单词 | drastic |
释义 | drastic [英 [?dr?st?k] 美 [?dr?st?k] ] drastic的意思、解释 drastic 基本解释 drastic的近义词 形容词激烈的; 极端的; 猛烈的; (法律等)严厉的 drastic 网络解释 1. 激烈的:dramaticlly 显著地 | drastic 激烈的 | draughting 绘图 2. drastic的解释 2. 猛烈的 radical 根本的:101 dramatic 引人注目的 striking 引人注目的 | 102 drastic 猛烈的 radical 根本的 | 103 drastic 激烈的 severe 猛烈的 3. 激烈的 severe 猛烈的:102 drastic 猛烈的 radical 根本的 | 103 drastic 激烈的 severe 猛烈的 | 104 draw 吸引 attract 吸引 drastic 双语例句 1. drastic什么意思 1. AD, despite drastic changes in Chinese history, the turbulent waves of the year. 公元1644年,是中国历史上风云突变、一波三折的一年。 2. drastic的反义词 2. True love is just one of the most simple appearance, as if a face is not modified, regardless of the early morning and evening, are a pair of pure eyes, and a gentle mouth, a nose to breathe, the eternal Mo Yang and you hugged overnight there will be no surprise the moment, no drastic Britain swing, life is such a gentle over-the day after day. 真实的爱情只是人们最朴素的容颜,仿佛一张不修饰的面孔、无论清晨和黄昏,都是一双纯净的眼睛、一张温存的嘴巴,一只可以呼吸的鼻子,这个永恒的摸样和你朝夕相拥,不会有瞬间的惊诧,也没有剧烈的颠荡,生活就这样温存的过了一天又一天。 3. In fact, the CPC, which had monopolized the market for decades, began to feel unprecedented pressure back when Formosa Plastics started supplying petroleum products to the market, and began to take drastic measures to lower costs and boost efficiency with the aim of preventing too much of a loss in its market share. 其实早在台塑石化开始供应油品之后,独占市场数十年的中油公司即已面对前所未有的压力,开始在降低成本、提升效率方面痛下针砭,以保持市场占有率不致减损太多。 4. Based on the DRASTIC guideline system and the spatial nestification of MAPGIS, the essay analyses the groundwater antipollution capability, the evaluation result tested to be: the area s groundwater antipollution capability total varies from low to middle, it is divided into three kinds of grade areas. 采用DRASTIC指标体系和MAPG IS的空间叠加功能,对玉溪盆地地下水防污性进行评价,评价结果表明,该区地下水防污性总体在差-中等范围,可分为三种等级区。 5. And so when the woman tried to repeat one more time the same vicious argument, my mother used drastic measure in her unappealable manner. 于是,当女人再次想要重复她那不怀好意的观点时,我妈妈激烈地加以回击,一锤定音。 6. However, if a grave turn of events occurs leading to the separation of Taiwan from China in any name, or if Taiwan is invaded and occupied by foreign countries, or if the Taiwan authorities refuse, sine die, the peaceful settlement of cross-Straits reunification through negotiations, then the Chinese government will only be forced to adopt all drastic measures possible, including the use of force, to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and fulfill the great cause of reunification. 但是,如果出现台湾被以任何名义从中国分割出去的重大事变,如果出现外国侵占台湾,如果台湾当局无限期地拒绝通过谈判和平解决两岸统一问题,中国政府只能被迫采取一切可能的断然措施、包括使用武力,来维护中国的主权和领土完整,完成中国的统一大业。 7. It was regarded as the most drastic evolution controversy after on the Origin of Species, and it was also premise of most researches nowadays. In this thesis, I hope to keep an object position so as to have cognizance of the influences that Wilson`s theory to sociobiology, and comprehend why he would transform gradually from ant expert to a sociobiologist, and to know which factors make him to do this, finally differentiate and analysediscriminate the controversy. 而本文希望从威尔逊和社会生物学的关系入手,重点探讨最初作为蚂蚁专家的威尔逊,如何成为探索人性奥秘的社会生物学家,在威尔逊之前,社会生物学有哪些理论背景,威尔逊如何将前人的理论成果加以综合,使之成为一门系统学科,最后,再针对社会生物学引起的争议从原著角度简要辨析。 8. drastic是什么意思 8. Along with the developing of technology and machine products demand on better quality and function, which make shorter regenerative cycle and complexity of products. Competing in drastic products market. 随着科学技术的发展,人类社会对产品的功能与质量的要求越来越高,产品更新换代的周期越来越短,产品的复杂程度也随之增高。 9. The difference between the two is drastic, but can be visually appealing. 这两者之间的是巨大的,但可以视觉吸引力的差异。 10. It is a drastic way of teaching what we have somehow learnt so smoothly that we are scarcely conscious of the lesson or of our need of it. 不知怎么的我们学到知识如此顺利以至于我们很少意识/了解到课文的本质或者我们是否需要它,而这却是一种教学高效的手法 11. Though there aresome limitations in external note market, such as note market is short oflocalization and has not formed a united and perfect market; policy conduction of note market is not powerful; the banking accept P. O. isdominant and the development of comercial accept P. O. lags; themanagement model of note business lags; the credit of enterprise is veryweak and credit level of bank is low; launching the financing note isfacing the law limitation, in addition there exists drastic competition inevery tache of note market and much competed factor due to the creationof financing product, makes the note business of xx provinces sub-branchfacing a lot of pressure. 