单词 | harmonic |
释义 | harmonic [英 [hɑ:?m?n?k] 美 [hɑ:r?mɑ:n?k] ] harmonic的意思、解释 复数形式:harmonics; harmonic 基本解释 形容词[乐]和声的,悦耳的; [物]谐波的; 和睦的,融洽的; [数]调和的 名词[物] 谐波; [乐]泛音,和声; [数]谐函数,调和函数 harmonic harmonic 网络解释 1. harmonic在线翻译 1. 谐波:★ 谐波:(harmonic) 对周期性交流信号量进行傅立叶级数分解,得到频率为基波频率大于1的整数倍的分量. 我国供电系统频率为50Hz,所以5次谐波的频率为250 Hz. 7次谐波的频率为350 Hz. 11次谐波的频率为550 Hz,13次谐波的频率为650 Hz. 2. 谐音:高通过滤器(High Pass Filter)必然将会把不必要/不需要的低音率去除,这信号之后会被传到谐波发生器(Harmonic Generating),在这里,信号将会被相位移动(Phase Shift)和制造一些和输入信号有关的谐音(harmonic). 3. harmonic的近义词 3. 谐振:因为半自动武器都要留较大公差才不会卡子, 还有传动系统会干扰枪管的谐振(harmonic), 因此手动的bolt action 都是比较准的. 这与制造技术无关, 而是不同导向之设计的结果. 因此在 1 MOA 精度以内的狙击枪, 都是手动的. 4. 4. 调和:为实现无冲突周期性消息调度,PMS MAC协议采用了消息周期调和(Harmonic)机制,将共享无线信道方式转化为确定每个节点的消息发送调度时隙. 如称一个消息集为调和消息集时,当且仅当消息集中每个消息的周期为其他所有更小消息周期的整数倍. 5. 5. harmonic:har; 谐波 harmonic 双语例句 1. In labview development system, the results of simulation and applycation test show that: through adaptive filtering based on harmonic wavelet, the dynamic imbalance signal can be extrated accurately. 基于Labview开发系统进行仿真和应用试验,结果表明:通过谐波小波自适应滤波,能够精确提取动不平衡信号。 2. Green switch power supply installed internally with high performance and the harmonic distortion with low power supply and big applicablescope of voltage is suitlable for all the power supply in the world. 内置高性能绿色开关电源,极低的电源谐波失真和极宽的电压适应范围,符合全世界各国电源要求。 3. In this paper, the principle of SPWM is described, which include how the harmonic is engendered. 论文分析了SPWM技术的原理和其谐波的产生和危害。 4. Design of the program on the basis of this paper, the harmonic detection of hardware and software systems for each specific design. 在总体设计方案的基础上,本文对谐波检测仪的硬件系统和软件系统分别进行了具体的设计。 5. In order to study the primary resonance and primary parametric resonance of current-carrying conductor subjected to harmonic excitation and ampere force, the Mathieu-equation of the system is derived first. 研究受简谐激励的二长直电流间载流导线的主共振主参数共振问题,应用动力学方法建立载流导线受外部激励和安培力的Mathieau方程。 6. According to the continuity conditions which should be satisfied by general forces and displacements in the shell and the nozzle on the intersecting curve, the equations for all harmonic can be obtained. 本文对两个有机玻璃圆柱壳大开孔模型(r/R=0.66,0.75)在内压及弯矩MXN作用下的应力分布进行了比较详细的电测分析,补充了现有实验数据的不足。 7. Switching power amplifier of magnetic bearing worked in hard switching. To overcome drawbacks of large loss of switching and current harmonic distortion, a parallel resonant DC link soft-switching power amplifier was adopted in this paper. 为克服磁悬浮轴承开关功率放大器工作在硬开关状态时存在的开关损耗和电流纹波干扰严重的缺点,提出一种磁悬浮轴承并联谐振直流环节的软开关功率放大器电路。 8. And the traditional passive filter`s function is also limited for avoiding the resonance and harmonic enlarging. The auto-compensator and harmonics shielding converter transformer can be used to solve these problems, which is based on the principle of the winding ampere and turn`s balance. This paper elaborates this kind of transformer filter mechanism. In the view of the HVDC system, a new winding connection plan is proposed, and the filter optimization model is created. 作者基于自耦补偿与谐波屏蔽的换流变压器,针对某实际的HVDC模拟系统,提出了与该变压器配套的滤波装置的接线方案,并将外罚函数法和遗传算法相结合,对上述滤波装置进行优化设计,建立了以初期投资最小为优化目标、满足系统无功需求的滤波器优化配置的数学模型。 9. Based on the harmonic analysis of power system, its interference with the protective equipment is discussed. 本文通过对电力系统谐波的分析,讨论了谐波对电力系统继电保护设备的影响。 10. The dynamical equation of a relative-rotation nonlinear dynamical system with nonlinear elastic force and common friction and harmonic excitation is deduced. 建立具有一般非线性弹性力、广义摩阻力和谐波激励的一类相对转动非线性动力系统的动力学方程。 11. In this paper, harmonic component and noise component analysis and synthesis are deeply studied. Two kinds of SELP algorithm, SELP-Ⅰ and SELP-Ⅱ are realized, which are respectively based on the control of the random characteristic of the phase and harmonic amplitude. 本文对谐波激励的随机成分和噪声成分的分析和合成进行了深入的研究,并实现两种算法SELP-Ⅰ和SELP-Ⅱ,它们分别通过控制相位和幅度的随机性实现混合激励。 12. harmonic 12. According to the frequency excursion in power systems, this paper proposes a detecting method of harmonic negative current instructions. 