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单词 count against
    count against [英 [kaunt ??ɡenst] 美 [ka?nt ??ɡenst] ]
    count against的意思、解释
    count against 基本解释
    count against
    count against 相关例句
    1. Her past record counts against her.
    count against 网络解释
    1. 对...不利, 看作不利因素:That does not count. 那个不算数, 那不在考虑之列. | count against 对...不利, 看作不利因素 | count among 把...算作一个
    2. count against
    2. (被)认为对...不利:150. keep ones own counsel 将意见(或计划)保密 | 151. count against (被)认为对...不利 | count down (发射火箭等时)倒读数
    3. 认为对..不利:keep ones own counsel将意见保密,不相信别人 | 101. count against认为对..不利 | count down倒计时
    count against 双语例句
    1. Do you think my age will count against me?
    2. At the same time the count appeared to increase in stature, his form, nearly double its usual height, stood out in relief against the red tapestry, his black hair was thrown back, and he stood in the attitude of an avenging angel
    3. The result indicated that pigs vaccinated with 10 μg or above of rE2 can induce effective antibody titer against CSFV. Furthermore, lower vaccination trials (10 μg and 20 μg of rE2 immunized group) were challenged with virulent CSFV in order to evaluate the vaccine efficacy according to clinical score, body temperature, weight increasing rate, white blood cell count, serological analysis, RT-PCR, gross lesion and histopathological examination.
    经选择低剂量组(10 μg和20 μg rE2)之免疫组猪只以猪瘟病毒进行攻毒试验,并以其临床症状、体温、增重率、白血球总数、血清学、RT-PCR、肉眼病变和组织病理学等项目进行评估与分析,其结果显示免疫20 μg E2重组疫苗组於攻毒后均存活,且无呈现明显猪瘟之临床症状。
    4. Myanmar's military junta, in return, can count on China to defend it against other countries.
    5. In this experiment, the plate count method was used to detect the inhibit effects of around 10 biological preservatives, such as gluconolactone, fumaric acid, glycine and others against the microorganisms of the fresh water fish.
    6. That is, there is nothing in sense experience that will count for or against their truth.
    7. Moments after five Blackwater Security guards turned themselves in, prosecutors unsealed a 35-count indictment against them.
    8. He is young and do not have much experience, but please do not count that against him.
    9. count against在线翻译
    9. He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.
    10. He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him
    11. At a time when markets are clinging to the safest investments, Italy`s high public debt and poor record of macroeconomic management would count heavily against it.
    12. count against的翻译
    12. What procedures are in place to ensure that all inventory count sheets are accounted for and secured against alteration?
    13. Bone mesenchymal stem cells were cultured and subpassaged by the means of total bone marrow adherence.2. Immunochemistry identification of cultured Bone mesenchymal stem cellsThe 3rd passage of bone mesenchymal stem cells were seeded on cover glass soaked in culture capsule. Monoclone antibody against CD44 was used to identify the near confluent cells and the positive stain was shown by DAB.3. growth curve of bone mesenchymal stem cellsWe selectecd the lst, 4th, 8th passage cells randomly and subcultured at the density of 1×10~4/ml, Continue to culture them for 1-9 days, then count and compare the cell number every day.
    14. A warning is decreed against Philip, count of Vertus, at the request of the bishop of Asti.
    15. count against的意思
    15. According to the count's directions, Danglars was waited on by Vampa, who brought him the best wine and fruits of Italy; then, having conducted him to the road, and pointed to the post-chaise, left him leaning against a tree.
    16. count against的翻译
    16. The droid general had been trained in lightsaber combat by Count Dooku. Grievous lacked the finesses of a master swordsman, and instead used brute and whirlwind tactics against Kenobi.
    17. The operation was conducted by head count and ID cards confiscated by the officers were cross checked against the records of the non-citizen employees working in the mine.
    18. Along with the development of taxi trade, counting fees that the requirement of ware is also more and more higher to the taxi, user not only asks to count fees, and the ware function is stable, and it is accurate to count fees, and has guarding against the function cheated; At the same time still ask his to possess ticket material to print and IC blocks paying fees and language voice and computer string capable communication function.
    19. count against的解释
    19. The political heart of the Separatist Confederacy, Count Dooku, is known for his integrity, his principled stand against what he sees as corrup tion in the Senate.
    20. count against的解释
    20. It permits governments or firms from rich countries to pay for projects to cut emissions in more benighted places, and to count the resulting credits against domestic targets.
    count against 单语例句
    1. Under Chinese law, the time he has already served will count against his prison term.
    2. The series is set during the time when the Republic is fighting a civil war against separatists led by Count Dooku.
    3. As with Iraq, the US should not count on either to support military force against the Islamic Republic.
    4. The securities fraud count to which Causey pleaded guilty is among those also pending against Skilling.
    5. The vote count showed 84 percent voting to reverse daily hospital fees while 16 percent voted against reversal.
    6. But it goes against the Olympic ideals if we take the Games as a mere game of medal count.
    7. Pauley Monday reversed the dismissal of one count against HSBC and Lehman and permitted the plaintiffs to amend two dismissed counts.
    8. Although everyone in the study had enough antibodies to be considered protected against hepatitis B, a lower count generally means a less robust response.




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