虽然有外部票据市场固有的市场缺陷:如票据市场缺乏定位,尚未形成全国统一、完善的票据市场;票据市场政策传导功能不强;银行承兑汇票占主导地位,商业承兑汇票发展滞后;企业信用状况薄弱,银行信用程度低下;票据业务经营模式落后;发行融资性票据面临法律障碍等等因素,加之同业商业银行在票据市场各环节的激烈的市场竞争和各种金融产品创新的竞争因素,使XX省分行票据业务面临较大的市场压力。 12. Accompany the depreciation of the currency, and under the tightly commanding of Kuomintang government, the Canton Branch had become the national treasury and the instrument of put money into society, its business suffer a drastic decline. 而随着货币迅速贬值,在国民政府的严密控制下,各项业务一落千丈,广州分行实际已成为政府的金库和向社会投放资金的工具,毫无经济效益与发展可言,直至难以经营。 13. The sparger alleviates the drastic degree of the steam condensation, and greatly shorten the time of pressure equilibrium needed. PRZ初始压力越大,蒸汽射流的速度越高,形成的汽穴的深度越深,液面波动的越剧烈,压力平衡需要的时间越长,其热水层厚度增加。 14. In false or pseudopregnancy, the female's body acts as if it were pregnant, producing drastic hormonal changes. 在虚假或假孕,女性的身体行为,就好像它是怀孕,生产急剧荷尔蒙变化。 15. Bing St sunshi family pushed to the moment the edge of life and death, despite drastic changes in power struggles. 兵圣孙氏家族一瞬间被推到生死边缘,权势斗争风云突变。 16. Sino-African relations have stood the tests of time and drastic international changes. 中非关系经受了时间与国际风云变化的考验。 17. Same local government officials with TAO Pang as the representative wish to increase free salt trades, vitalize the declining salt industry, taking drastic measures against private salt and ensure tax income of the sate. 以陶澍为代表的盐政官僚希望通过改纲为票来实现推广盐业自由贸易、挽救淮盐颓废、打击私盐和确保国家盐课征收的目的。 18. drastic的翻译 18. 18 Owing to the drastic increase in nu mber ofthrough part-time and distance learning courses, the 时间制及遥距专上课程的人数显著增加,因此曾受专上教育人士的年龄中位 19. In addition, there are three times as many malpractice suits when compared to other departments, so the grueling work environment and high risk of medical malpractice suits are both seen as main reasons for the drastic decrease in obstetrics/gynecology departments. 加上醫療糾紛與其他科別相比,高出了三倍之多等等,「嚴苛的工作環境」與「醫療糾紛風險高」都被視為婦產科數量遽減的主要原因。 20. Under more and more drastic modern marketing competition, SGS-CSTC Dalian Branch, which is a service provider for I/E commodity inspection, has to face the phantasmagoric environment. It is a key problem for her to find a suitable development road. 在当今竞争日趋激烈的形势下,通标大连分公司作为一家从事进出口商品检验的服务型企业,面对着如此变化多端的环境,如何寻找一条适合自身发展的道路,是其迫切需要解决的问题。 drastic 词典解释 1. (行为)严厉的,极端的 If you have to take drastic action in order to solve a problem, you have to do something extreme and basic to solve it. e.g. Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession... 行业清理整顿需要严厉的措施。 e.g. He's not going to do anything drastic about economic policy. 他不打算对经济政策作任何重大调整。 2. (变化)激烈的,巨大的 A drastic change is a very great change. e.g. Elderly people are not in a position to make drastic changes at this stage of their life... 上了年纪的人在他们这个人生阶段不会再有什么实质性的改变。 e.g. ...a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying. 死亡人数的大幅下降 drastically As a result, services have been drastically reduced. 结果是服务业急剧萎缩。drastic 单语例句 1. Zhang also called for drastic measures to curb the number of migrant couples who choose to have a second child after settling down. 2. The slogan refers to a Green Peace campaign for more drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Hong Kong. 3. Although the central government is determined to make the exchange rate more flexible, it has never given the impression of a drastic revaluation of the yuan. 4. The American Chamber of Commerce in China welcomed China drastic hike of the export tariffs, calling it a " constructive approach " toward resolving trade differences. 5. But experts and consumers say the local market may not be ready for the drastic change from fuel to electricity. 6. Relatives of the victim said that the security guards'relentless chase " forced the teenager to take the drastic step " in order to protect himself. 7. The cityscape around the station has undergone drastic change over a period of just a few years. 8. Its economic reform will be " civilized " and " constructive " rather than " drastic ". 9. It's not a drastic change, but leaves hair much cleaner and silver looking. 10. Choi said there is insufficient data to determine whether any drastic measures would be adequate to cancel out pollutants brought by the additional traffic flow. drastic 英英释义 adj 1. forceful and extreme and rigorous e.g. drastic measures |
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