单词 | as it were |
释义 | as it were [英 [?z it w?:] 美 [?z ?t w?:] ] as it were的意思、解释 as it were 基本解释 as it were 可以说; 在某种程度上 as it were 网络解释 1. 1. 似乎,可以说是:as it is 事实上,既然如此 | as it were 似乎,可以说是 | by itself 自动地;单独地 2. 似乎是这样的:4. Im not kidding. 我是认真的. | 5. As it were. 似乎是这样的. | 1. What are you thinking? 你脑子进水啦? 3. as it were在线翻译 3. 宛如:as it may chance 要看情况 | as it may 无论如何 | as it were 宛如 4. 可以说,可谓;似乎、好像:as it is 事实上,实际上,既然如此,像现在这样 | as it were 可以说,可谓;似乎、好像 | as if 似乎,好像,仿佛 as it were 双语例句 1. as it were的解释 1. Probably you know as well as the speaker what is actually taking place in the world - utter chaos, disorder, violence, extreme forms of brutality, riots ending up in war. Our lives are extraordinarily difficult, confused and contradictory, not only in ourselves - inside the skin as it were - but also outwardly. There is utter destruction. 或许你们也知道演讲者所要说的,在世界上真实发生的情形——极度的混乱、失序、暴力;极端形式的残忍;以战争为终结的暴乱……我们的生活是如此的艰难,充满困惑和冲突,不仅仅是我们内在,在皮肤之内它所存在的,同样地,在外部,存在着全然的破坏。 2. as it were的反义词 2. It is still, as it were, the largest developing country in the world. 今天的中国虽然取得了巨大的发展成就,但人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。 3. Feiyu relies on the technology resources of GUET to develop itself. With the cooperation from Guangxi Normal University, it even built an experimental center of information engineering for its basic research and development. Series Products based on inertial measurement technologysuch as AHRS, UAV Autopilot and Aeromodelling Flight Stabilization System were introduced successively. 公司依托桂林电子科技大学的科研力量谋求发展,并与广西师范大学联合创建信息工程实验中心,凭借着一流的科技人才、雄厚的技术积累和强大的研发能力,成功研制出惯性姿态方位参考系统,成功推出了基于惯性测量技术的惯性测量仪、小型电动无人飞行器自动驾驶仪,以及 FY 系列航模平衡仪等系列产品。 4. Why—as the motor bike soared into the air, hurtled down, crashed into the tarmac and careered onwards, dragging with it a tumbly, bending human figure whose bones were almost audibly snapping—would any sane man want to do such a thing? 摩托车冲向天空,急速狂飞,然后撞去停机坪,接着摩托车又向前冲去,车上的人被打翻并折弯——他的骨头被折响的声音几乎就能听到。一个身体与思想健全的人为什么会去尝试这种冒险? 5. as it were的意思 5. It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth. 从你的心中抽丝织成布帛,仿佛你的爱者要来穿此衣裳。 6. Eg.5 The narrow irregular passages of the nose, with their moist surface and hairs, hold the dust and prevent it from passing into the lungs, as if there were a menbrane over the hole. 鼻孔中的通道狭窄而不规则,并且其表面湿润有毛,能挡住灰尘,使其不能进入肺中,俨然就像鼻孔中覆盖有一层薄膜一样。 7. When the signal received by the annunciator it will drive the warning circuit, and issue a loud warning sound, on the other hand, output specific address information, determine which roads were sent the warning signal; circuits embedded power as a power off system and power off warning function is monitoring the situation of power. 当接收到报警信号后一方面驱动报警电路,发出响亮的警车报警声,另一方面输出具体的地址信息,确定是哪一路发送了报警信号;电路内置电源作为断电系统,断电报警功能则实时监控电源状况,当市电断电后,能发出嘟嘟的报警声,提醒使用者注意,外供电已被切断,若为不法分子破坏所致,可提早进行防范。 8. as it were在线翻译 8. Natasha suddenly, as it were, shrank into herself, and unconsciously assumed a non-chalant air, which repelled Princess Marya more and more. 娜塔莎忽然精神萎靡不振,说话时带着不太客气的腔调,这就使得她和公爵小姐玛丽亚更疏远了。 9. 42 And their shoots had, as it were, a kind of fruit. 76:42和他们的枝条已,因为它获得了一种水果。 10. as it were 10. Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak. 接着他切下了鞋的顶部好像它们是最好的牛排。 11. Then he cut off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak. 然后他切下鞋子最上边的皮革,好像那是最好的牛排一样。 12. as it were的意思 12. I dare that you will disappear. Perhaps you don't know it and you can't understand. To get a baby I had paid a high price. I think you will understand it in the future. I don't to fetter you with the baby, because you are always free. Recently as if we havn't have anything to talk to each other. I don't know what you are thinking. I'm worried about it. I am in low spirits everyday. I wept the day you were out of home. I will be contented, even though the things I did just can give me a little consolation. 