单词 | anomalous |
释义 | anomalous [英 [??n?m?l?s] 美 [??nɑ:m?l?s] ] anomalous的意思、解释 anomalous 基本解释 anomalous的近义词 形容词不规则的; 不协调的; 不恰当的; 破格的 anomalous 网络解释 1. 反常:所谓特别事件是指在现有范式中被证明是反常(anomalous)事件的增加,为了纠正问题,决策者需要改变工具设定,并尝试新的政策工具. 如果这些努力不能奏效,就会出现政策失败(policy failure),进而打击旧的范式,促使人们去寻找新的范式, 2. 反常,不规则:anomalo- 不规则,异常,反常 | anomalous 反常,不规则 | anorectal line 肛门直肠线 3. anomalous的翻译 3. 异常的:anomalous underflow 异常暗流 | anomalous 异常的 | anomaly contour 等异常线 4. anomalous的翻译 4. 不规则的:anomaloscope 色盲测定器 | anomalous 不规则的 | anomaly 不规则 anomalous 双语例句 1. On that basis, I see no alternative but to preserve this one anomalous category of citizenship. 对於那些见到一篇报导就全情耻笑抹黑 BNO 平权的五毛党,则不妨看看另一个故事 2. 2. The time of the anomalous warm water poleward propagation is about 1 year or so. 其传播过程持续大约 1年的时间,但未发现沿南赤道流的西传现象。 3. The sensitivity characteristics of geoelectric parameters were investigated by changing the depth, radius, and resistivity of an anomalous body and the resistivity of surrounding rock. 通过改变低阻异常体埋深、半径和电阻率及高阻围岩的电阻率,得到了各参数的变化对结果的敏感程度。 4. The presence of a large density of contaminant causes anomalous increases in the diode current with increasing reverse bias. 大量沾污也会使二级管电流随反向偏压的增加而呈现反常的增大。 5. anomalous是什么意思 5. We presented the problem of anomalous potential and the geoelectric field potential formula of vertical line source in this paper. 在本文中,以垂直钻孔套管为垂直线源,介绍了垂直线源的地电场电位公式,给出了异常电位的变分问题。 6. Keywords seismic interpretation technique; depleted oilfield; Burma; Prome Bay basin; study of anomalous attributes 地震解释技术;枯竭期油田;缅甸; Prome海湾盆地;异常属性研究 7. 7. And the sequence of biosorption capability is: leaf>bud>stem>root. 2 The homogenate system of Ambrosia trifida contained four kinds. And they are tissue conglomeration, cell conglomeration, sing-cell and anomalous conglomeration. The quantity of all kinds biosobent were calculated with blood counting chamber. 2三裂叶豚草的匀浆体系微观组成有组织团块、细胞团块、单细胞、不规则团块组成,应用血球计数板计数法统计不同打浆时间各颗粒类型吸附剂的数量和比例,确定匀浆55秒时细胞团块与单细胞之和体系中存所占的比重最大。 8. The modern Mississippi delta is anomalous, and a global view shows that it is very different from most deltas 现代密西西比三角洲是特殊的,从全球范围来看,它与多数三角洲很不相同。 9. anomalous的翻译 9. The anomalous character of large polar distance dipole-dipole resistivity sounding in tunnel is calculated and discussed in this paper. 本文着重计算和讨论坑道内大极距偶极-偶极测深异常特征。 10. Our results show that (1) the media beneath the Tangshan block cut by active faults are very different from the adjacent areas and all of the active faults surrounding the Tangshan block was through the whole crust; (2) in the upper and middle crust, there exist obvious heterogeneous low-velocity media beneath the Tangshan earthquake region; (3) the crustmantle boundary has an obvious block uplift and, in comparison with both sides, the top anomalous uplift of the upper mantle beneath the Tangshan block reaches to 10 km, and the upper mantle beneath has an anomalous heterogeneous structure; (4) beneath the Tangshan earthquake region, there are probably massive intrusions derived from the upper mantle, which form the low-velocity body in the upper and middle crust. 结果表明:(1)由活动断裂切割的唐山断块与周围介质存在明显差异,围限唐山断块的断裂均为超壳的活动断裂;(2)唐山大震区中上地壳具有明显的非均匀壳内低速体;(3)该地区壳幔界面表现为明显的断块式隆升,与两侧相比,唐山菱形地块下方的上地幔顶部异常隆起的高度达到10 km左右,下伏的上地幔具有异常的非均匀结构;(4)唐山大震区可能有幔源物质较大规模的侵入,形成了中、上地壳内的低速体。 11. anomalous是什么意思 11. Using the linear Boltzmann equation and Maxwell equations, and assuming that the electron energy distribution function obeys the Boltzmann distribution, we present general expressions of the rf electric field and power absorption, discuss the influence of the discharge pressure and electron temperature on these two quantities, and find the anomalous skin depth is about 2 cm. 利用线性Boltzmann方程和Maxwell方程组,并假设电子的能量分布为麦克斯韦分布,本文推导出射频电场及功率吸收的一般表示式,并分别研究了电子温度及放电气压对射频电场和功率吸收特性的影响,发现射频电场的趋肤深度约为2cm。 