单词 | formula |
释义 | formula [英 [?f?:mj?l?] 美 [?f?:rmj?l?] ] formula的意思、解释 复数形式:formulas; formulae; formula 基本解释 formula什么意思 名词公式,准则; 客套话; 方案; 婴儿食品 formula 相关例句 形容词 1. Formula one cars are the most powerful. 一级方程式赛车马力最大。 名词 1. formula的解释 1. The employers and the union leaders have agreed an acceptable formula for wages. 雇主和工会领袖已就工资问题达成了一个可行方案。 2. formula的解释 2. A formula for settling the border dispute has been worked out. 已拟定一个解决边界纠纷的方案。 3. Drinking and driving is a formula for trouble. 酒后开车是引起事故的不变法则。 formula 网络解释 1. 配方:第四章、在企业e化(e-Business)的趋势下,ERP已成为一个企业必备的资讯基础架构,也是企业提升竞争优势的根本工具第八章、在某些产业中,料表则被称为配方(Formula) 、处方(Recipe) 或成份表(Ingredients) 2. 分子式:聚丙烯酰胺和它的衍生物可以...[摘要]碱式氯化铝(BAC)碱式氯化铝(BAC)是一种无机高分子的高价聚合电解质混凝剂,可视为介于三氯化铝和氢氧化铝之间的一种...[摘要]聚合硫酸铁 聚合硫酸铁聚合硫酸铁 基本资料(BASIC INFORMATION) 分子式(FORMULA): [FE2(OH)N(SO4)3-0.5N]M, formula 双语例句 1. Depending on the image method and point source approximation method, the physic model was established, and the formula of photo-current versus surface recombination velocity was obtained. 导出了光电流与表面复合速率相应关系的计算公式,确定了可进行电量测量的实验装置。 2. formula的意思 2. After analyzing, this paper proposes a new method to determine the ordering vector of fuzzy complementary matrix, and the new method can be used by a formula when decision makers give positive reciprocal matrices. 通过分析研究,论文提出一种确定模糊互补判断矩阵排序向量的新方法,通过转化公式,新排序方法可以应用于决策者给出正互反判断矩阵的情况。 3. A theorem on sufficiency and necessity of fuzzy positive matrix is proposed after much analysis. Based on the thought of minimun deviationan, an optimization model is constructed first, and then a formula with parameter is taken advantage to approximate the corresponding element in the fuzzy complementary matrix and results in obtaining a fuzzy positive matrix. Meanwhile, the ordering vector of the fuzzy positive matrix is calculated. 经过深人分析,论文首先提出一个模糊一致矩阵的充要条件,再根据差异最小化的思想,构建一个最优化模型,利用一个含有参数的矩阵逼近原模糊互补判断矩阵,得到一个新的模糊一致矩阵,然后再求出这个模糊一致矩阵的排序向量。 4. formula的反义词 4. This paper establishes the contour surface equations and pressure angle formula of the conical grooved cam with translating conical roller follower. 建立了圆锥滚子直动从动件圆锥槽凸轮的廓面方程和压力角公式。 5. Using the Updated Lagrange finite element method and the elastic-plastic large deformation finite element formula based on virtual work-rate principle of finite deformation, the author studies in detail the plastic flow rule of MPF, including the influence of the work hardening index, friction, thickness of sheet, material, number and position of the punch. 作者采用逐级更新Lagrange法以及有限变形虚功率增率原理的弹塑性大变形有限元法,详细研究了金属板材多点成形的塑性流动规律,包括加工硬化指数、摩擦系数、板料厚度、材料、冲头个数及位置等对成形的影响,同时探讨了分段成形时的金属流动规律。 6. It is like when I was in America and I was going to move to Formula One. 你知道,我认为我们在今年遇到了在比赛中获胜的好机会。 7. Formula Off Road National Championship winner, Hafsteinn Thorvaldsson being interviewed by Gordon Torbet a freelance journalist from Dubai writing for the National in Abu Dhabi. 2009年一级方程式全国越野锦标赛冠军,哈夫斯坦索瓦尔松接受采访由Gordon Torbet来自迪拜的自由撰稿记者在阿布扎比国家写作。 8. Its formula of north-seeking and calculation are presented when under the state of no-attitude. 推导了该寻北仪在无姿态下的寻北解算公式。 9. It mainly including: ice stadium design, making ice design, design of refrigeration technics of cold store. The system saves data of refrigeration engineering design, computing formula, weather data of main areas in china, machines and equipments of partial factory, performance data of units. And it can finish the load computing, choice of machines and equipments, plane design of cold store, room design for machines and equipments. 本文介绍了利用智能化知识进行制冷工程设计的方法,主要包括:冰场设计、制冰设计、冷库制冷工艺设计,系统存有制冷工艺设计所用的资料、计算公式、全国主要地区气象资料和部分厂家的机器设备和元件的性能资料,在10分钟内可完成负荷计算、机器设备选择、冷库平面拟定、机器设备间拟定。 10. This formula can help us to infer how to solve the problem. 