单词 | and |
释义 | and [英 [?nd] 美 [?nd, ?n,?nd] ] and的意思、解释 and 基本解释 and 连词而且; 和,与; 于是,然后; 因此 and是什么意思 and 相关词组 and是什么意思 1. and that : 而且; 2. and so on : 等等; 3. and all that : 诸如此类; 4. and so forth : 等等; 5. and yet : 可是, 然而; 6. and then : 于是, 然后; and的解释 and 相关例句 连词 1. He is so rich and lives like a beggar. 他非常有钱可是生活得象个乞丐。 2. They sang and danced all night. 他们通宵唱歌跳舞。 3. We ate and drank to our full content. 我们尽情地连吃带喝饱餐了一顿。 4. We talked and talked. 我们说呀,说呀,说个没完。 5. She did the work and she did it well. 她做了这件工作而且做得很好。 and 情景对话 点咖啡 A:What would you like to drink? 您想喝点儿什么? B:Coffee, please. 请来一杯咖啡。 A:With sugar and cream? 要加牛奶和糖吗? B:No, thanks. 不,谢谢。 否定表达 and的翻译 A:I suggest that you go and ask for help from the policeman. 我建议你找警察帮忙。 B:Not a bit. 一点儿也不行。 经典对话 A:Is this seat empty? 这个座位是空的吧? and B:Yes, and this one will be if you sit down. 是的,如果你坐下,我的座位就是空的。 and 网络解释 1. and:automatic network dialing; 自动网络拨号 2. and:or andgate; 与或与门 3. and:automatic ncrvous diseae; 岁者自主神经病 4. and 4. and:all numeral dial; 全数字拨号 and 双语例句 1. and 1. A long-term follow-up study was done in 96 patients with essential hypertension, including 48 cases with left ventricular hypertrophy and strain, and 48 cases without. 本文对48例左室肥厚伴劳损的原发性高血压患者进行了长期随访观察,并与48例不伴有左室肥厚及劳损患者作对照。 2. and在线翻译 2. Experimental results have proved that the complete technology of CWS combustion can reach a sound calcining efficiency and energy saving effect. Especially, they can solve the air pollution of the ceramic roller kiln successfully. 试验结果表明:陶瓷辊道窑上能很成功地应用该水煤浆燃烧技术,配备相应辅助技术后,能大幅度降低能源消耗,改善操作环境,从根本上解决陶瓷辊道窑的污染问题。 3. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and do not change the quality of Life. 他们仅仅是维持和继续生活的工具,他们不会改变你生活的质量。 4. and的解释 4. I`m a sunny boy, and I like sports very much. 我是一个阳光明媚的男孩,我非常喜欢体育运动。 5. 5. I know I bring much trouble to you, and sometimes, youmust be angry with me. 我知道我带给你很多麻烦,有时候,你一定很生我气。 6. and 6. Youmust accept that you're the creator of your life and that no one iscoming to rescue you. 你必须承认自己是生活的创造者,没有人会来拯救你。 7. It`s a sunny and nice day. 这是美好的一天,阳光明媚。 8. 8. The Storyteller describes the setting of each scene, roleplays the actions and speeches of the various people the players'characters encounter and generally guides the story's plot. Storyteller要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的每一个动作每一句话,通常他还要引导这个story的情节发展。 9. Therefore, teachers should not only encourage students speaking often, speaking voluntarily, but also try their best to design roleplays in realistic and relaxed linguistic background, and have students develop their motivation in speaking english. Opportunities of speaking English need to be created, to develop students'parcitipation and involvement in class activities, motivate their interest and desire in English, and encourage their persistence in learning. 所以老师在平时教学中不仅要鼓励学生多开口、勤开口,而且要尽力创设真实、宽松的语言情景,充分发挥学生的主体作用,多创造讲英语的机会,充分调动学生积极参与课堂活动,让学生乐学、善说英语。 10. The Storyteller describes the sef each scene, roleplays thes and speeches of the various people the players'characters eer and generally guides the story's plot. Storyteller要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的每一个动作每一句话,通常他还要引导这个story的情节发展。 11. The Storyteller ribes the setting of h scene, roleplays the actions and hes of the various people the players'ters unter and generally guides the story's plot. Storyteller要描述每一个场景,扮演出玩家角色遇到的每一个人物的每一个动作每一句话,通常他还要引导这个story的情节发展。 12. and 12. Our main products are 3520 Phenolic paper laminated tube 3640 epoxy-phenolic glass cloth tube, ether-modified glass cloth tube, one side of adhesive tape, double-sided adhesive tape, 355 bismaleimides epoxy glass cloth laminated tube, rhombic pattern gummed paper, 1411 phenolic resin varnish, 1032 melamine alkyd impregnating varnish, 1032-1 quick-drying varnish, 1230 alkyd paint covering, electrical insulating crepe, T4 cardboard tube and insulation parts, Dry-type transformer Off-Circuit Tap, PV-JUNCTION BOX. 