单词 | apostasy |
释义 | apostasy [英 [?'p?st?s?] 美 [??pɑst?si] ] apostasy的意思、解释 复数形式:apostasies; apostasy 基本解释 apostasy 名词背信,变节,叛教 apostasy 网络解释 1. 背教:让我们从背教(apostasy)一词的定义说起吧. (The Dictionary of Quranic Terms and Concepts)[5]是这样定义背教的:我们将从艾布阿拉义马杜迪(Abul Ala Mawdudi)开始说起,他是巴基斯坦一位备受高度尊敬的穆斯林学者, 2. apostasy的翻译 2. (背道):耶稣再来之前那段期间是一段宗教活跃 (spiritual activity),含糊 (ambiguity) 和背道 (apostasy)神在我们最可怕的恶梦中做工. 911事件显示神如何在一个国家的受伤、哀悼中唤醒他们. 许多人考虑或接受耶稣,甚至回到教会, 3. 叛教:可是,截至2006年底,雪兰莪州的并没有条文规定宗教局可以将他们认为叛教(Apostasy)者送去改造中心,宗教局的作法是否合法,有待商榷. 4. 叛教;背叛:ecstasy 入迷 | apostasy 叛教;背叛 | amity 友好, 亲善关系 apostasy 双语例句 1. apostasy 1. My heart goes out to the hundreds of faithful Adventists who have written me about their efforts to stem the relentless tide of apostasy. 我的心向往那数百位忠心的复临信徒,他们曾写信告诉我他们的努力,要阻止那持续不断的背道之潮。 2. apostasy 2. Till then it had been a time-honoured law in the Church that the three capital crimes: apostasy, murder, and adultery, were to be atoned for by an accurately determined penance, which was public at least for public sins. 直到那一直是行之有效的法律,在教堂,这三个资本罪:叛教,谋杀和通奸,被有血气的,由一个准确确定忏悔,这是市民,至少在公众的罪孽。 3. Through ages of darkness and apostasy there were Waldenses who denied the supremacy of Rome, who rejected image worship as idolatry, and who kept the true Sabbath. 在悠久的黑暗和叛教时期中,总有一些瓦典西人否认罗马教的至高权力,拒绝敬拜偶像而遵守真安息日。 4. apostasy的反义词 4. Spiritual doubts, doctrinal confusion and apostasy inevitably follow the breaking down of that wall of separation between the church and the world. 随着教会与世界之间分别之墙的倒塌,灵里的疑惑、教义的混乱与背道就不可避免地接踵而来了。 5. I will make them one nation upon the land, in the mountains of Israel, and there shall be one prince for them all. Never again shall they be two nations, and never again shall they be divided into two kingdoms. No longer shall they defile themselves with their idols, their abominations, and all their transgressions. I will deliver them from all their sins of apostasy, and cleanse them so that they may be my people and I may be their God. 我要使他们在那地和以色列山上成为一个民族,他们只有一位国王,不再是两个民族,不再分为两个国家;他们也不再为他们的偶像、怪物和各种邪恶所玷污;我要把他们由他们因背约所犯的各种罪过中救拔出来,净化他们,成为我的民族,我作他们的天主。 6. apostasy在线翻译 6. And if I felt, when I recently finished, that I had at last come to grips with the major issues of identity formation, I also discovered as soon as I let my parents and siblings read the result that however much I had achieved resolution on the page, in the family realm -- the force-field of origins -- I had only confirmed my troubled apostasy. 如果说在回忆录最近脱稿时,我自忖对形成归属感的诸多基本问题终于有些领悟的话,那么在父母亲和兄弟姊妹看了我写下的体验后,我倏然发现,面对家庭关系和祖籍观念的制约,无论我通过文字描述了多少化解之道,只不过证实了我背离这一切的艰难曲折。 7. For apostasy from God and His law cannot be the key to wisdom. 为叛教由上帝和他的解释,不能关键智慧。 8. Peter said that, when you see apostasy in the 彼得说,当你看见教会中有人背叛神 9. apostasy的反义词 9. It is a story of faithfulness amid apostasy and persecution. 这是一个故事,一片忠诚叛教和迫害。 10. 10. They are not being taught to keep themselves pure from apostasy and heresy. 他们不是单纯的知识使自身从叛教和异端。 11. All the energies of apostasy were rallied against the Son of God. 于是一切叛逆的势力都调动起来反对上帝的儿子。 12. It was he who proposed that the vacancy caused by the apostasy of Judas should be filld up. 这是他谁提出的空缺所带来的叛教的犹大应 13. He was sentenced to death for apostasy. 他因为脱党而被判断处死刑。 14. apostasy在线翻译 14. In following Joseph Smith into his apostasy, then, Utah Mormonism proved that it had seriously missed the boat. 犹他州摩门教跟随了约瑟˙斯密判教的足迹,也没留意到这麼做有多麼严重。 15. Also, pray Iranian Muslims continue to convert to Christianity in great numbers and that they are safe from being tried for apostasy when they convert. 祷告伊朗籍的穆斯林持续大量地改信基督教,且当他们改教时是安全的,不因判教而受审。 16. What we see now as a trickle will turn into a floodtide of apostasy. 我们现在所看为的涓涓细流必变为背道的大洪涛。 17. His only punishment for his apostasy. 对他叛教的唯一惩罚。 18. In what ways did God punish Israel's apostasy? 神用那些方法来处罚以色列人的背道? 19. But many left-wing friends never forgave his apostasy, doubtless reinforcing his inclination to keep the outside world at a safe distance. 但许多左翼的朋友却永远不原谅他的“变节”,这无疑更坚定了他与外界保持一定距离的决心。 20. apostasy 20. I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely; for my anger has turned away from him. 我必医治他们的背道,甘心爱他们;因为我的怒气已从他们转消。 apostasy 词典解释 1. 叛教;脱党;变节 If someone is accused of apostasy, they are accused of abandoning their religious faith, political loyalties, or principles. e.g. ...a charge of apostasy. 叛教的指控 apostasy 单语例句apostasy 1. Organizers of the rally said they are concerned about the trend of apostasy among Muslims. 2. Yet the incident led to heightened demands that the governor issue a decree banning heresy, profanity and apostasy in Aceh. 3. It later announced it had sentenced them to death for apostasy but never confirmed their execution. apostasy的近义词apostasy 英英释义 noun 1. the act of abandoning a party for cause Synonym: tergiversation 2. the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes) Synonym: renunciationdefection |
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