单词 | angst |
释义 | angst [英 [??st] 美 [ɑ?kst] ] angst的意思、解释 angst 基本解释 名词焦虑; 担心; 恐惧,沮丧 angst的近义词 angst 相关例句 名词 1. angst的近义词 1. The sense of not being wanted can set up an angst. 被摈弃的感觉会使人痛苦。 angst 网络解释 1. angst是什么意思 1. 恐惧:伽达默尔是海德格尔的优秀学生,恐惧(Angst)则是海德格尔的一个关键词. 恐惧是与人根本的有终性相连的原初事实,我认为,这里面隐藏着诠释学的深刻历史意识的秘密. 死亡恐惧的不可消除,这是伽达默尔诠释学隐微论(esoterisch)实践得出的一个终极之言; 2. 焦虑,担心:Torture:痛苦,折磨 | Angst:焦虑,担心 | mythology:神话,以外星人、政府阴谋论为基础 angst 双语例句 1. The patient takes hydrochloric acid 2 armour double guanidine piece 2 D appears namely nerve spirit is unusual symptom, systemic muscle quiver, hands or feet is spent gently shake large rope, walk shake, stand obstacle of flabby, thinking, absentminded, fretful angst, tinnitus, flustered, have a headache, dizziness. 患者服用盐酸二甲双胍片第2 d即出现神经精神异常症状,全身肌肉震颤、手脚轻度抖索、行走摇摆、站立不稳、思维障碍、精神恍惚、烦燥焦虑、耳鸣、心慌、头痛、头晕等。 2. Keep a cool head after the initial tears and angst. 在最初的眼泪和恐惑之后,保持一个清晰的头脑。 3. The slamming thud of the seconds passing on the TV series 24 could be our anthem of angst. 在电视剧《24小时》中那砰砰地走秒声也许就是我们焦虑的歌曲。 4. 4. From Sturm and Drang and angst and grief 人们的恐惧,怒气和伤心 5. angst 5. He wanted his paintings to have all the intellectual complexity and modern angst of Ezra Pound or W. H. Auden, and he longed to create in art a figure as memorable as the characters in Dickens or in Tolstoy. 他希望他的画作像艾兹拉·庞德和奥登的作品那样包含一种深沉的智慧和现代的焦虑,也渴望艺术注入一种像狄更斯和托尔斯泰的文字那样永垂不朽的元素。 6. I`m very happy when you was score a goal; I`m grief when you wasn`t in fine fettle; I`m angst when you be hurt. 每当得之你进球的时候,我就特别高兴;每当得之你状态不好的时候,我就为你伤心;每当得之你伤病的时候,我就为你担心。 7. My angst is when I can`t get my Porsche roof up and when I can`t get my golf handicap down. 我现在的焦虑是保时捷顶篷打不开,高尔夫差点(表示高尔夫技能的植树,越低越好-译注)下不去。 8. In his works I feel critical examination of human civilization and history, and the angst at the bottom of his heart. 在刘永刚的作品中,我感受到对现存人类文明与历史的批判性审视,以及艺术家内心深处的焦虑。 9. Now, Jared and Jensen are together, but when Jared finds out about Jensen's past it looks like everything's going to fall apart. Sex, schmoop and angst ensue. 小美人当年初踏社交场,为了能正常function,于是嗑了药,晕头转向的去勾搭JDM爸爸,然后当然这里JDM是好人,没有take advantage,但俩人清醒后还是有了ons 。 10. Results In the personality test, there is remarkable difference in inferiority, angst... 结果 在人格测验中,贫困大学生与非贫困大学生在自卑、焦虑、成就动机、兴奋性、敢为性、怀疑性、内向与外向、新环境中成长力、恃强性、幻想性、世故性、自律性、心理健康水平方面具有显著差异(P 。0 5);在人格成因测验中,贫困大学生与非贫困大学生在经济水平、身材相貌、业余爱好方面具有显著差异(P 。0 1);在人格类型测验中,除聪慧性、幻想性、实验性外,其余各因素均达显著水平(P 。0 5);在贫困大学生教育对策的测验中,勤工助学、奖学金、团体活动、同学朋友的帮助、毕业分配前景等因素达显著水平(P 。0 5)。 11. 11. Excitement of the HPA axis can affect the centrum, such as blues, angst, anorexia, pugnacity et al, these symptom accelerate gastric ulcer. 应激时HPA轴兴奋可产生明显的中枢效应,如抑郁、焦虑、厌食及攻击性增加等情绪行为改变,加速溃疡的形成。 12. Pressure is great, long-term insecurity, angst, exhaustion causes Morpheus quality difference, can aggravating lose one's hair. 压力大,长期紧张、焦虑、疲劳导致睡眠质量差,会加重脱发。 13. A bit of angst about enjoying an evening of jolly m usical com edy that uses them es from the m ost dreadful period in their country's history w ould be understandable for the Germ an audience. 对于德国观众来说,一晚上欣赏这样一部以本国最不堪回首的那段历史为题材的欢快的歌舞喜剧有点痛苦,这是可以理解的。 14. As the shortened season crescendos towards its finale, the last three episodes are guaranteed to be overflowing with emotions of fear, horror, angst, and that trademark brotherly bond that has become the heart and soul of the show. 作为实现其压轴缩短赛季落泪,最后三集,保证是人满为患,恐惧,恐怖,焦虑情绪,而商标兄弟般的纽带,已成为核心和灵魂的节目。 15. Investigation shows, the nearly two depressed obstacles that are put in different level into outpatient service patient, hospital outpatient service has a headache, gastralgia, bosom is frowsty in waiting for body unwell patient depressed or the total sicken rate of angst obstacle is as high as 19.97%. 有调查显示,近两成门诊患者存在不同程度的抑郁障碍,医院门诊头痛、胃痛、胸闷等身体不适的患者中抑郁或者焦虑障碍的总患病率高达19.97%。 