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单词 crooked
    crooked [英 [?kr?k?d] 美 [?kr?k?d] ]
       现在分词:crooking;   复数形式:crooks;
    crooked 基本解释
    形容词弯曲的; 不正当的; 歪扭的; 用不正当手段得来的
    crooked 相关例句
    1. He walked down the crooked path.
    2. crooked的翻译
    2. Don't deal with crooked people.
    3. His back is so crooked that he can not stand upright.
    crooked 网络解释
    1. 弯曲的:房间外面有21级台阶,都向一边倾斜(lopsided)着,像弯曲的(crooked)牙齿突出来(jut)(是故意这么做的,凯西说,这样雨水就可以滑下去),当么么的妈妈在门口叫他的时候,么么就开始攀爬那二十一级木台阶,身后是那条同样在攀爬的拥有两个名字的狗.
    2. crooked的反义词
    2. 彎曲:随剂量增加,肢体和尾凋亡细胞百分数由18 %增至78 %,肢体也相应从指(趾)畸形到缺肢,尾畸形从尾弯曲(crooked)到短尾或无尾;环磷酰胺诱导的胚胎致死性和胎儿生长迟缓与全胚胎细胞凋亡的水平相关,
    3. 歪:Bent 弯曲 | Crooked 歪 | Engraved 雕刻
    4. 屈曲不平:crocodile skin鱷魚皮 | crooked屈曲不平 | cross-country shoe越野賽跑鞋
    crooked 双语例句
    1. crooked
    1. The face is paralytic can happen at all ages, but 15~45 year old the commonnest, come on the peak is reached inside over number hour or 1~3 D, can incline the head unhealthily at the beginning of disease or ache after mandible horn, expression breaks down for flesh of a side countenance, frontal grain disappears, the eye is cracked greaten or close faint, when closing a key point, eyeball up foreign and rotational, show white sclerotic, call Bell the phenomenon, channel of ill side nose lip becomes shallow, quarrel prolapse, side of crooked Xiang Jian of the quarrel when grinningly, rouse cheek or whistle hourglass is enraged, the food when taking food often stops to age at ill side buccal between, at the same time companion has weep reach salivate.
    面麻痹可发生于所有年龄,但15~45岁最常见,发病多于数小时或1~3 d内达到高峰,病初可有病侧耳或下颌角后疼痛,表现为一侧面部表情肌瘫痪、额纹消失、眼裂变大或闭合无力,闭眼时,眼球向上外方转动,露出白色巩膜,称Bell现象,病侧鼻唇沟变浅,口角下垂,露齿时口角歪向健侧,鼓腮或吹口哨时漏气,进食时食物常滞留于病侧齿颊之间,同时伴有流泪及流涎。
    2. crooked什么意思
    2. The way of the culprit is crooked, but the conduct of the innocent is right.
    3. I got no man after me, I had to comb to the mirror, took the comb, benzene clumsy was a crooked ponytail, crustily skin of head back schoolbag go to school.
    4. If he'd had a mean boy, now, one who was crooked and sharp and tried to put anything over on his brothers, then town would be the place for him.
    5. He can't be that naive to believe that Donaghy is the only crooked ref..
    6. The cone is crooked and out of shape in my works, produced at random.
    7. I bought extra for me, but didn't take into account the cutting lady cutting it crooked and having to toss over a foot of fabric.
    8. Of course, he had a lot of help from his Puerto Rican friends: Daddy Yankee, Cheka, Voltio, John Eric, n'klabe, La Sister and East LA's Crooked Stilo.
    当然,他来自波多黎各的朋友,他很多帮助:Daddy Yankee的,契卡,Voltio,约翰埃里克,n'klabe,拉修女和东洛杉矶的弯曲斯蒂洛。
    9. Put away from you crooked speech, And put perverse talk far from you.
    4:24 你要除掉邪僻的言辞,远离乖谬的谈论。
    10. crooked的近义词
    10. Put away from you crooked speech, and put devious talk far from you.
    24 你要除掉邪僻的口,弃绝乖谬的嘴。
    11. crooked
    11. Ning Nan's mosquito, although some are evil, do, but give us head of a station undoubtedly people in before last of network incident sale one class, though the highway connects Rome, occasionally to do sth unconventional or unorthodox, go some miscreant crooked path, it is not quite beyond the mark to want only, also can try.
    12. I can go a bit a few further, circle that crooked elm in river bay to fall, fold one cut withe, the light green that visits stubble office knows it has life more, can flourishing situation
    13. A brush had left a crooked stroke Of what was either cloud or smoke From north to south across the blue; A piercing little star was through.
    14. The name hockey probably derives from the French hocquet, or shepherd's crook, and refers to the crooked stick.
    15. Moderninstruments of precision are being used to make things crooked as if by eye and hand in the old days.
    16. Modern instruments of precision are being used to make things crooked as if by eye and hand in the old days.
    17. And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.
    18. And I will lead the blind into the way which they know not: and in the paths which they were ignorant of I will make them walk: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight: these things have I done to them, and have not forsaken them.
    19. I will lead the blind on their journey; by paths unknown I will guide them. I will turn darkness into light before them, and make crooked ways straight. These things I do for them, and I will not forsake them.
    20. Red Bud crooked tail Peach is one of the characteristics Tieguanyin pure, is to produce varieties of Oolong tea`s Premium.
    crooked 词典解释
    1. 不直的;弯曲的;扭曲的
    If you describe something as crooked, especially something that is usually straight, you mean that it is bent or twisted.
    e.g. ...the crooked line of his broken nose.
    e.g. ...a crooked little tree.
    2. (笑)不自然的,歪向一边的
    A crooked smile is uneven and bigger on one side than the other.
    e.g. Polly gave her a crooked grin.
    Nick was smiling crookedly at her.
    3. 不诚实的;欺诈的
    If you describe a person or an activity as crooked, you mean that they are dishonest or criminal.
    e.g. ...a crooked cop...
    e.g. She might expose his crooked business deals to her tax inspector brother.
    crooked 单语例句
    1. The chinese media have shown that many of the corrupt officials were once honest but turned crooked after becoming heads of transportation departments.
    2. Now they are recording their third album at Crooked Creek, an Illinois studio that offsets its carbon emissions by investing in wind energy.
    3. Jada Pinkett Smith's children are banned from " talking crooked " to people.
    4. A survey indicated the many Hong Kong people didn't realize crooked teeth might affect oral health such as causing periodontal disease or decayed teeth.
    5. I am sure once we know which these greedy, crooked and stupid banks are people will rush to withdraw their deposits from them.
    6. His administration has investigated thousands of cases involving crooked public officials and vastly improved public access to information.
    7. Police also said the driver took inappropriate actions to slow down the truck on a crooked and slope road.
    8. The two men regulate traffic with a long, crooked stick that goes up and down like a crude crossing barrier.
    9. That encouraged crooked traders to sell heating fuel for use in vehicles and pocket the difference.
    10. The shrinkage has been blamed for a surge in dental problems caused by crooked or overlapping teeth.
    crooked 英英释义
    1. having the back and shoulders rounded
    not erect
    e.g. a little oldish misshapen stooping woman
    Synonym: hunchedround-backedround-shoulderedstoopedstooping
    2. irregular in shape or outline
    e.g. asymmetrical features
    a dress with a crooked hemline
    Synonym: asymmetrical
    3. having or marked by bends or angles
    not straight or aligned
    e.g. crooked country roads
    crooked teeth
    4. not straight
    dishonest or immoral or evasive
    Synonym: corrupt




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