单词 | fateful |
释义 | fateful [英 [?fe?tfl] 美 [?fetf?l] ] fateful的意思、解释 fateful 基本解释 fateful的解释 形容词决定性的; 命中注定的; 重大的; 预言性的 fateful 相关例句 形容词 1. fateful的解释 1. The judge pronounced the fateful words. 法官宣布了决定命运的判决。 2. fateful是什么意思 2. This is a fateful decision. 这是一项重大的决定。 fateful 网络解释 1. 命中注定的:入相位表将来的事整个卜问占星是建立在主宰星系统(ruler)上, 有的占星家只用传统的日月五星主宰关系,行星或重要点与月交点(Nodes)同度数(不论其星座), 表事情是命中注定的(fateful).例如 2. 决定性的:33) fatal 致命的 | fateful 决定性的 | 34) fleshly 肉体的 3. fateful 3. 命运注定的,重大的; 决定性的:fatal 致命的;毁灭性的 | fateful 命运注定的,重大的; 决定性的 | feel感觉,觉得,感知 4. fateful是什么意思 4. 宿命的:fated 宿命的 | fateful 宿命的 | fatefully 宿命地 fateful 双语例句 1. The model of the great man stimulates vainer natures to imitate him outwardly or to surpass him; in addition, all great talents have the fateful quality of stifling many weaker forces and seeds, and seem to devastate the nature around them. 伟人的榜样激起天性虚荣的人们作表面的模仿或竞赛。此外,一切伟大的天才还有一种厄运,便是窒息了许多较弱的力量和萌芽,似乎把自己周围的自然弄得荒凉了。 2. Some folks have immediately jumped to the conclusion that Marvolo must be the elder Riddle who was also killed on that fateful evening fifty years ago. 马上就会有人下结论,马沃罗是里德尔家的长辈,在50年前那个阴煞煞的夜晚也被谋杀了。 3. I see conundrums, dilemmas, quandaries, impasses, gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out. 眼看问题经纬万端,进退两难、入困境,死路一条,盘根错节的命定可能性,但找不到明显的出路。 4. The moment of truth came one fateful weekend in April 2003 when Resona Bank, a small city bank, failed. 关键时刻发生在2003年4月一个致命的周末,当时,小型城市银行理索纳银行宣告破产。 5. So when I told Reverend Zatarga that was exactly what I wanted to do, he eventually conceded those two fateful words 所以,当我告诉扎特伽牧师那正是我想做的事时,他终于说出了这句决定命运的话 6. There are a number of instances that are pointed to to support these claims, but it all really boils down to one fateful night in Detroit. 有许多的例子在支撑着这个论点,但真正最致命的却是发生在奥本山宫殿的那个恶魔般的夜晚 7. Take the lead in the research of fateful task such as fresh policy and layout 主持房地产市场相关课题研究,如新政策、新规划或重大事件等 8. We are convinced that we'll prevail this fateful diease someday. 我相信我们总有一天会战胜这种致命性的疾病。 9. fateful是什么意思 9. Vasa is one of the fateful elements of germ line, which is conserved widely in many species. vasa是生殖系决定重要成分之一,具有广泛的保守性。 10. fateful的意思 10. He ends with Hitler`s fateful decision to postpone Sealion in September of the same year. 他的著作最后以希特勒在1940年,做出了推迟海狮计划的致命性决定而结束。 11. In this regard, a 1669 invitation from the Duke of Brunswick to visit Hanover proved fateful. 在这方面,布伦瑞克公爵1669年邀请他访问汉诺威至关重要。 12. Schwarz is a skillful writer, weaving her grim tale across several decades, always returning to the fateful night of Mathilde's death. Regina Marler施瓦茨是一个熟练的作家,编织了几十年,她在严峻的故事,总是回到了玛蒂尔德的死亡。 13. On this fateful day, with wind gusting through the mountaintops, spirits wandering around the air. 在这命运的一天,风在山际中呼啸而过,魂灵们也徘徊在空中。 14. Rees has said he wasn`t happy with the Ritz departure plan on the fateful night, and that Dodi Fayed hadn`t given him or the driver enough advance notice of their destination. 里斯说,他不是很乐意与丽嘉酒店离境计划对命运的夜晚,并且多迪法耶德并没有给他或司机足够的预先通知他们的目的地。 15. Not long after that fateful encounter, federal prosecutors busted up the call-girl ring and The New York Times came calling. 在那次致命的会面后不久,联邦检察官捣毁了这家卖淫集团,同时《纽约时报》开始不断打电话。 16. fateful在线翻译 16. Marking one of the new album's fateful coincidences is the fact the ex-SOiL vocalist made his live debut in Dallas with the band at Ozzfest in August, 2005, almost three years to the day since he joined Drowning Pool's guitarist C. J. Drowning Pool,由四个各自来自于达拉斯和得克萨斯的小伙子组成,并一起共同携手走过了生命中的一段路,乐队通过不间断的巡回演出来磨合自己,并抓住一切机会发展自身。所有乐队发展里程中的艰难险阻最终转变为激励自己前进的源源动力。 17. 17. One day, property agent Meili has two strange encounters; Madam Umeki, a mysterious Japanese high society lady who asks her to lease out a luxurious abandoned apartment on her behalf. On this fateful day, she also discovers the man of her dreams, policeman 4708. 某日,地产经纪美丽有两个奇遇:第一个,她遇上日本贵妇梅木夫人委托出租一间尘封多年的豪宅;第二,她遇见一位心仪的警察4708。 18. fateful 18. The debate still rages today as to whether or not Musashi cheated in order to win that fateful duel or merely used the environment to his advantage. 关于这场决斗的真相直至今天还在激烈的争论:武藏是否用了欺诈的手段赢得了这场与他宿命中最强大的敌人的决斗? 19. He took this opportunity to march on Paris and reinstate himself for his fateful `100 Days`. 之后他们在当地民族主义者的支持下,逐步将法军赶出了伊比利亚半岛。 20. In western cultural tradition, the mediaeval chivalry has fateful effect to the creation of national character of modern Europe. 在西方的文化传统,中世纪的骑士有决定性的作用产生的民族性的现代欧洲。 fateful 词典解释 1. (行为或时刻)有重大影响的(常指负面影响),决定性的 If an action or a time when something happened is described as fateful, it is considered to have an important, and often very bad, effect on future events. e.g. It was a fateful decision, one which was to break the Government. 这是一项将会让政府垮台的重大决定。 fateful 单语例句fateful的反义词 1. The errors documented by the commission date back to just after the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and continued until the fateful day in 2001. 2. In the eight years since his fateful decision, the dutiful son has never left his paralyzed parents for a moment. 3. The Nation said Burin was the only earthquake expert on duty at the earthquake bureau on the fateful morning. 4. In the intervening three and a half years since that fateful day, the island nation had become a pillar of America's security edifice. 5. Some media reports say that commuters who used the fateful escalator at the Beijing Zoo Station had complained of " overheated " handrails before the accident. 6. It doesn't explain why the defendant on the fateful day looked different from Hu Bin, either. 7. Jin rang up his parents on that fateful day only after coming out of a hospital where he was treated for his injury. 8. He talked in a calm tone, masking the pressure which must have built up since that fateful withdrawal in Beijing. 9. It's not difficult to visualize pitiable condition of passengers on the bus on route No 9 that fateful Friday morning. 10. It is hard to determine what really happened on that fateful day in Tianjin because of lack of a witness or close circuit TV recording. |
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