单词 | result |
释义 | result [英 [r??z?lt] 美 [r??z?lt] ] result的意思、解释 过去式:resulted; 过去分词:resulted; 现在分词:resulting; 复数形式:results; result 基本解释 名词结果; (尤指足球比赛的)胜利; [体]比分; 成功实现的事 不及物动词发生,产生; 归结为,导致; 后果,终结; 由…而造成[产生] result 同义词 名词consequenceconclusionoutcomeupshoteffectfruiteventend result 反义词 名词cause result 相关词组 result的翻译 1. with the result that : 其结果是...; 2. without result : adv. 毫无结果; 3. in result : 结果; 4. result from : 由...产生; 5. as a result of : 作为结果; result 相关例句 不及物动词 1. Acting before thinking always results in failure. 做事不先考虑总会导致失败。 2. result的反义词 2. His failure resulted largely from his laziness. 他的失败主要是懒惰所致。 3. The accident resulted in ten deaths. 这次事故造成十人死亡。 名词 1. The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago. 比赛结果芝加哥队以二比一获胜。 2. The attempt was made without result. 那尝试白费心机。 result 网络解释 1. 成绩:拿到的证书上给我写下的成绩(RESULT)是03:39:01,名次(BANK)是319. 这是第二张马拉松成绩证书,成绩与名次都比第一张要好了,但没有第一次时的感动,显然也没有第一次时的孤独. 因为有了第一张马拉松成绩证书,得以认识了许多爱好马拉松跑的朋友, 2. 最后的结果:2.相关经验STAR:注重说明在什么背景(时间,场所..SITUATION)做过什么样的工作/项目(TASK),这个工作/项目最好与所应聘工作相关,怎么做的,和谁一起做的,自己在团队中的角色(ACTION),最后的结果(RESULT)2.3针对每个职位的技能要求都要有针对性的修改个人简历, 3. 成果:也向部属及客户展现了他对转型的决心与信诺.绩效支援系统公司(Performance Support Systems)执行长寇提斯(Dennis Coates)指出, 大多数企业的绩效管理制度无法有效改善绩效表现, 主要原因是未能区分绩效管理的两个层面 : 流程(process)与成果(result). result 双语例句 1. RTMP uses hop count, which can result in suboptimal routing. RTMP 使用跳跃计数可以找到次佳的路由。 2. result 2. Of course, it's difficult to ensure the relationship between caustion and result. 当然,这一奇闻怪事的疑难之处在于无法确定因果关系。 3. The system has been used in college teaching and training, and result shows the simulator is effective. 目前 ,该系统已成功应用于院校教学和部队训练,取得了良好的效果 4. result的解释 4. Not only revamped the design of a method for calculating the valve, reducing the professional and technical personnel of the repeatability of conventional heavy design work, so that technical staff are more used to improve energy, improve product performance and new product development and shorten the research and development of new products cycle, improve labor productivity, but also in metal sealing ball valve lift leveraged research and development process, as a result of CAD/CAM applications, 钢管, have emerged from computer-aided design, CNC machine tools by computer-aided manufacturing of spiral flat stem, Metal sealed ball valve so that the process in the headstock without any scratches and wear, so that the ball valve seal and greatly improved life. 岂但齐里改革了阀门的设计计算方法,加重了业余技巧职员沉重的反复性惯例设计农做,使技巧己员无更少的精神用于改良、降下产品机能战旧产品启发,伸欠新产品的研讨启收周早期、片面进步休息出产率,而且在降落杆式金属密封球阀的研造启收历程外,因为CAD/CAM的运用,呈现了由盘算机辅佐设计、由计算机帮助数控机床减农造制的阀杆螺旋扁,使金属密启球阀在开关功程外有免何揩伤战磨益,自而使球阀的稀封性和应用寿命大大降下。 5. The result showed that upon excitation compound C3 could form its intramolecular charge transfer state easily and furthermore transform to a twisted intramolecular charge transfer state accompanying with a very la. 发现在光作用下C3很容易发生分子内电荷转移,进而转变为扭曲的分子内电荷转移,产生很大的偶极矩变化。 6. 6. The result showed that upon excitation compound C3 could form its intramolecular charge transfer state easily and furthermore transform to a twisted intramolecular charge transfer state accompanying with a very large change of dipole moment. 发现在光作用下C3很容易发生分子内电荷转移,进而转变为扭曲的分子内电荷转移,产生很大的偶极矩变化。 7. The result shows that the method can be applied to knowledge discovery from ambiguous, incomplete and noisy database. 研究结果表明,该方法可从模糊、不完备且有噪声的数据库中发现知识。 8. This paper introduced the study and result of the application of Mother liquid in the Vacuum salt industry on the Cleaner production technique of Co-production of salt and sodium sulfate. 介绍了盐硝联产清洁生产工艺在真空制盐企业排放的制盐母液中的研究和应用成果,并阐述了潜在的应用前景。 