单词 | appendage |
释义 | appendage [英 [??pend?d?] 美 [??p?nd?d?] ] appendage的意思、解释 复数形式:appendages; appendage 基本解释 名词附属物; 依附的人; 附属器官; 附属肢体(如臂、腿、尾等) appendage 网络解释 1. 附属物:雌雄同株可以土半夏为例说明(右图),从佛焰花序基部往上看,最基部是雌花(E),中间隔著没有生殖功能的突起,此突起称不孕性花(中性花,D),再往上是雄花,雄花上端的突起称为附属物(appendage) ( B ),附属物的变化非常大,有各种类型, 2. 附肢:概述 附肢 (appendage)体躯具有分节的附肢是节肢动物共同的特点,昆虫在胚胎发育时几乎各体节均有1对可以发育成附肢的管状外长物或突起,到胚后发育阶段,一部分体节的附肢已经消失,一部分体节的附肢特化为不同功能的器官. 3. 附件,附器:apparatus forceps 器械钳 | appendage 附件,附器 | appendectomy forceps阑尾切除钳 4. 附体:anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱 | appendage 附体 | artisan 技工 appendage 双语例句 1. Results 24 patients were subjected to SVC procedures including resection and one patient to two bypasses (between left and right innominate vein and right appendage), 7 to one bypass (left innominate to right appendage in 4 patients, right innominate to right appendage in 3), 11 to partial resection of SVC together with azygous vein, and 5 to partial resection of SVC. 结果 24例接受了不同类型的SVC手术,包括左及右无名静脉分别与右心房人工血管搭桥术1例、左无名静脉与右心房人工血管搭桥4例、右无名静脉与右心房搭桥3例、奇静脉切除并SVC部分切除11例、单纯SVC部分切除5例。 2. appendage的解释 2. You shall also take the fat from the ram, that is, the fat tail and the fat that covers the inward parts, and the appendage of the liver and the two kidneys with the fat that is on them, and the right thigh for it is a ram of the filling of hands 29:22 你也要取这羊的脂油和肥尾巴,并盖脏的脂油与肝上的网子,两个腰子和腰子上的脂油,并右腿;这是承接圣职所献的羊 3. Results 36 out of the 65 cases belonged to skin and its appendage reaction followed by 11 cases of digestive system reaction, 7 cases of general impairment of the body, 4 cases of nervous system reaction, 6 cases of circulatory and respiratory systems reaction, 1 case of laryngeal edema. Drugs casing adverse reaction of transfusions included 39 kinds of antibiotic medicines (60%), 18 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines (27.69%) and other 8 kinds (12.31%). 结果 65例报告中,皮肤及其附件反应36例,消化系统反应11例,全身性损害反应7例,神经系统反应4例,循环、呼吸及系统反应6例,喉水肿1例;引起输液不良反应的药物中抗生素类39例(60%),中药18例(27.69%),其他8例(12.31%)。 4. Once this was done I placed it in the appendage it's self and drill through the hole to the inside of the dive plane appendage. 一旦这样做是i置于附庸,在它的自我和演练,透过洞里面潜水飞机附庸。 5. After the Communists took control of China in 1949, the government took over the organization, and for several decades it operated essentially as an appendage of the Ministry of Health. 在1949年共产党夺取政权后,政府接管了该组织,此后几十年来基本一直是作为卫生部的附属机构运营。 6. The main point of chapter three lies in the great effects of the literary theories from the Western countries on the formation of the Chinese literary theory as a subject by means of making it independent from its appendage to other subjects. 第三章重点介绍西方文学理论在当时的译介,着重分析其对中国现代文论摆脱附庸地位,走向自主和形成学科论所产生的影响。 7. Under the situation of the separation of its politics from religion in 1848's revolution, Prussian Protestantism was so reliable on the nation that it became the political appendage of that era and an echo in the tide of nationalism. 在1848年革命政教分离的形势下,它反而更加依赖国家,以后就越来越成为那个时代的政治附属品,以致于在民族主义潮流中随声附和。 8. appendage是什么意思 8. Its layout is not rattling assorted from the famous Deluxe Paint or Brilliance, so it module be quite cushy to appendage it if you undergo at small digit of these programs. 