这个公式可以让我们推断如何解答这个问题。 11. formula的翻译 11. This product uses foreign advanced technology and formula, it is the most professional cleaning burnisher for stainless steel. 产品说明:本品引进国外先进工艺及配方,是最专业的不锈钢清洁擦亮剂。 12. On the basis of analyzing and studying on the former test results of hoist load of reverse tainter valve which is the main type of valves for navigation locks, a large scale (1:16) physical model for YinPan lock culvert valve has been built. Through the steady and unsteady flow experiments, structure of the acting flow on the valve has...更多been observed and analyzed in detail. It has been found that the valve's net hydrodynamic hoist load can be composed of two parts, one is the acting force result from water in culvert and the other result from the descending and rising flow in valve well. Furtherly the formula of the net hydrodynamic hoist load has been put forward by theoretic analysis, and the calculation results has been proved to be agreed well with the experimental results. Meanwhile, the factors affecting the net hydrodynamic hoist load and their changing laws have been further studied. The further research direction is also been pointed out. 在大量分析研究前人有关船闸主要门型—反向弧形门启闭力试验成果的基础上,建立了大比尺的输水阀门物理模型,通过恒定流和非恒定流试验,对作用在阀门上的水流结构形态进行了详细的观察和分析,认为阀门的净动水启闭力构成可以分为两大部分,即廊道水流对门体的作用力和门井下降或上升水流的作用力,并通过理论分析得到了由这两部分作用力构成的净动水启闭力计算公式,与试验结果吻合较好,同时还对影响阀门净动水启闭力的各种因素及其变化规律进行了进一步探讨,并指出了需深入研究的方向。 13. There are a lot of websites out there that will tell you that THEY have the secret formula. 有很多网站有,这可以告诉你,他们有秘方。 14. We have a tremendous opportunity at hand to do it right -to feature Austin as the backdrop and produce the Formula 1 United States GrandPrix as one of the great sporting events in the world, stated Hellmund. 现在我们手中有个绝妙的机会去弥补这些遗憾-让奥斯汀成为起重要作用的背景并使F1美国大奖赛成为全球最棒的运动赛事之一 Hellmund先生说道。 15. Our formula brings together the holistic properties of Cascara Sagrada and Senna, two popular herbals that help promote regularity. 本产品含有的其中两种草药-鼠李和番泻叶-都有利於促进大便畅通而有规律。 16. formula的解释 16. This is the one I wrote to the 51 core players APR6008 voice storage drive the bottom ic formula! 这是我写的一个51内核对APR6008语音储存播放ic的底层驱动程式! 17. As the cementation factor is controlled by pore structure and shale content, first of all, we must make use of core-analysis data and GR or SP to establish the formula that can calculate the cementation factor, and then use the well logging data according to this formula to determine the cementation factor in each reservoir. 由于胶结指数受孔隙结构和泥质含量等多种因素的控制,因此,必须首先利用岩电实验数据和泥质指示测井结果,采用多元回归分析法建立胶结指数的计算模型;然后利用测井数据,根据建立的计算模型确定各目的层的胶结指数。 18. In the numerical differentiation matlab, useful midpoint formula, adaptive method, Richardson extrapolation methods such as France seek the derivative of the function, the algorithm of the program implementation in the document have been given. 详细说明:matlab中的数值微分,有用中点公式,自适应法,理查森外推算法等方法求函数的导数,算法的程序实现在文件中都已经给出了。 19. The Midpoint Method: A Better Way to Calculate Percentage Changes and Elasticities The midpoint formula is preferable when calculating the price elasticity of demand because it gives the same answer regardless of the direction of the change. 中点法:一种计算百分比变化中点法一种计算百分比变化和弹性的更好方法是计算需求价格弹性的更好方法,中点法是计算需求价格弹性的更好方法,因为无论变动的方向如何,为无论变动的方向如何,中点法给出了同一个答案。 20. 20. The Midpoint Method: A Better Way to Calculate Percentage Changes and Elasticities (Q2 Q1)/[(Q2 + Q1)/2] Price Elasticity of Demand=/[(P2 +P)/2] 211 Example: If the price of an ice cream cone increases from $2.00 to $2.20 and the amount you buy falls from 10 to 8 cones the your elasticity of demand, using the midpoint formula, would be calculated as:(108) 22 percent (10 + 8)/ 2 == 2.32 (2.202.00) 9.5 percent (2.00 + 2.20)/ 2 Harcourt, Inc. 