也许你不知道也不明白我付出了很大的代价来要一个我们的孩子我想你以后会明白的但我并不想用这孩子来束缚你因为你一直都是自由的最近我们之间好象都没有什么话说我不知道你都在想些什么我很担心我的心里每天都是闷闷的你不在家的时候我不知道自己哭了多少次哪怕我所做出的一切能得到一点点的安慰我都会觉得很满足我只要你有一点点的温柔分给我就好一点点就好。。。 13. We must, as it were, be born again to a new life in Christ. 我们必须在基督里重新出生以得到新生。 14. And it is significant of the general trend of ecclesiastical authority that not only were works which formerly enjoyed high standing at broad-minded Alexandria--the Apocalypse of Peter and the Acts of Paul--involved by Athanasius with the apocrypha, but even some that Origen had regarded as inspired--Barnabas, the Shepherd of Hermas, the Didache--were ruthlessly shut out under the same damnatory title. 这是显著的但总的趋势是教会权威,不仅工程前身是享有崇高的地位,在宽阔的胸襟亚历山大-启示彼得与行为的保罗-涉及at hanasius与a p ocrypha,但即使是一些人认为,渊源已被视为灵感-巴纳巴斯,牧羊人的h ermas,d idache-被无情地拒之门外根据同一da mnatory冠军。 15. Although there were plenty of sceptics when it tried to become an offshore financial centre, the island now hosts 19 banks, including foreign heavyweights such as HSBC; and the introduction of Islamic banking has brought petro-dollars from the Gulf. 在离岸金融服务方面,尽管当初存在诸多怀疑,但毛里求斯现在已是包括恒生银行在内的19家银行的所在地,伊斯兰银行的引入还为该国带来了海湾国家的石油美元。 16. Ever since the industry began there were defined lines between the two distinct avenues of SEM, one was search engine optimisation also known as SEO and the other was paid search or PPC as the industry knows it. 自从业界开始有界定线之间的两种截然不同的途径,教统局局长,一个是搜索引擎优化也称为徐和其他被付费搜索或PPC作为业界知道。 17. It was red and hot, and now and again it was a little darkened - as it were the embers of a bonfire smouldering. 不过,当我走人栅栏外围的树丛时,则没敢冒冒失失的,而是放慢了脚步,加小心了些,心想万一被自己人误伤的话,那我的惊险历程的结局就太惨了。 18. What will all of you see in the Shulamite? As it were the company of two armies. 你们为何要观看书拉密女,像观看玛哈念跳舞的呢? 19. as it were 19. Dr Krach and Dr Kircher reckon this shows that the less human-like a robot is in its appearance, the less it will be treated as if it were human. Krach博士和Kircher博士推测,实验现象显示一个机器人的外表越不像人,它能受到人的待遇就越少。 20. 20. It's only a few short months ago that they were saying the Canadian economy was as strong as the Canadian Shield and we would have nothing but budget surpluses. 就在几个月以前,他们还说加拿大经济象加拿大板壳一样坚强,除了财政盈余,我们不会有任何问题。 as it were 单语例句as it were 1. Fan also said it was a good time to buy shares in the top Chinese portal as its share prices were low. 2. Netanyahu told them any country would act in self defense if it were targeted by thousands of rockets as Israel has been by Gaza militants. 3. The IT products were transported by air from China to Cambodia on June 4, as part of the inauguration of the National Assembly's new office building. 4. By all appearances its forces were following a methodical campaign of strikes, even as it tried to win the propaganda war. 5. Entrepreneurs in the IT and software businesses were the most confident, followed by those from the retail and wholesale trade as well as the construction sector. 6. The 13 signatories to the commando letter were all identified as being reservists, but it was not clear how many were still involved in active military duty. 7. I think the players did a good job in extracting as much as they were going to extract from ownership it seems. 8. She has been reported as saying it was harmful to young girls if they tried to emulate catwalk stars who were too thin. 9. The Japanese official denied it was organ trade as none of the patients had paid their organ donors and no introduction charges were paid. 10. It's the Smurfs - " blue goblins " or " blue sprites, " as they were named in Chinese - I'm talking about. as it were 英英释义 adv 1. as if it were really so e.g. she lives here, as it were Synonym: so to speak |
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