其布局没有很大区别著名的豪华涂料或华晨,因此将可以很容易处理,如果你知道至少这些程序之一。 9. For more than 20 years, the two have been confined to wheelchairs, but recently, an infection on the elder brother's right foot festered until it consumed almost the entire appendage. 接下来的这则报导,我们探访苗栗南庄的一对兄弟,他们都罹患软骨发育不全症,二十多年来两人只能坐在轮椅上,最近哥哥右脚感染,伤口溃烂几乎侵蚀整个右脚掌,幸好人医会紧急送他到台北慈济医院,接受治疗。 10. The galea is located just medial to another, more prominent maxillary appendage, the palpus. 该加莱亚位于内侧到另一国,更突出的上颌附属物的 11. An elongated, often segmented appendage usually found near the mouth in invertebrate organisms such as mollusks, crustaceans, and insects, the functions of which may include sensation, locomotion, and feeding. Also called palpus 触须:细长的,通常为弓形的附属物,通常长在无脊椎动物器官的嘴附近,例如软体动物、甲壳纲动物和昆虫,其功能包括感觉、移动和喂食也作 palpus 12. However, this did not mean that senate became the appendage of princeps in the early principate. 然而,这并不意味着帝国初期的元老院已沦为元首的附庸。 13. 13. May not be said to be a product, because we are their parents appendage. 也许不能说是产物,因为我们都是父母的附属物。 14. In that sense, the human hand today actually may be the more primitive appendage, they said. 这样的话,人类如今的手实际上可能是更古老的零件。 15. I will sneak into your room and cut off your favorite appendage. 我会溜进你的房间然后剁了你的宝贝小弟弟 16. Now when I made the molds this time I have a small channel at the root of each appendage. 现在,当我提出铸模这个时候我有一个小频道的根源,每一个附庸。 17. The elephant's trunk is a unique form of appendage. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。 18. These appendage in the process of harvesting and processing is not easy to remove. 这些附属物在收获和加工过程中不易除掉。 19. Queried one hearer who, by the way, seen from the side, bore a distant resemblance to Henry Campbell, the townclerk, away from the carking cares of office, unwashed of course and in a seedy getup and a strong suspicion of nosepaint about the nasal appendage. 从侧面望去,这个人长得有点儿像市公所秘书长亨利。坎贝尔,给人以刚从办公室的操劳中逃出来的感觉。他当然没洗过澡,衣衫褴褛,酒糟鼻子一眼就看得出。 20. Hair follicle is an important and complex epidermal appendage of skin, composed of hair shaft, inner root sheath and outer root sheath. 毛囊是皮肤重要而复杂的附属结构,从内向外依次由毛干、内根鞘和外根鞘组成。 appendage 词典解释 1. 附属物;附加物 An appendage is something that is joined to or connected with something larger or more important. e.g. ...the growing demand in Wales for recognition that it was not just an appendage to England... 有越来越多的威尔士人要求得到认可,即威尔士不只是英格兰的附属 e.g. Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics. 麦克米伦肯定极不喜欢只被当成国内政治的附属品。 appendage 单语例句appendage 1. So why would an ancient, proud culture - with mainly monosyllabic names - want an appendage so alien? 2. Agricultural development had long been held as an appendage to industrial development. 3. Forget your animal appendage tonics - romance starts with a state of the mind, and the trick is to feed the imagination. 4. The global financial crisis denied tens of thousands of workers across the world even the right to be " an appendage of the machine ". appendage 英英释义 noun 1. a part that is joined to something larger 2. a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant e.g. a bony process Synonym: processoutgrowth 3. an external body part that projects from the body e.g. it is important to keep the extremities warm Synonym: extremitymember |
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