单词 | calamity |
释义 | calamity [英 [k??l?m?ti] 美 [k??l?m?ti] ] calamity的意思、解释 复数形式:calamities; calamity 基本解释 名词不幸; 灾祸,灾难; 不幸之事; 困苦 calamity 相关例句 名词 1. 1. His becoming blind was a great calamity. 他双目失明是巨大的不幸。 2. War is a frightful calamity. 战争是可怕的灾难。 3. The recent flooding in the south was a calamity. 最近南方的洪水是一场灾难。 calamity 网络解释 1. 灾害,不幸事件:disaster 灾难,不幸(语气较弱) | calamity 灾害,不幸事件 | nature calamity 自然灾害 2. 灾害:calamity science 灾害学 | calamity 灾害 | calcium carbide 炭化钙 3. 灾祸:buckle 变形,坍塌 | calamity 灾祸 | canyon 峡谷 calamity 双语例句 1. Chaos before the Ogawa's younger sister with the Empress Lu Lu Su in Peixian enjoying the last quiet life, Ogawa chose Lu Su, rather than their brains deep in Lvzhi for future calamity foreshadowed. 天下大乱之前,小川同吕后的妹妹吕素在沛县享受着最后的恬静生活,小川选择了吕素而不是心机颇深的吕雉,为将来的祸事埋下了伏笔。 2. 2. Stock market and the world economy were just days from historic calamity, unprecedented in the lives of anyone born in the last 80 years. 但当时,美国股市和世界经济距离80年以来空前的历史性大灾难只有几天之遥。 3. calamity在线翻译 3. I know I do have some friends are being hit by this natural calamity. 我知道我一定会有一些朋友正在遭受这场灾难。 4. A great deal of geological calamity data has been accumulated after many year's geological work. 多年来的地质工作,已经积累了大量的地质灾害资料。 5. His becoming blind was a great calamity. 他双目失明是巨大的不幸。 6. calamity 6. The spring floods were a great calamity to the farmers whose crops and houses were ruined. 春天的洪水对农人来说是一大灾难,他们的农作物和房子都被破坏了。 7. The frost last week was a great calamity to the citrus industry. 上周的霜冻对柑橘种植业是一场大灾难。 8. TYPICAL USE:The spring floods were a great calamity to the farmers whose crops and houses were ruined. 春天的洪水对农人来说是一大灾难,他们的农作物和房子都被破坏。 9. 9. In addition, the auspicious sign and calamity had been affected the culture and psychology of ancient China. 另外,祥瑞灾异对中国古代的文化以及人们的心理也產生了重要影响。 10. calamity 10. Next year, our country will launch the environment that constitutes by 3 moonlet and calamity to monitor forecast moonlet constellation, plan to be inside the 2 time that come 3 years, increase satellitic amount 7, so that opposite condition is destroyed, annulus 明年,我国将发射由3颗小卫星组成的环境和灾难监测预告小卫星星座,并计划在2至3年的时间内,将卫星数量增加到7个,以便对生态破坏、环 11. If being lonely means there is nobody to miss, and missing someone madly bereaves you seriously, what kind of calamity are you in? 如果是寂寞是因为没有可想念的人;孤独是因为疯狂的思念一个人,那么你是孤独还是寂寞呢? 12. They learned that His wrath against the people of Judah for their idolatry would surely bring calamity. 上帝的怒气因犹大国拜偶像而发,祂必降灾於犹大的百姓。 13. For calamity from God is dreadful to me, And because of His majesty I can do nothing. 31:23 因为神降的灾祸使我恐惧,因祂的威严,我不能妄为。 14. People at that time made attempts in many respects and worked out a series of detailed methods, such as reporting, checking and administratively supervising calamities and so on, which have provided the important evidence for calamity administration. 灾害评估是灾害赈救管理的重要环节,北宋时期,人们已经认识到灾害评估的重要作用,在许多环节上进行了尝试,并制定出了报荒、检覆、行政监督等一系列较为详尽的办法,为灾害管理提供了重要依据。 15. But if calamity befalls you, your complaint must be to yourself. 如果你成了玫瑰,你会痛苦的,会后悔莫及。 16. calamity是什么意思 16. If get leading correctly, can have the meritorious service of raise be apt to, for instance the lock decides the Lilliputian of make trouble of start a rumour, the relatives and friends that also can seek the be separated from and lose touch with each other after shake people, the match person of rare blood type... if lack law is restrained and healthy guiding, the calamity that its are cruel also nots allow small gaze. 