单词 | restless |
释义 | restless [英 [?restl?s] 美 [?r?stl?s] ] restless的意思、解释 restless 基本解释 形容词焦躁不安的; 坐立不安的; 不耐烦的; 难以入睡的 restless的反义词 restless 相关例句 形容词 1. The sick child passed a restless night. 这患病的孩子一夜未眠。 2. As it was late he grew restless. 天色已晚,他变得焦躁不安起来。 restless 网络解释 1. 今夜无眠:66 Ready To Run 准备跑 | 67 Restless 今夜无眠 | 68 Save Tonight 记下今夜 2. restless的翻译 2. 坐立不安:56.The Retired Couple退休夫妇 | 57.Restless坐立不安 | 58.The Rural Garage乡下汽车修理厂 3. 不安的:不,不是;没有 no | 不安的 restless | 不安的 uneasy restless 双语例句 1. restless的翻译 1. Possibly I let others be restless dissolutely, only then met the result to die in battle. 可能我浪荡让人家不安,才会结果都阵亡。 2. restless 2. It is impossible to focus on one thing, and our gaze is an unfixed, restless one. 我们的眼光是不固定的,无止无休的。 3. Naughty, uneasy, deaf to others` words, always forgetting or losing things, timid, intent to importunate, particular about food, intent to cry, sucking or biting fingers, mislaying character components, even ignorant about the characters, forgetful, ignorant about calculation, writing numbers or characters upside down, mislining, scatterbrained, and restless in class. 调皮任性,多动不安,对别人的话听而不闻,丢三落四,胆小,粘人,挑食偏食,爱哭,吮手,咬手指,写字时偏旁部首颠倒,甚至不认识字,学了就忘,不会做计算,把数或字颠倒写,抄错题,漏题,注意力不集中,上课不专心,爱做小动作。。。。。。 4. Hopeless, restless I keep fighting Cuz your small world's not enough You're still weak of that my love One day, you'll say that I am stronger than you you Caught in your spell Do you think you're unbreakable Caught in your spell Don't you know who I am Cuz your small world's not enough You're still weak of that my love One day, you'll say that I am stronger than you you Caught in your spell Do you think you're unstopable Caught in your spell Don't you know who I am Caught in your spell Do you think you're unbreakable Caught in your spell Don't you know who I am 本人倒???绝望,焦躁不安我一直战斗 Cuz您的小世界没有足够的您仍然薄弱的,我的爱有一天,你会说,我比你,你夹在你的法术你认为你是牢不可破夹在你的法术难道你不知道我是谁 Cuz您的小世界上没有足够的您仍然薄弱的,我的爱有一天,你会说,我比你,你夹在你的法术你认为你unstopable 夹在你的法术难道你不知道我是谁夹在你的法术你认为你是牢不可破夹在你的法术难道你不知道我是谁 5. restless的翻译 5. Who had a rough life more difficult for anti-fortune and unpredictable wind, jealous root revenge doubting thoughts restless self-torment. 人的一生坎坷多,难防祸福难测风,嫉根报复存疑心,思绪不宁自煎熬。 6. This comprehensive formula is more than just a calcium supplement. Swisse Ultiboost BONE DENSE is a rich source of magnesium. Magnesium acts as a muscle relaxant and is very useful for muscle cramps and spasm; a great formula for conditions such as Restless Legs Syndrome or to help alleviate menstrual cramping and tension headaches. The combination of magnesium and other minerals help to promote muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness after exercise, making this the perfect product for athletes and'weekend warriors'alike! Swisse壮骨保健品不是简单的补钙保健品;它还含有丰富的镁,可以舒缓肌肉而减轻肌肉的痉挛、抽筋;它的独特配方还可以舒缓痛经和剧烈的头痛,减轻运动之后的肌肉酸痛;它还含有对造骨细胞至关重要的矿物质和其他营养素,造骨细胞在骨骼的形成、发育和修护中发挥着关键的作用;配方中还添加了维他命D,这有助于钙的吸收。 7. 7. The star in question, however, when some billions of years had passed since its birth, and its companions began to rarefy, was not satisfied with its destiny and became restless? 然而,我们提到的这个星星自从它诞生以来已经经历了数十亿年代的沧桑巨变,它的一些伙伴开始稀少,不满足于它们的宿命,变得烦躁不安了?? 8. Being much less cool-headed than Mr Fogg, he was much more restless, counting and recounting the days passed over, uttering maledictions when the train stopped, and accusing it of sluggishness, and mentally blaming Mr Fogg for not having bribed the engineer. 这样一来,他也相信是要去环游地球一周;而且相信要用极有限的时间完成这次旅行,甚至他居然对可能发生的迟误也担起心来:他担心旅途中会发生事故。他感到仿佛自己也和这笔赌注有关。 9. Restless Legs Syndrome is a condition that affects about ten percent of the population. 不宁腿综合征是一种状态,影响约百分之十的人口。 10. 10. Thus the social cast of San Francisco included a restless down-at-the-heels population, a class of power-flaunting neoaristocrats, a supervillain in the shape of a railroad monopoly—and, finally, a set of scapegoats in the Chinese. 因此三番市的社会成员包括了一个躁动不安的衣衫褴褛的人群,一个炫耀权利的新贵阶层,一个制造铁路垄断的罪魁祸首---以及,最后的,一群华人替罪羊。 11. He was restless all day, trying to ink of some way he could remain in the hospital. 他终日坐卧不宁,苦苦思索可还有什么妙法儿好赖在医院里。 12. restless的反义词 12. He was restless all day, trying to think of some way he could remain in the hospital. 他终日坐卧不宁,苦苦思索可还有什么妙法儿好赖在医院里。 13. My mother was a restless person, always wanting to move house, so by the time I was due to sit the eleven-plus examination, I was already in my fourth school because of moving around. 母亲是个停不了的人,她总想著搬家,所以当我要参加升中评核试时,我已因搬家而转到了第四间学校。 