9. The result analysis shows that the small amount element will be determined lower than its real amount, while the majority element will be determined much higher. 在对纤维表面元素含量测定时,低含量成分有变小的趋势,而高含量成分有变大的趋势。 10. 10. By combining the weight vector of all the attributes and the large group preference matrix, an integration evaluation value vector of all the schemes is obtained. From the integration evaluation values in this vector, the ordering result of each scheme is got. The methood solves the problem of multi-attributes and multi-schemes large group decision making better. 将各个属性权重向量和大群体偏好矩阵进行合成,获得各个方案的综合评价值向量,由该向量中的综合评价值得出各方案的综合排序结果,较好地解决了多属性多方案大群体决策问题。 11. 11. It holds that the poetics of the revolutionists is the result at the turning stage in modern times of China. It has a clear-cut object for criticism——the feudal Qing Dynasty and the retrograde schools in the poetics. moreover, the poetics is aweapon for criticism of the critics with political colou... 认为革命派诗论是近代中国社会转折时期的产物,具有明确的批判对象——封建清王朝和守旧的诗派,同时,它又是政治诗论家们的批判武器,故其诗论深具政论特质,武器色彩之浓为文学史上前所未有。 12. result的反义词 12. If someone types in their name and gets off-topic porn as a result. 举例来说,如果某人输入了自己的姓名,却得到了离题万里的色情结果 13. Rambling satire is written in a colloquial style which is the result of a mastery of technique. 刻薄的。但很松散的讽刺叙事诗是以一种通俗的口语体写的。 14. Experiments are conducted on the effect of different types and different molecular structures of polymers on HPAM removal existed in solution or sewage. It is found out that only cationic polymer has a better removal effect of HPAM among the non-ion, amphoteric ion and hydrophobical cation polymers, especially the DMDAAC cationic polymer has an optimal result. The removal capacity to HPAM can be further improved by using appropriate molecular weight and cationic capacity and gas floatation technique. 试验研究了不同类别及分子结构的聚合物对溶液或污水中HPAM的去除效果,发现非离子、两性离子、疏水改性阳离子聚合物对HPAM无去除作用,只有阳离子聚合物去除效果较好,其中尤以DMDAAC系列阳离子聚合物效果最优,而适当的分子量和阳离子化度以及气浮技术均可以进一步提高其对HPAM的去除率。 15. The imperfect nature of mutual fund contracts makes the allocation of contractual rights a critical issue. How the residual claims and control are allocated between human capital and non-human capital depends on the result of their gaming. The allocation process is not constant, but rather dynamic. Chapter Ⅱ. 基金契约的不完全性决定了基金契约权利配置的重要性,契约的核心问题是契约权利的配置问题,而剩余索取权和剩余控制权如何在非人力资本和人力资本中配置取决于双方博弈的结果,这种权利配置不是固定不变的,而是一个动态演进过程,契约权利配置最终决定于要素所有者的谈判力。 16. All the time since, search engine boasts the search result justice of oneself is objective, but before numerous fact, its view collapse of itself. 一直以来,搜索引擎都标榜自家的搜索结果公正客观,但在众多事实面前,其说法不攻自破。 17. If I love you, I`m growing as a result of my love. 如果我爱你,我会在爱中慢慢的变得成熟。 18. Result The average inhibition ring diameters of D1 were 14.3 mm, 15.0 mm, 13.0 mm and 13.7 mm P. 结果 对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希菌、白色念珠菌和铜绿假单胞菌抑菌环的平均直径,止痒消炎剂1号依次为14.3、15.0、13.0、13.7,2号依次为16.3、17.7、19.0、16.7,3号依次为15.7、16.7、16.3、16.3,4号依次为12.0、12.7、11.0、13.0。 19. The result show that the important factors what influenced the cross section of radiative recombination of single-electron systems are principal quantum number n, angular quantum number l, atomic core, Z and so on. 利用细致平衡原理,通过光电离对单电子体系的辐射复合截面进行了研究,对计算结果的分析说明影响单电子体系辐射复合截面的因素主要有主量子数n、角量子数l、原子实以及离子的核电荷数Z等。 20. To the dyeing with sulfur dye s are discussed, and the dyeing result achieved by these reducing agents are comparable to that by sodium sulphide. 对近年来的还原糖、二氧化硫脲、-β巯基乙醇等对环境友好的还原剂在硫化染料染色中的应用进展进行了介绍。 result 词典解释 1. 结果;后果;成果;效果 A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened. e.g. Compensation is available for people who have developed asthma as a direct result of their work... 直接因工作原因患上哮喘的人会获得赔偿。 