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单词 embolus
    embolus [英 [?emb?l?s] 美 [??mb?l?s] ]
    embolus 基本解释
    名词栓子,栓塞物; 内陷; 内褶
    embolus 网络解释
    1. 栓子:第四节 栓塞(embolism) 一、定义:循环血液中出现不溶于血的物质,随血液阻塞相应大小的血管腔的过程. 这种异常物质称为栓子(embolus). 二、栓子的种类: 1、血栓栓子:最多见. 2、气体栓子 3、脂肪栓子 4、羊水栓子 5、瘤栓 6、生物性栓子:菌栓,寄生虫栓子.
    2. 插入物:embolism 栓塞 | embolus 插入物 | embossed film 压花薄膜
    3. 插入器:06.2136 导杆 guide | 06.2137 插入器 embolus | 06.2138 突起 apophysis
    4. 栓子,插入物:embolium 绿片 | embolus 栓子 插入物 | emboly 陷入
    embolus 双语例句
    1. Methods: For 56 cases of arterial bleeding, performed angiography in the artery which was suspected to be the bleeding one, and then infused the embolus into the bleeding after super-selection to embolize it. For 17 cases of esophageal veins and fundic veins bleeding caused by the higher blood pressure in portal vein, we performed angiography in portal vein stem through puncturing the liver, found the bleeding spot, then infuse the embolus into the bleeding veins through super-selection to stop bleeding.
    2. Extremely obese patients can get a fat embolus.
    3. As the body response for the trauma, the adipose tissues as blood serum behavior in the wounded tissue were suffered mobilization. At the same time, the ectogenesis fat tissue entranced blood circulation. As the result of hemodynamics alteration, there were blood platelet and erythrocyte and leucocytes and lipid granules collecting on the surface of these lipid droplets. The volumes of these lipid droplets were enlargement. These lipid droplets were changed to fat embolus by the promotion of coagulation and fibrin deposition intra-blood vessel.
    4. Portal braches of 4-5 orders were found in all 19 cases of Child Grade I, with esophageal varices and paragastric varices and no fistula of hepatic artety-portal vein or portal vein embolus; Portal braches of 3-4 orders were displayed in all 16 cases of Child Grade II, besides esophageal varices and paragastric varices, cirsomphalos, retroperitoneal varices, paraesophageal varices, dilated azygos vein were also noted, some patients had fistula and portal vein embolus; in Child Grade III, portal branches of 3~4 orders were displayed with more collateral circulations, dilated left renal vein and paragallbladder varices were appeared, with fistula and portal vein embolus or not.
    Child I级19例,肝内门静脉显影4~5级,侧枝循环以食管及胃周静脉曲张为主,没有肝动脉-门静脉瘘或门静脉血栓形成;Child Ⅱ级16例,肝内门静脉显影3~4级,侧枝循环除食管及胃周静脉外,脐周静脉、腹膜后静脉、食管周围静脉、奇静脉也有所开放,部分有肝动脉-门静脉瘘或门静脉血栓形成;Child Ⅲ级6例,肝内门静脉显影3~4级,侧枝循环开放较Ⅱ级增多,可出现左肾静脉扩张或胆囊周围静脉曲张,伴或不伴有肝动脉-门静脉瘘或门静脉血栓形成。16排螺旋CT门静脉造影对上述病例分级为一级17例,二级18例,三级6例,与Child分级结果高度相关。
    5. Among 15 cases with pylic embolus, there were 8 casesnon-expression, 4 cases low expression, and 3 cases high expression of P27 in carcinoma t
    PCNA 中等表达和高度表达32例,其中单纯根治性切除6例,术后复发6例,根治性切除加术后介入治疗26例,术后 3 中文摘要复发12例,二者之间有统计学差异0功。05人 9、P27与PCNA在肿瘤组
    6. embolus在线翻译
    6. The material that should not be there is called an embolus.
    7. embolus
    7. I think she's a prime candidate for a pulmonary embolus.
    8. embolus在线翻译
    8. Of, relating to, or caused by an embolus or an embolism.
    9. embolus
    9. I think she's a prim e candidate for a pulmonary embolus.
    10. The most common type of embolus is a clot of blood, but other things can cause an embolism too.
    11. embolus
    11. He's obviously got something worse than an air embolus. Why?
    12. Results RM with residue cancer or cancer embolus had a high 5-year recurrencre rate and lower survival rate in both small and large PHC.
    13. Results Thirty-one patients(77.5%)had the formation of atheromatous plaque. It mostly occurred in carotid artery crotch. Multiple blet was the major origins of cerebral infarction embolus.
