单词 | princess |
释义 | princess [英 [?pr?n?ses] 美 [?pr?ns?s, -?s?s, pr?n?s?s] ] princess的意思、解释 复数形式:princesses; princess 基本解释 princess的意思 名词公主; 王妃(王族女性成员); 女巨头,女名家; 女王 princess 反义词 princess的解释 名词prince princess 网络解释 1. 魔法公主:迪斯尼于去年底推出广受好评的幻想电影佳作(Enchaned)之后,又将于4月20日在旗下的ABC家庭电视频道(ABC-Family)推出一部同种主题的都市爱情童话--(Princess). 2. 王妃:英国 王妃 (PRINCESS)电热水壶 贵族品牌英国 王妃 (PRINCESS)电热水壶 贵族品牌英国 王妃 (PRINCESS)电热水壶 贵族品牌英国 王妃 (PRINCESS)电热水壶店家:(爱乐集结号)在2009-12-21时, princess 双语例句 1. 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The princess's face colou red red in patches at the sight of the letter. 公爵小姐看见信,立刻涨红了脸,她赶快拿起信,低垂着头去看。 3. I'm just lovin my naughty little princess! 我就喜欢我那淘气的小公主! 4. 4. Peter, we did not know you said ripple rhyme princess! 彼得,我们都不知道你说的涟韵公主啊! 5. My soldier is I the princess combine but shout an earthquake a day with a building. 我的士兵为我与一个楼兰公主的结合而欢呼震天。 6. Natasha suddenly, as it were, shrank into herself, and unconsciously assumed a non-chalant air, which repelled Princess Marya more and more. 娜塔莎忽然精神萎靡不振,说话时带着不太客气的腔调,这就使得她和公爵小姐玛丽亚更疏远了。 7. The broad arching growth makes it possible to grow Crown Princess Margareta as a free-standing rose set into a lawn. 广大拱增长使得有可能成长为一个独立的皇太子妃玛加丽上升设置成草坪。 8. As a climbing rose, Crown Princess Margareta is ideal trained against a wall, perhaps by an entrance where the fragrance can be enjoyed. 作为一个登山上涨,太子妃玛加丽是理想的靠墙的训练,也许其中香味可以享受一个入口。 9. Princess there than I imagined loyalty, she let her lover to return to the small fortress, and she continued the journey with us. 公主比我想像的有义气,她让她的小情人先回到堡垒,而她和我们一起继续旅程。 10. It should be noted that Princess Alexandra of Fife later married Prince Arthur of Connaught, a first cousin of Princess Louise. 应当指出,亚历山德拉王妃夫后来娶了诺,一个路易丝公主的表姐阿瑟亲王。 11. In front of in the Forbidden City gate square, princess Turandot to announce to hers wooer that, Can guess in who by she three riddles, she marries to anyone, but if will not be able to guess is executed. 紫禁城门前的广场上,公主图兰朵向她的求婚者宣布:在谁能够猜中由她所出的三道谜语,她就嫁给谁,但若猜不中就将被处死。 12. The Confucius Institute at Khon Kaen University, Thailand which organized interesting Chinese learning activities under the care and support of Princess Sirindhorn were warmly welcomed by the local people. 温家宝总理对日本立命馆孔子学院的访问进一步鼓舞了大家建设孔子学院的热情。泰国孔敬大学孔子学院在泰国诗琳通公主的关怀和支持下组织了有趣味的中文学习活动,受到当地民众欢迎。 13. princess的解释 13. Diana, Princess of Wales, formerly Lady Diana Frances Spencer, was born on 1 July 1961 at Park House near Sandringham, Norfolk. 戴安娜,威尔士王妃,以前是戴安娜弗朗西斯斯潘塞小姐。1961年出生于诺福克郡的桑德林汉小镇附近一座名叫公园宅的房子里。 14. princess的近义词 14. Huanpei Second Princess ring, Xiao Xiao is Autumn. 二妃环佩响,秋色正萧萧。 15. Odile, Knight Rothbart's daughter, enters as a black swan, looking exactly like Princess Odette. Odile,魔术师Rothbart的女儿化装成一只黑天鹅进来了,样子就象是公主Odette,几乎没有分别。 16. In a second the jinnee was back with the Princess asleep in his arms. 顷刻间灯神就抱着熟睡的公主回来了。 17. One night, the jinnee took the princess to Aladdin. 一天晚上,精灵把公主带到阿拉丁身边。 18. It was the same as the one used by the fraternity which had murdered princess's father some months ago. 这是由曾杀害公主的父亲几个月前界所使用的相同。 19. Still with bird feather in its head as decorations, the princess must have been very good-looking when she was alive. 头上插着鸟羽,据考证当时是位公主,在极其年轻时过世,想来一定也十分美丽。 20. The mummy, still with feather decorations on the head, had been confirmed an ancient princess, who died in her youth. 头上插着鸟羽,据考证当时是位公主,在极其年轻时过世,想来一定也十分美丽。 princess 词典解释 1. 公主;王妃;亲王夫人 A princess is a female member of a royal family, usually the daughter of a king or queen or the wife of a prince. princess什么意思 e.g. Princess Anne topped the guest list. 安妮公主排在宾客名单之首。 e.g. ...Caroline Lindon, Princess of Monaco. 摩纳哥公主卡罗琳·林登 princess 单语例句 1. Paul Burrell was Princess Diana's butler, but he was also her confidant. 2. He was sent to Princess Margaret Hospital with a gunshot wound to the left buttock. 3. This piece was inspired by the story of The Princess and the Frog. 4. The number of chamberlains to Princess Aiko was increased to five from four in April, though the agency said it took a while to select a suitable candidate. 5. Princess Diana's brother fears she will always be the perfect " cash crop ". 6. The Star Princess was sailing from Grand Cayman to Jamaica when the blaze started. 7. Experts with the research center had to milk the mother and feed Princess artificially. 8. But his unique selling point was that the nationality of the princess would change to match that of his group. 9. Though she never returned to the screen after her 1956 marriage to Rainier, the actress brought her elegance and charm to the role of princess. 10. For every bride, wearing a perfect wedding gown is just like becoming the princess or the beautiful Cinderella. princessprincess 英英释义 noun 1. a female member of a royal family other than the queen (especially the daughter of a sovereign) |
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