e.g. A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven. 专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。 2. 导致;引起;造成 If something results in a particular situation or event, it causes that situation or event to happen. e.g. Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries... 50%的道路交通事故都会导致头部损伤。 e.g. Regular trips back to her adopted motherland have resulted in her first book, Tiger Balm. 经常返回她移居的国家让她写出了她的第一本书《万金油》。 3. 由…产生;由…引起 If something results from a particular event or action, it is caused by that event or action. result e.g. Many hair problems result from what you eat... 很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。 e.g. Ignore the early warnings and illness could result. 忽略早期征兆可能会导致疾病。 4. (比赛的)结果,结局 A result is the situation that exists at the end of a contest. result的翻译 e.g. 'What was the result?' — 'One-nil to Leeds.'... “比赛结果怎样?”——“利兹队以1比0获胜。” e.g. The final election results will be announced on Friday. 选举的最终结果将在周五宣布。 5. (计算的)结果;得数 A result is the number that you get when you do a calculation. e.g. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation. 他们发现他们的计算机进行完全相同的计算会得出不同的结果。 6. (考试的)成绩,分数 Your results are the marks or grades that you get for examinations you have taken. result什么意思 e.g. Kate's exam results were excellent. 凯特的考试成绩非常出色。 in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用scoresresult 单语例句 1. It now has a single operating system that has increased business efficiency by 30 percent, the result said. 2. The company said the result had not been audited, and it would announce specific figures in the annual business report. 3. He did not reveal the source of that information and said the reductions would be the result of adjustments to the company's business structure. 4. The firm moved its office in Shanghai to a larger building in May as a result of increased business volume in the Yangtze River Delta. 5. But for the upcoming Beijing Games, Zhang is wary about predicting a result. 6. Butcher's remarks came as a result of his confidence in the robust Chinese economy. 7. Zhang said the company will be able to lower its borrowing costs as a result of the buy back. 8. As a result, tens of thousands of Potter fans flocked to buy the book via popular websites. 9. The buying spree is a direct result of China's growing energy demand. 10. The " Wolf Clause " was a result of compromise made by Obama to Republicans to avoid possible bankruptcy of the US government. result 英英释义 noun 1. the semantic role of the noun phrase whose referent exists only by virtue of the activity denoted by the verb in the clause Synonym: resultant role 2. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem e.g. they were trying to find a peaceful solution the answers were in the back of the book he computed the result to four decimal places Synonym: solutionanswerresolutionsolvent 3. something that results e.g. he listened for the results on the radio Synonym: resultantfinal resultoutcometermination 4. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon e.g. the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise his decision had depressing consequences for business he acted very wise after the event Synonym: consequenceeffectoutcomeeventissueupshot result的反义词 verb 1. come about or follow as a consequence e.g. nothing will result from this meeting 2. issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.) end e.g. result in tragedy Synonym: ensue 3. have as a result or residue e.g. The water left a mark on the silk dress Her blood left a stain on the napkin Synonym: leavelead |
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