中点法:一种计算百分比变化和弹性的更好方法中点法一种计算百分比变化和弹性的更好方法(Q2 Q1)/[(Q2 + Q1)/2] 需求价格弹性=(P2 P)/[(P2 + P)/2] 1 1 例子:如果冰激凌蛋卷的价格从2美元上升到美元上升到2.2 例子如果冰激凌蛋卷的价格从美元上升到美元,你的购买量从10个下降到个,利用中个下降到8个利用中美元,你的购买量从个下降到点法你的需求价格弹性计算如下你的需求价格弹性计算如下:点法你的需求价格弹性计算如下 formula 词典解释 1. 原则;规划;方案 A formula is a plan that is invented in order to deal with a particular problem. e.g. It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula. 很难想象南北双方在统一半岛的方案上究竟怎样才能达成一致。 e.g. ...a peace formula. 和平方案 2. 方案;方法 A formula for a particular situation, usually a good one, is a course of action or a combination of actions that is certain or likely to result in that situation. e.g. After he was officially pronounced the world's oldest man, he offered this simple formula for a long and happy life... 在他被正式宣布为世界上最年长的人后,他给出了这样一个简单的快乐长寿的秘诀。 e.g. Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success... 对最新技术的灵活利用必将带来成功。 3. 公式;方程式 A formula is a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule. formula是什么意思 e.g. He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun. 他研究出了一个用于计算行星与太阳之间距离的数学公式。 4. 分子式;结构式 In science, the formula for a substance is a list of the amounts of various substances which make up that substance, or an indication of the atoms that it is composed of. formula在线翻译 5. (赛车的)级,方程式 Formula is used followed by a number to indicate a particular type of racing car or something relating to that type of car. formula的意思 e.g. ...Formula 1 racing cars. 一级方程式赛车 e.g. ...Formula 3000 racing. 方程式 3000 赛车 6. 配方奶;代乳品 Formula is a powder which you mix with water to make artificial milk for babies. e.g. ...bottles of formula. 几瓶配方奶 formula 单语例句formula在线翻译 1. Formula 1 star Jenson Button's girlfriend has put her modelling career in the fast lane with a racy new campaign. 2. After the recent milk formula scandal, many mothers are worried about it and feel safer buying imported goods. 3. Thousands of children in China affected by the tainted baby formula have landed in hospital with kidney stones and other urinary problems. 4. Murray and colleagues used a complex formula to calculate the probability that someone aged 15 will die before they reach 60. 5. The usual restrictions on how much baby formula people can carry through have been relaxed, he said. 6. Anytime Cafe in Causeway Bay takes this successful formula and reinterprets it into a contemporary dining concept. 7. Lewis Hamilton celebrated a Formula One record and transformed himself into a championship contender just three races into his grand prix career on Sunday. 8. The new Nutrition Centre focuses on creating better nutrition for children and mothers and to contribute to research and development of infant formula. 9. The clash started at a chain store in Wan Chai, where people rushed to buy imported baby formula when the store opened in the morning. 10. Sanlu was at the center of the infant formula contamination scandal in September, which led to the arrest of its chairperson and suspension of operations. formula的近义词formula 英英释义 formula在线翻译 noun 1. something regarded as a normative example e.g. the convention of not naming the main character violence is the rule not the exception his formula for impressing visitors Synonym: conventionnormalpatternrule 2. (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems e.g. he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials Synonym: rule 3. a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement Synonym: expression 4. a conventionalized statement expressing some fundamental principle 5. directions for making something Synonym: recipe 6. a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements Synonym: chemical formula 7. a liquid food for infants |
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