针对电网出现的频率偏差,提出一种谐波负序电流指令的检测方法。 13. According to the analysis, a boundary mode PFC IC which is used for the application of output power 80 W and voltage 400 V is designed by TSMC 0.35 μm process. The implementations of the error amplifier, analog multiplier, comparator, RS flip-flop and the gate driver are utilized Hspice to verify the design that the power factor exceeds 97% and total harmonic distortion is lower than 10%. 根据分析整理,利用TSMC 0.35 μm制程设计一个应用於输出功率80 W、输出400 V的边界模式PFC控制IC,以功率因数超过97%且总谐波失真低於10%为一设计的依据,实现其误差放大器、乘法器、比较器、RS正反器以及闸极驱动缓冲电路,并使用Hspice模拟验证设计。 14. 14. ABSTRACT:Active power filter is a new method to realize harmonic elimination and VAR compensation using IGBT or MOSFET. It doesnt have the disadvantages of the traditional method to realize harmonic elimination and VAR compensation which uses the LC filters. 有源电力滤波器应用全控型器件实现动态谐波抑制和无功补偿,能对变化谐波与无功进行快速补偿,并克服了传统 LC滤波和无功补偿方法的缺点。 15. Qi harmonic persons, who are also Monstrous. 齐谐者,谁也怪异。 16. harmonic 16. This paper directly uses Doodson numbers to express argument, and then uses the arguments to the harmonic analysis method. It sets up a method for the harmonic analysis of tides based on Doodson numbers, and then applies the method into practical situation. It has proved the feasibility of express arguments by angular 本文直接用杜德森数表示天文相角,并用它直接进行调和分析,建立了基于杜德森数的调和分析方法,并用这种方法进行了实际的调和分析,并证明了通过角速度表示天文相角的可行性。 17. harmonic是什么意思 17. In this paper, we consider the scattering of an electromagnetic time-harmonic plane wave by an infinite cylindrical conductor. 在这篇文章中,我们考虑关于时间调和的电磁波在一个无限长圆柱形导体上的散射问题,假设此圆柱形导体的截面为一段开弧,则可以考虑R~2中一段开弧上的散射问题。 18. harmonic的解释 18. According to the simulation results, both of 360GHz balance frequency tripler and 360GHz frequency tripler using single diode have their own advantages and disadvantages. 360GHz balance frequency tripler has better harmonic suppression, and the other has higher efficiency. 从仿真结果来看,平衡式倍频器和单管倍频器各有优劣,平衡式倍频器有较好的谐波抑制,而单管则有较高的倍频效率,所以应根据需要综合考虑,选择设计方法。 19. The RNSIC is equipped with diodes, inductors and capacitors, the operational principle, characteristics, design method, disadvantages and improved scheme of which are illustrated in detail. The novel 24-pulse rectifier connects the primary side of its phase-shifting transformer with the rectifier in series, so the input power of the transformer is only half of the input one of the rectifier. In the dc side, a voltage injection circuit is added to give the input currents into shape. The analysis, simulation and experiment on it are given in this paper. The high power factor three-phase rectifier adopting third-harmonic currents injection is researched then, in which the third harmonic is provided by LC resonant circuit and injected to the ac side. A novel circuit is given and analysed detailly in this paper. RNSIC整流器由三相二极管整流桥、输入滤波电感和与整流二极管并联的电容构成,本文分析了其工作原理、特性、参数设计方法及存在的缺陷,并提出了改进方案;新型24脉波整流器移相变压器原边线圈串联在输入侧,使得变压器输入功率只有整流器输入功率的一半,在直流侧注入6次方波电压,以达到24脉波的效果,论文对其进行了分析、仿真及实验研究;采用三次谐波注入法的三相整流器通过在直流侧引入三次谐波电流,注入交流侧,达到整形输入电流的效果,论文提出了一种新型谐波注入方案,并给出了分析、仿真和实验研究。 20. And if the filter is open in just the right place, youcan get a harmonic to singlike a bird. 如果在适当的时候打开过滤器,你可以得到像小鸟那样的和音。 harmonic 词典解释 1. 和声的 Harmonic means composed, played, or sung using two or more notes which sound right and pleasing together. e.g. I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic structures. 我过去一直在寻找将和声和节奏结合起来的方法。 2. 泛音 Harmonics are musical notes which can be produced on certain instruments. Harmonics are higher and quieter than the main note being played. harmonic 单语例句harmonic的翻译 1. The group's harmonic cohesion makes for an energetic and lively performance. 2. Inspired by Chinese poetry and calligraphy, he incorporates Chinese timbres and themes into Western conceptions of harmonic notions and chromaticism. |
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