12. Many significant results, such as normal, directed, domain restricted, anomalous diffusion and translation of movement, were observed in experimental processes. 在实验中我们观测到了定向运动、区域限制运动、不规则扩散运动、自由扩散运动和运动类型的转换等一些重要的结果。 13. The western wind in low-level prevails in this region, and the vertical shear is weaken. The anomalous anti-cyclonic circulation are produced, hence the rainfall reduces over the region. 在中国南部地区高空为异常的偏西气流,意味着高空偏东风的减弱,而低层仍然为异常偏西风,该地区上空的垂直切变减弱,有利于反气旋环流的产生,因此导致东南沿海地区降水减少。 14. The chromosome behavior was studied during meiosis from pachytene to telophase II. Results showed that the chromosome configuration of F2 belonged to the type of the nodal section-allosection, and possessed very high rate of anomalous chromosome, the total rate of anomalous chromosome accounting for 87.13%. 研究了从粗线期到末期Ⅱ的染色体行为,结果表明,F2的染色体构型为异源节段异段类型,且异常染色体频率极高,合计为87.13%。 15. 15. It means that the active fluid flow has a close relationship with the formation and accumulation of gas hydrate.(2) The episodic process of fracture plays an important role in the generation of gas hydrate. It may provide the passage along which thermogenic or biogenic gas migrated into gas hydrate stability zone upward. And it increases the pore space for the growth of hydrate crystal.(3) Submarine landslide induced the anomalous overpressure activity and development of fracture in the GHSZ. 在气烟囱或底辟构造顶部通常有BSR伴生,说明热流体活动与水合物成藏具有密切关系;(2)断裂构造的发育在水合物稳定带中细粒沉积物的成核和生长过程中具有重要的作用,一方面促进稳定带流体的垂向和侧向运移,另一方面,构造裂缝可能成为成核和生长过程的空间;(3大型海底滑坡导致了地层中超压流体活动和构造裂缝的发育,从而促进了水合物富集。 16. anomalous 16. In this paper, a method is presented of long-term prediction for the anomalous high summer temperature in the north region of Zhejiang. 本文提出了预报浙北地区夏季出现异常高温的一种长期预报方法,采用逻辑结构形式方法来描述预报对象和预报因子之间的关系,并用数理逻辑中的命题公式来描述本文的预报问题,进行逻辑推理预报。 17. In addition to this normal military service, there were a few anomalous legions commanded by an equestrian praefect. 除了常规的军队服役之外,某些特殊的军团也是由骑士等级的长官指挥的。 18. By a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman - a howl - a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, conjointly from the throats of the dammed in their agony and of the demons that exult in the damnation. 一下哭声,开头瓮声瓮气,断断续续,象个小孩在抽泣,随即一下子变成连续不断的高声长啸,声音异常,惨绝人寰——这是一声哀号——一声悲鸣,半似恐怖,半似得意,,只有堕入地狱的受罪冤魂痛苦的惨叫,和魔鬼见了冤魂遭受天罚的欢呼打成一片,才跟这声音差不离。 19. By a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman --a howl --a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, conjointly from the throats of the damned in their agony and of the demons that exult in the damnation. 一下哭声,开头瓮声瓮气,断断续续,象个小孩在抽泣,随即一下子变成连续不断的高声长啸,声音异常,惨绝人寰——这是一声哀号——一声悲鸣,半似恐怖,半似得意,,只有堕入地狱的受罪冤魂痛苦的惨叫,和魔鬼见了冤魂遭受天罚的欢呼打成一片,才跟这声音差不离。 20. 2Excessive spring rains: In the ten El Nino springs during the period 1970-98, Taiwan had excessive rains in 3 years and suppressed rains in 7 years. Composite analyses reveal that SST anomalies associated with El Nio events with excessive rains in Taiwan were stronger in magnitude and more eastward in spatial position of anomalous SST centers than those with suppressed rains. 2春雨偏多现象:在1970-98年间十个圣婴现象春季中,台湾春雨有7年偏少,3年偏多(包括1998年),偏多年所对应热带太平洋SST距平强度较偏少年明显增强,且其西太平洋冷距平中心区与热带东太平洋暖距平中心区均较偏少年东移。 anomalous 词典解释 1. 反常的;异常的;例外的 Something that is anomalous is different from what is usual or expected. e.g. For years this anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists... 几年来这种反常行为让科学家们很困惑。 e.g. His position here is anomalous. 他在此的身份很不寻常。 anomalous 单语例句anomalous在线翻译 1. Zhang said the reasons underlying it were the complicated ocean currents and anomalous atmospheric circulation. 2. Regulators and stock analysts have noted the anomalous dual listing arrangement, resulting in wide price gaps between H and A shares of mainland enterprises. anomalous 英英释义 adj 1. deviating from the general or common order or type e.g. advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe |
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