16. That is, as long as I resisted letting go of the fact that I hadn't found the absolute higher purpose that my life is all about and I continued to allow angst into my life through struggling with that fact that I sure wasn't going to be able to allow space inside me for true consideration of what my higher purpose would be, should it decide to reveal itself to me. 这就是,只要我顶住不放的事实,那就是我没有找到绝对的更高的目标,我的生活全是对我继续允许焦虑到我的生活中挣扎,通过与事实,那就是我肯定是不会去为了能够让空间内,我真正考虑的是什么,我更高的目标将是,如果决定以揭示本身给我。 17. Today, we are facing the global economic slump and are living in angst and instability. 文化大革命的混乱,飞速发展的中国经济,很多中国艺术家对中国的体制在视觉上进行了呈现和批判,但潘德海却一直坚持通过对生命本质的思考来观看他看到的世界。 18. angst在线翻译 18. Here, have everyday babyish to apply for a job comes before the university that did not take off is graduate, the middleaged person that also has expression angst moves back and forth between enterprise stall, still a few is carrying travelling bag on the back to look attentively at the foreigner of subvocal help wanted. 在这里,每天都有稚气未脱的大学毕业生前来求职,也有神色焦虑的中年人穿梭于企业摊位之间,还有一些背着行囊注视默读招聘广告的外地人。 19. angst在线翻译 19. Through investigation, the patient of 86.67% hopes to be diagnosed clearly as early as possible, the patient hope nurse of 84.94% is venipuncture the technology is masterly, the patient of 84.45% hopes doctor technology is masterly, the patient of 80.21% is used to a change to generate depressed angst sentiment because of defecate, the patient of 70.67% fears the illness after art worsens further, the patient of 69.33% hopes as early as possible operation, the patient of 53.33% hopes cure protects personnel patience to listen attentively to patient action in chief, the patient of 50.67% hopes cure protects personnel to give psychology support, function of the sex after the patient of 50.28% worries about art drops, the human relation on the patient plinth of 40.11%, had protect goodly have a concern, ability obtains the patient's credit, ability understands the patient's heart... 经过调查,86.67%的患者希望尽早明确诊断,84.94%的患者希望护士静脉穿刺技术精湛,84.45%的患者希望医生技术精湛,80.21%的患者因排便习惯改变产生抑郁焦虑情绪,70.67%的患者担心术后病情进一步恶化,69.33%的患者希望尽早手术,53.33%的患者希望医护人员耐心倾听患者主诉,50.67%的患者希望医护人员给予心理支持,50.28%的患者担心术后性功能减退,40.11%的患者础上的人际关系,有了良好的护患关系,才能取得患者的信任,才能了解到患者的心。。。 20. Large variability of the monthly mean Angstrom exponent is also found in Miyun and Xinfeng, but there is no tendency with seasons. 密云和新丰的Angst rom指数也有很大的月际变化,但没有明显的季节倾向。 angst 词典解释 1. 忧虑;疑惧 Angst is a feeling of anxiety and worry. e.g. Many kids suffer from acne and angst. 许多年轻人都会受到青春痘和焦虑的困扰。 angst 单语例句 1. Angst over this pending decision was a major reason for Sunday's vote. 2. The angst of some US politicians and pundits in this time of transition is understandable, but they should think before reflexively pointing a finger at China. 3. Such was the national angst in France that President Nicolas Sarkozy urged a soccer shakeup and met former team captain Thierry Henry. 4. So this angst toward the rich is vented at those who racked up their wealth illegally. 5. I can still remember the angst and anguish in her words when I caught up with her four years ago. 6. Rising housing prices and changing policies have brought both angst and excitement to homebuyers in Shanghai. 7. But it does lurch uncomfortably on occasion when teen angst is front and center. 8. Hundreds of people have been stabbed by hypodermic syringes or needles in Urumqi, triggering public angst and wrath. 9. Chinese angst is fully justified, and the hand of friendship and display of remorse must come from the Japanese. 10. Rising housing prices and changing policies have brought both angst and excitement to local homebuyers. angst的解释angst 英英释义 angst的近义词 noun 1. an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety usually reserved for philosophical anxiety about the world or about personal freedom |
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