假如得到正确的引领,可起扬善之功,比如锁定造谣生事的小人,也可以找寻震后失散的亲友们、稀有血型的匹配者……假如缺乏法律约束和健康引导,其为虐之害也不容小觑。 17. It would be wonderful to see again, but a calamity can do strange things to people. 如果能复明当然是种美好,但是灾难亦会给人带来些奇特的影响。 18. These deserted urban scenes are somehow reminiscent of the panic and eerie atmosphere during the SARS crisis – heavy with portending calamity and leaden with ominous expectation. 无人的城市场景让人想到2003年春夏之交SARS期间的惶恐与诡异,以及不祥的预感和无法预期的等待。 19. To bring disaster or misfortune upon; to strike with calamity; to ruin, afflict, injure seriously, endamage. 而disaster 一词作动词用法产生之初,according to OED,竟然是来自对法语的误读。 20. Center of calamity command providing disaster relief is fought in the province, the case that the communication state that saves completely at present with Wang Jianzhou and disaster area lead related the government exchanged an opinion, undertook communication with respect to the block circumstance of network of the mobile communication inside the near future, wang Jianzhou expresses: From whole China's at present mobile network, the measure that altogether withdraws the chance that take to stand is 2568, so yesterday evening highest peak when, once had achieved 4457, retreat the mainest reason that take, one is electric power was interrupted, also having one share additionally is to transmit interrupted. 5月13日下午4点,中国移动通信集团公司总裁王建宙抵达成都,在位于高新西区的中国移动抗震救灾保障指挥中心初步了解了四川各地的震灾情况后,冒着大雨连夜赶赴位于都江堰的省市抗灾指挥中心。在省抗灾救灾指挥中心,政府相关领导与王建宙就现在全省的通讯状况与灾区的情况交换了意见,并就近期内移动通讯网络的阻塞情况进行了沟通,王建宙表示:从现在整个中国移动的网络,一共退服的机站的数量是2568个,那么昨天晚上最高峰的时候,曾经达到过4457个,退服的最主要的原因,一个是电力中断了,另外也有一部分是传输中断了。 calamity 词典解释 1. 灾难;灾祸; 祸患 A calamity is an event that causes a great deal of damage, destruction, or personal distress. e.g. He described drugs as the greatest calamity of the age... 他称毒品是这个时代最大的祸害。 e.g. ...the calamity of war... 兵燹战祸 calamity 单语例句calamity在线翻译 1. The EU's collapse would be a calamity, for the whole world. 2. The government placed Metro Manila and about two dozen provinces in Luzon region under state of calamity as heavy rains submerged roads and flooded homes. 3. Many congressional Republicans indicate they're unconvinced that such scenarios would occur, and some administration officials worry that it could take a financial calamity before Congress acts. 4. There just might be something good coming out of this economic calamity if the US proves it is as responsible as it claims to be. 5. Many people have changed their attitudes toward life after the disastrous calamity ravaged the town and claimed hundreds of thousand of victims. 6. For cities and counties frequently hit by natural disasters, local governments should set aside reserves for coping in the event of a calamity. 7. As the ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius put it, a nation can " thrive in calamity but perish in ease and pleasure ". 8. A rural laborer losing his physical capacity to work in the prime of life can be a calamity for his family. 9. Calamity of such a large scale is unique in human history, and the subsequent and rehabilitation operation can only be ranked first class. 10. When those victims entered the shopping mall that morning, they could not know the calamity that awaited them. calamity是什么意思calamity 英英释义 calamity noun 1. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune e.g. the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity the earthquake was a disaster Synonym: catastrophedisastertragedycataclysm |
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