. amnesia是什么意思
    3. The two patients with more extensive temporal lobe damage had severe anterograde amnesia and extensive retrograde memory loss for both facts and events.
    4. Equipped with fairy dust, amnesia powder, cat repellent, shrinking cream and a spray that makes him invisible, Derek has to go wherever he's called to pick up a tooth.
    5. She also tells Spike that his amnesia seems to be caused by dark magic.
    6. After several hours of rescue, Asha gradually clear, but with the cost of amnesia.
    7. Fraser is shocked to recall that he didn't really know about the Holocaust until he was about 17, but thinks this collective amnesia was deliberate.
    8. A collective amnesia afflicts young men who wish to live up to their fathers, and old men who missed war as young men.
    9. Some scholars are appalled that we are once again trying to pay children for improved school performance and attribute recent programs to collective amnesia.
    10. The franchise existing in name only has profound impact on the spirit of the Chinese people. An obviouse example is mainland artists` collective amnesia to major events in politics and history.
    11. amnesia在线翻译
    11. About China Expeditionary Force, people long collective amnesia.
    12. Blinded by fear and bloated by prosperity, they have succumbed to a collective amnesia.
    13. Of all, 5 cases received operation. All cases were fasted for average 25.8 days (1046 days) and displayed absentmindedness and faintness, with 7 cases with nystaxis, 6 with ataxia, 3 with retrograde amnesia and 2 with disorientation. Besides the combined therapy of SAP, thiamine was given in full dosage.
    SAP禁食时间长(超过2周),全部患者长期禁食后平均25.8 d(10~46 d)均表现精神恍惚,神志淡漠,其中眼球震颤7例,共济失调6例,逆行性遗忘3例,定向力障碍2例。
    14. Film and television works in a popular theme, is known as amnesia memory loss disease.
    15. amnesia什么意思
    15. If the conversation I suddenly amnesia, don't know what to say.
    16. Can we guarantee total amnesia under any and all conditions?
    17. We assume, however, that she will be shopping at her local Tesco for the next ten years or so, or until everyone in the Asda who witnessed her ordeal is dead or has succumbed to total amnesia - whichever comes soonest.
    18. But the effects of Earth's atmosphere took hold, and one morning everyone woke up with a peculiar kind of amnesia -- selective amnesia!
    19. She said he told her he was going to hand himself in and say he had amnesia.
    20. This article will take you to understand what exactly is amnesia.
    amnesia 词典解释
    1. 记忆缺失;健忘(症)
    If someone is suffering from amnesia, they have lost their memory.
    e.g. People suffering from amnesia don't forget their general knowledge of objects.
    amnesia 单语例句
    1. " The Congress is suffering from a bad case of amnesia, " Toomey wrote.
    2. The authors'historical amnesia is an insult to history itself and those countries that were brutalized by the Japanese invasion.
    3. Japan's deliberate amnesia of the uncomfortable parts of its history sends a chill through the hearts of its neighbours.
    4. Selective amnesia for dark episodes of history will prevent Japan from becoming a normal member of the international community.
    5. But Abe disingenuously displayed selective amnesia when briefing the Americans on the dispute over the islands in the East China Sea.
    6. Even if they do not understand the neuroscience behind source amnesia, campaign strategists can exploit it to spread misinformation.
    7. Bauer was part of a panel discussing " infant amnesia, " the puzzling inability of people to remember events early in life.
    8. Bush portrayed his opponent as indecisive and suffering from " election amnesia " with conflicting stands on Iraq.
    9. She says she has since suffered from amnesia but Hong Kong Disneyland refused to offer any compensation.
    10. He concluded that Germany had made the right decision, whereas Japan had been parading " historic amnesia ".
    amnesia 英英释义
    1. partial or total loss of memory
    e.g. he has a total blackout for events of the evening
    Synonym: memory lossblackout




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