主要产品有3520酚醛层压纸管,3640环氧酚醛玻璃布管,改性二苯醚玻璃布管,单面上胶纸,355双马来酰亚胺环氧层压玻璃布管,双面上胶纸,菱格上胶绝缘纸,1411酚醛树脂溶液,1032三聚氰胺醇酸浸渍漆,1032-1快干浸渍漆,1230醇酸覆盖漆,T4纸板筒及绝缘件,绝缘皱纹纸,无励磁无载开关,太阳能薄膜接线盒。其产品多年来为保定天威集团等大中型变压器公司配套,用户遍布全国各地,并随他们的产品远销国外。 13. We do not have extra time to waste, and please believe me, I always undying love you. 时间,我们都浪费不起,并请你相信我一直始终不渝的爱着你。 14. and的反义词 14. MY undying and unconditional love to all of you for your gifts and love. 我的永恒和无条件的爱给你们大家,给予你们礼物和爱。 15. and是什么意思 15. In a few moments he would join her and at that time would express his undying love and devotion. 在接下来的时间里他将和她在一起并表达他的不朽的爱情。 16. and是什么意思 16. When I find my soulmate, she will receive my undying love and respect. 当我找到我伴侣,她会得到我永远的爱和尊重。 17. Our results along with those reported by Lin et al demonstrate reossification and stabilization of tumor size can be achieved on CT and MRI imaging following serial arterial embolization. 我们和Lin等的结果都表明连续动脉栓塞术后在CT和MRI上可以见到重新骨化和肿瘤大小的稳定。 18. and的意思 18. Our results along with those reported by Lin et al demonstrate reossification and stabilization of tumor size can be achieed on CT and MRI imaging following serial arterial embolization. 我们和Lin等的结果都表明连续动脉栓塞术后在CT和MRI上可以见到重新骨化和肿瘤大小的稳定。 19. Mean and median follow-up was 12.8 and 9.1 years, respectively. Of the 18 patients that were studied, 14 had favorable results and reported improvement in pain and neurologic symptoms with demonstrable reossification and stabilization of tumor size on CT and MRI imaging. Three patients developed late recurrent disease within the sacrum. 平均和中位随访年限分别为12.8和9年。18名患者中,14名的效果满意,疼痛和神经症状改善,而且在CT和MRI图像上可见重新骨化以及肿瘤体积稳定。3名患者出现骶骨内的远期复发。 20. 20. Mean and median follow-up was 12.8 and 9.1 years, respectiely. Of the 18 patients that were studied, 14 had faorable results and reported improement in pain and neurologic symptoms with demonstrable reossification and stabilization of tumor size on CT and MRI imaging. Three patients deeloped late recurrent disease within the sacrum. 平均和中位随访年限分别为12.8和9年。18名患者中,14名的效果满意,疼痛和神经症状改善,而且在CT和MRI图像上可见重新骨化以及肿瘤体积稳定。3名患者出现骶骨内的远期复发。 and 词典解释 1. (连接两个以上的单词、词组或子句)和,与,同 You use and to link two or more words, groups, or clauses. e.g. When he returned, she and Simon had already gone... 他回来时,她和西蒙已经走了。 e.g. Between 1914 and 1920 large parts of Albania were occupied by the Italians... 在1914年至1920年间阿尔巴尼亚的大部分地区被意大利人占据。 2. (连接两个相同的单词或短语,以强调某事物的程度、暗示某事继续发生或在一段时间内不断增加)接连,越…越… You use and to link two words or phrases that are the same in order to emphasize the degree of something, or to suggest that something continues or increases over a period of time. and是什么意思 e.g. Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older... 随着年龄增长,学习变得越来越难。 e.g. Day by day I am getting better and better... 我在一天天地好转。 3. (连接两件相继发生的事件)然后,就 You use and to link two statements about events when one of the events follows the other. e.g. I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbour steps... 我挥手告别,然后走下港口石阶。 e.g. He asked for ice for his whiskey and proceeded to get drunk. 他要求给他的威士忌里面加冰,接着喝得大醉。 4. (连接两句话,第二句话的意思是第一句的延伸)则,而 You use and to link two statements when the second statement continues the point that has been made in the first statement. e.g. You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term, and five years wasn't long enough... 真的,这种病只能在很久以后才能看出它的影响,而5年的时间还不够长。 e.g. The cure for bad teaching is good teachers, and good teachers cost money. 解决教学质量差的办法就是请好的教师,但请好的教师是需要花钱的。 