    结果 31例(77.5%)患者颈动脉有不同程度的粥样斑块形成,这些斑块好发于颈动脉分叉处,多发性软斑是脑梗死的主要栓子来源。
    14. Methods In a group of 128 cases with primary liver cancer, fundamental imaging and tissue harmonic imaging were respectively used to find embolus in portal vein; and their diagnosis ratios, embolus margin showing ability and measurement data were statistically compared.
    方法对 12 8例原发性肝癌患者的 1- 3级门静脉分支分别进行基波显像和THI检查,以期发现癌栓存在;对照两者在癌栓检出率、边界显示能力和测值等指标的差异。
    15. embolus
    15. The 22 cases at sitting position had their craniotomy with 4 cm×5 cm ellipse-like skull window; total resection was achieved in 21 cases and subtotal resection in 1; cerebellar edema happened in only 1 case, pneumocephalus in 2, air embolus in 1 case that was successfully ameliorated by rapid management; no postoperative ventricular hematoma or serious disabilities or death were seen.
    选择坐位手术22例,骨窗大小为4cm 5cm类椭圆形,结果全切21例,次全切1例;仅1例发生小脑肿胀,无脑室积血,无严重致残和无手术死亡,术后发生颅内积气2例;术中气栓1例,及时发现并经过适当处理得到缓解。
    16. Methods All the twenty-seven patiens with hypersplenism was given peripheral partly splenic embolism, the embolus was gelatin, the dosage of gelfoam granule was on the basis of the formation of gelatin and splenic artery branch.
    17. Results The findings of CT were: on plain scan, there was mix density inside the liver with obscure boundary, the liver and spleen were surrounded by liquid in five cases. Inhomogeneous enhanced tumor tissues were demonstrated at arterial phase. Capsula and cleft were seen in one case, and five with mix density. Embolus in portal vein was noted in two.
    结果 平扫肝内呈混杂密度影,边界欠清晰,5例肝、脾周见液体密度影;增强扫描动脉期边缘可见不均匀强化,1例肿瘤可见包膜及裂口,5例密度不均匀,内可见多条裂隙;静脉期2例可见门静脉癌栓;造影剂渗漏均不明显。
    18. Results Angiography showed enlargement of arteries for supplying blood to renal tumor characterized with displacing branches and irregular twisting neo-vessels, some of which were reticular and encircled. Tumor vessels and tumor staining were seen. In only a few cases, the mottling blood reservoir and mini a-v fistula were found. The formation of cancer embolus were presented in renal wins and inferior vena cava during the venous and parenchymal phase. In embolization group, the amount of blood loss during operation was 0~600 ml (mean 310 ml) and the operation time was 60~150 min (mean 90 min), while that in control group were 0~1600 ml (mean 480 ml) and 80~195 min (mean 120 minl) respectively. The amount of blood loss and the operation time in the embolization group were markedly less than that in the control group. In embolization group, the tumor mass softened, its surface looked pale and the peripheral superficial veins shrinked, the perivenal edema zone was formed and easy to strip. The postoperative pathological examination showed that in embolization group the amount of tumor cells were markedly decreased and the tumor cells presented with different extent of degeneration necrosis and liquifying.
    结果 血管造影表现为患侧肾肿瘤供血动脉增粗,分支紊乱移位,肿瘤内可见粗细不均、扭曲杂乱的新生血管,有些呈网状改变及包绕征象,显示肿瘤血管及肿瘤染色,少数病例伴有斑点状血湖、小的动-静脉瘘,静脉期及实质期可显示肾静脉及下腔静脉癌栓形成情况;栓塞组术中失血量为0~1600 ml,平均310 ml,手术时间为60~150 min,平均90 min,对照组术中失血量为0~1600 ml,平均480 ml,手术时间为80~195 min,平均120min,栓塞组均明显低于对照组;栓塞组术中见瘤体质地变软,表面苍白,瘤体表面静脉萎陷,肾周形成明显水肿带,易于剥离;手术后经病理检查,显示瘤细胞数量明显减少,瘤细胞不同程度变性、坏死、液化。
    19. In all patients, both left and right middle cerebral artery Doppler signal were acquired by automatic embolus dectections machine.
    结果 微气栓进入脑血流的时间主要发生在主动脉阻断钳开放后3 min的时段。
    20. The embolus forms early in the upstream wall of BVs entering the posterior part of SSS.
    embolus 英英释义
    1. an abnormal particle (e.g. an air bubble or part of a clot) circulating in the blood




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