单词 | double-breasted |
释义 | double-breasted [英 [?d?b?l?brest?d] 美 [?d?b?l?br?st?d] ] double-breasted的意思、解释 double-breasted 基本解释 double-breasted 形容词双排钮扣的,对襟的 double-breasted的解释 double-breasted 网络解释 1. 双排扣:西装的基本款式有单排扣(single breasted)和双排扣(double breasted)两种. 欧洲人,尤其是高大的男士会偏向于双排扣的西装;亚洲人则多选择单排扣的款式. 单排扣也有不同数量的纽扣,从一粒扣到四粒扣,甚至更多粒的都有. 但作为商务西装, 2. 双襟:628 single breasted 单襟 | 629 double breasted 双襟 | 630 back vent 后叉 3. 双排钮扣的:double-barreled 双管的 | double-breasted 双排钮扣的 | double-click 双击 4. 双排扣的:shirt 衬衫 | double-breasted 双排扣的 | Culture Shock 文化常识 double-breasted 双语例句 1. The double-breasted suit is marked by two rows of vertical buttons. 双排扣西装的特点就是两排垂直的纽扣。 2. His double-breasted suit of banker's grey was cut from finest quality cloth - and expensively tailored. 他的双排扣外衣是用很好的布料做的——做工也很昂贵。 3. Even if the double-breasted blazer ook is not for you, take note of the preppy6 即使这件双排扣西装不适合你,也可以留意那件没有系领带的中规中矩的带纽扣衬衫。 4. He wore a long double-breasted and skirted coat, which he thought gave him height and dignity. 他穿了一身双排纽扣有裥的西服外套,他想这样可以上二吨显得又高又威严。 5. I think the gray double-breasted suit is better looking than any of the others, hands down. And it makes me look pretty sophisticated. 这件灰西装看上去确实不错,穿在你身上也挺精神的,但是你刚才说的hands down是什么意思呀? 6. Cheongsam style of many a wishful breasted cardigan, pipa lapel, Xie Jin, double-breasted; obtain a high collar, low collar, no collar; cuffs are long-sleeved, short-sleeved, sleeveless; open panties high slits, low - slits; still has a long dress, short dress, cheongsam folder, single qipao. 旗袍的样式很多,开襟有如意襟、琵琶襟、斜襟、双襟;领有高领、低领、无领;袖口有长袖、短袖、无袖;开衩有高开衩、低开衩;还有长旗袍、短旗袍、夹旗袍、单旗袍等。旗袍款式的变化主要是袖式、襟形的变化。 7. double-breasted的意思 7. Like the three-button single-breasted suit, a double-breasted suit looks best on a man of medium or tall build. 体型就像弎扣单排西装一样,双排西装在中、高体型人群身上显得更好看。 8. A short, double-breasted coat of heavy, usually plaid, woolen material. 麦基诺厚大衣一种短而沉,胸部有双排扣的大衣,通常有方格花纹,毛料制成 9. 9. I'd be surprised if they weren't a hit. The palette was heavy on artfully aged pastels, like the sea-foam suede overcoat paired with a light pink shirt, or the tonal double-breasted silk safari shirt and cargo shorts. 柔和的色调中带有厚重的艺术感,例如柔和的翻毛大衣同粉色的衬衫组合,带有节奏感的双排扣狩猎衫和休闲短裤搭配。 10. You might maybe even include the fedora-topped double-breasted suit in a cream felted wool in that group. 在这一系列中你甚至还能看到奶油色的羊毛浅顶软呢帽和双排扣外套。 11. Plain-front trousers have become the norm, but a double-breasted suit demands a trouser with a pleat at the waist and hefty cuff at the ankle. 正面无褶的西装裤已成规范,但是双排扣西装要求长裤的腰部有褶,裤脚有收口。 12. Standing behind and leaning over K. ser is Blatter, a youthful looking man in an immaculate cream double-breasted sportscoat with fashionable wide lapels, dark shirt and a kipper tie with a large geometrical pattern that appears to be living a vigorous life of its own. 站在后面、凑向凯瑟尔的就是布拉特,他穿着合身的时尚大翻领双排扣运动夹克和深色衬衫,系着宽领带,看起来挺年轻而且精力充沛。 13. However, any man can wear the double-breasted provided the jacket is tailored at the waist. 不管怎样,只要腰围部裁剪的当,任何人都能穿着双排的男夹克。 14. double-breasted 14. He is perfectly turnedout in a double-breasted suit. 他总是穿着双排扣西装,风度极佳。 15. 15. Elite Men's beloved knee-length double-breasted coat, Sherlock Holmes-style collar and old-fashioned counter with improved thin nature of suede windbreaker which have become a classic place; or bunt commuter windbreaker, tooling type 4 rides on clothing jackets and so on, also have a classic style with the new concept of two different styles of dress styles. 精英男士至爱的及膝双排扣风衣,福尔摩斯式的老派反驳领和改良后轻薄随性的麂皮都成为该款风衣的经典之处;又或是短打通勤风衣,工装式四兜风衣外套等,也都具备着经典款式与新概念款式两种不同的着装风格。 16. Jackets were double-breasted with a lower break—echoes of David Live—with voluminous pants pegged above the ankle. 当女装首先出场时我们的确注意到了这一点,而男装更像是在博伊而不是巴塞罗那。 17. A man's double-breasted frock coat. 男士穿的双排纽扣的礼服。 18. Double-breasted suits went out years ago 双排扣的套装好多年前就过时了。 19. 19. Foyle, double-breasted suit, colourful socks and silver hair, is a fine raconteur and charming company. 满头银发的福伊尔身穿双排扣西服、脚穿彩色袜子,一聊起来滔滔不绝,是个魅力十足的谈伴。 20. Field trip. we're observing the double-breasted, blue-blooded snot. 实地考察,我们在观察双胸蓝血贱人。 double-breasted 词典解释 1. (夹克或西服)双排纽扣的 A double-breasted jacket or suit has two very wide sections at the front of the jacket which fit over one another when you button them up. double-breasted 英英释义 double-breasted adj 1. (of clothing) fastened by lapping one edge of the front well over the other usually with a double row of buttons e.g. double-breasted jacket double-breasted suit |
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