5. (连接两个从句,表示因果关系)那么,于是 You use and to link two clauses when the second clause is a result of the first clause. e.g. All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square. 昨天陆续有大批人到来,午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上。 6. (表示停顿,以便对所说的话进行评论)再说,而 You use and to interrupt yourself in order to make a comment on what you are saying. e.g. As Downing claims, and as we noted above, reading is best established when the child has an intimate knowledge of the language... 如唐宁所说,也正如我们前文所指出的,当孩子对语言非常熟悉时,阅读的效果最佳。 e.g. Finally — and I really ought to stop in a minute — I wish to make the following recommendations. 最后——我确实应该停一下——我想作以下推荐。 7. (用于句首,引出补充说明)还有,不过 You use and at the beginning of a sentence to introduce something else that you want to add to what you have just said. Some people think that starting a sentence with and is ungrammatical, but it is now quite common in both spoken and written English. and e.g. Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations. 支线航空公司航班飞往偏僻地区。商务旅客就是会前往那些地区的人。 8. (用以引导与某人之谈话有关的问句)那么,还有 You use and to introduce a question which follows logically from what someone has just said. e.g. 'He used to be so handsome.' — 'And now?'... “他以前是那么英俊。”——“那么现在呢?” e.g. 'Well, of course, they haven't won a football game.' — 'And what would you expect?'. “嗯,当然,他们一场足球比赛也没有赢过。”——“那么你所期望的是什么呢?” 9. (广播员等用以转换话题或讨论刚才提及的话题)也 And is used by broadcasters and people making announcements to change a topic or to start talking about a topic they have just mentioned. e.g. And now the drought in Sudan... 现在苏丹也有旱情。 e.g. Football, and Aston Villa will reclaim their lead at the top of the English First Division. 来看足球,阿斯顿维拉队将在英格兰甲级联赛重登榜首。 10. (表示两个数字相加)加 You use and to indicate that two numbers are to be added together. e.g. What does two and two make? 2加2等于几? 11. (用于整数后、分数之前) And is used before a fraction that comes after a whole number. e.g. McCain spent five and a half years in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam. 麦凯恩在越南的战俘营里度过了5年半的时间。 e.g. ...fourteen and a quarter per cent. 14.25% 12. (用在大于一百的数字中,置于百位或千位之后,十位及个位之前) You use and in numbers larger than one hundred, after the words 'hundred' or 'thousand' and before other numbers. e.g. We printed two hundred and fifty invitations. 我们印了250份请柬。 e.g. ...three thousand and twenty-six pounds. 3,026英镑 and 单语例句 1. Oil refiners and airlines rose across the board as world crude prices dropped more than US $ 2 overnight to nearly US $ 118. 2. He sold his slice of the sex business years ago, and says he's done with it for good. 3. What I got was the sense that Chinese business leaders and government officials welcome private equity done the right way. 4. Huang said more should be done to encourage private companies to keep their business in the production of goods and provision of services. 5. The company has done well in Shanghai and is very confident about business in Beijing, as company leaders say Zara has earned potent brand recognition in the market. 6. Take the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing as an example. 7. Meng Zhonghua is going to graduate from the University of International Business and Economics in July this year. 8. Wang studied hard in school and was finally admitted to the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. 9. The professionalism and dedication of the Chinese language teachers and supporting staff at the University of International Business and Economics was very impressive. 10. " It is an honour to be in the presence of these Nobel laureates, " said one student at the University of International Business and Economics. |
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