14. Each restless heart beats so imperfectly 每一次心的悸动竟如此地失律 15. Some in rags, some in clean white and beribboned, some wild and restless as young hawks, some gentle-faced and shrinking, some shrieking rude and sinful words, some listening, awed, but soon, grown familiar, to embrace--here were the children playing in the corridors of the House of Sin. 其中有些衣衫褴褛,另一些穿着干净白衣,扎着蝴蝶结,有些孩子粗野狂放象一只雏鹰,有些孩子文静拘束,有些孩子出言不逊,而另些孩子听话,遵守规矩,不过很快他们就混熟了,彼此牵著手。 16. 16. Internet addiction or dependence, which is that the excessive use of the network, and highly dependent on network phenomenon, when a person with high enthrallment situation he may not use a network of time, the Internet will not be able to stop, and Internet time than long content, and to the Internet, but there is no way to access the Internet, such as not found Internet cafes, or where the system broken, he became restless, irritability, frustration, network users usually don't lie about their online degree of facts, that is, wouldn't say how many of your own Internet access time, or not to disclose are dependent on the network. 网路沉迷或成瘾,就是这那些过度使用网络,而产生高度依赖网络的现象,当一个人有高度沉迷网络的情形时,他可能没办法控制自己使用网络的时间,一上网便无法停下来,并且上网时间要一次比一次久才心满意足,而且若是想要上网时,却没有办法上网,比如找不到网吧,或是所在的地方系统坏掉,他就会焦躁不安、易怒、沮丧,网络沉迷者通常会隐瞒自己上网程度的事实,也就是不跟人家说自己上网时间的多少,或是不透露自己有多依赖网络。 17. You cannot escape the restless ambition and sense of renewal in China these days, from the uber-fashionable modern-art galleries and grunge music scene in Beijing to the dizzying statistics about university graduates and patent approvals. 如今,人们无法逃脱中国精力充沛的雄心和复兴意识,从北京极其前卫的现代美术馆和枯燥乏味的音乐表演,到令人眩目的大学毕业生及专利审批统计数据。 18. 18. He sang Restless Breeze, Black Is the Night, Stand Up and many others. Leslie和台下的观众打成一遍,触发起他们炽热的情绪。 19. restless 19. Paste spent his childhood, I have felt increasingly restless and I do not know why. 迷迷糊糊的度过童年之后,我便发觉自己日渐焦躁不安,我不知道这是为什么,可能是因为成长的缘故吧 20. Those Wu-lin people instantly become restless. 那些武林人立刻骚动起来,有人指著童战大骂,有人闷不吭声的打逃走的主意,只有皇无禁上前一步 restless 词典解释 1. 焦躁不安的;不耐烦的;不满的 If you are restless, you are bored, impatient, or dissatisfied, and you want to do something else. e.g. By 1982, she was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent. 到了1982年,她感到厌倦了,需要新的动力来激发她的才能。 e.g. ...a major new initiative to placate the country's restless intellectuals. 安抚国家不安分的知识分子的重大新举措 restlessness From the audience came increasing sounds of restlessness. 观众不满的呼声越来越高。 2. 坐立不安的;不安宁的 If someone is restless, they keep moving around because they find it difficult to keep still. e.g. My father seemed very restless and excited. 我父亲看起来坐立不安,激动不已。 restlessness Karen complained of hyperactivity and restlessness. 卡伦诉说自己有多动、焦躁不安的问题。restlessly He paced up and down restlessly, trying to put his thoughts in order. 他坐立不安地走来走去,尽力想理清思绪。 3. 难以入睡的;辗转反侧的 If you have a restless night, you do not sleep properly and when you wake up you feel tired and uncomfortable. e.g. The shocking revelations of the 700-page report had caused him several restless nights... 这篇长达700页的报告中披露的惊人信息使他几夜未眠。 e.g. Hurt had spent a restless few hours on the plane from Paris. 赫特在从巴黎起飞的飞机上辗转反侧了几个小时。 restless 单语例句 1. Billy Miller of CBS'" The Young and the Restless " won the Emmy for best supporting actor in a daytime drama. 2. Fans were confused at first, then turned to doing the wave and finally started booing as they became increasingly restless. 3. For some young and restless, melee and skirmish become a usual way to unleash their excessive energy. 4. The drugs are not the main treatment for Parkinson's, but one is also sometimes used to treat restless legs syndrome. 5. Consumers feel cheated when told butchers have added water to the meat they eat, and merchants or manufacturers restless when blacklists of problematic products and companies are published. 6. The City supporters were getting restless and desperate for a second goal to put the game out of Lokeren's reach. 7. Tai Shan looked calm and at ease, while Mei Lan seemed restless. 8. " We are not going to solve the problem today by getting arrested, " he told the restless crowd of about three dozen people. 9. Apple faced angry crowds at one of its Beijing locations after shoppers grew restless waiting for the new iPhone. 10. Parents get as restless as their children during school breaks, especially if they do not have any vacation plans. restless 英英释义 adj 1. worried and uneasy Synonym: ungratifiedunsatisfied 2. ceaselessly in motion e.g. the restless sea the restless wind 3. lacking or not affording physical or mental rest e.g. a restless night she fell into an uneasy sleep Synonym: uneasy |
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