单词 | astronomer |
释义 | astronomer [英 [??str?n?m?(r)] 美 [??strɑ:n?m?(r)] ] astronomer的意思、解释 复数形式:astronomers; astronomer 基本解释 名词天文学者,天文学家 astronomer 网络解释 1. 竹.天文学家:6.Passover:竹.(犹太人的)逾越节 | 7.astronomer:竹.天文学家 | 8.fertility:n.肥沃,多产 2. astronomer什么意思 2. 天文學家人類各種行業:10321天文學自然天文astronomy | 10322天文學家人類各種行業astronomer | 10323天文館自然天文planetarium 3. 天文学家 zJH中国英语学习网:Agricultural Scientist 农业科学家 zJH中国英语学习网 | Astronomer 天文学家 zJH中国英语学习网 | Chemistry Research Assistant 化学研究助理 zJH中国英语学习网 astronomer 双语例句 1. David Hathaway, a solar astronomer with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., does not doubt that the next sunspot cycle will be stronger than the previous one. 最近几十年来,科学家一直在跟踪太阳活动周期和太阳黑子的出现。但是,他们至今仍然无法准确预测太阳风暴的强度和时间。 2. astronomer的翻译 2. Explanation: Born on June 26th in 1730, astronomer Charles Messier scanned 18th century French skies for comets. 说明:出生于1730年6月26日的天文学家查尔斯。梅西耶,为了寻找彗星,搜遍了18世纪法国的天空。 3. astronomer 3. While searching the skies above 18th century France for comets, astronomer Charles Messier diligently recorded this object as number 27 on his list of things which are definitely not comets. 在18世纪法国的夜空中搜索彗星时,天文学家梅西叶勤奋地在他的一张肯定不是彗星的天体名单上,记录了这个编号为27的天体。 4. Had the little Scotch lad, Feguson, allowde the busy brain to go to sheep while he tended sheep on the hillside, instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer. 如果苏格兰青年,霍格沃森在山坡上放羊时让他那繁忙的大脑处于休眠的状态,而不是花费心思计算行星的位置,它将不会成为著名的天文学家。 5. astronomer什么意思 5. He was a grammarian, a philosopher, and an astronomer as well as a theologian. 他是一个grammarian ,一位哲学家和天文学家以及神学。 6. astronomer的近义词 6. In 1543, the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus said that the Earth and all of the other planets revolve around the Sun. 在1543年,波兰天文学家哥白尼说,地球和所有其他所有的行星都围绕太阳转。 7. When it comes to the science, or arts, many of the great figures that we admire today died in obscurity. For example in science, Nicolaus Copernicus was the first astronomer to formulate heliocentric cosmology. 这些领域的成功能被同时代的人承认是因为他们所做的成绩能对当代的生活产生影响,人们能切生感受到他们的付出为社会带来的变化。 8. 8. Researchers in Poland say that after centuries of mystery they've identified the remains of Nicolaus Copernicus, the astronomer who first suggested that the Earth revolved around the Sun. 波兰的研究者认为他们已经确定了哥白尼的遗骸,哥白尼就是那个第一个提出地球围绕太阳旋转的人。 9. astronomer什么意思 9. Photo Gallery: Sun This false-color image, taken by an amateur astronomer in Stuttgart, Germany, shows clouds of solar gas, called prominences, held just above the surface by the sun's magnetic field. 这个假彩色图像,所采取的一个业余天文学家在德国斯图加特,显示云层的太阳气,所谓prominences ,刚刚举行的上述表面上是由太阳的磁场。 10. Xing yunlu (fl. 1580-1621) was not only the most important person during the period of the revival of traditional calendrical astronomy in the late Ming Dynasty, but also the only civilian astronomer who had the chance to reform the traditional calendar in the official Astronomical Bureau of the Ming Dynasty from 1612 to 1621. By studying Xing Yunlu's calendrical classics, we can better understand the calendar reform and the action and represent of the traditional calendrical astronomy in the late Ming Dynasty. Moreover, we can give a more embedded discussion to the reason of the failure of the Chinese traditional calendrical astronomy in the calendar reform in the late Ming Dynasty. 明末的历法改革首先在传统历法的范式内展开,而邢云路(1549-约1626)既是明末传统历法复兴过程中最为重要的人物,也是万历年间唯一一位有机会进入钦天监在传统历法范式内实施改历的民间传统历法家,因此对邢云路的天文历法工作进行研究可以让我们对明末的历法改革以及传统历法在其中的作用和表现有一个较为清楚的认识,也可以对传统天文学在明末改历中失败的原因进行更加深入的探讨。 11. The astronomer of the Chinese ancient once figures out a simple method to judge the preface of the month and the relation of the seasons, this is with the direction of the handle of 斗 of evening to settle the preface of month, calling it as that December set up. 中国上古的天文学家曾想出一个简便的方法来判断月序与季节的关系,这就是以傍晚时斗柄的指向定月序,称之为十二月建。 12. First swept up in 1783 by mathematician and astronomer Caroline Herschel, the dusty island universe lies a mere 10 million light-years away in the southern constellation Sculptor. 在1783年首先被数学家和天文学家卡洛琳赫歇耳发现,尘埃岛宇宙位于仅仅1000万光年之外的南方星座—玉夫座。 13. If you have good eyes, you can see about 5, 000 stars, according to astronomer Simon Driver. There are, however, far more that you cannot see with the naked eye. In 1995, the Hubble Deep Field Study space probe concluded that there are billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars. 按照天文学家德瑞弗所言,眼力好的人,大概可以看到5,000颗星星;然而,天上还有更多的星星是肉眼看不见的。1995年哈伯望远镜進行深空摄影,探索到太空中还有几十亿个银河系,而每个银河内又有几十亿颗星球。 14. When did you know you wanted to be an astronomer? 你什么时候开始想当天文学家的? 15. astronomer的翻译 15. My ideal is to be an astronomer. 我的理想是当一个天文学家。 16. So do you really want to be an astronomer when you are grown up? 你真的要当一名天文学家吗? 17. astronomer在线翻译 17. I think you're gonna be an astronomer when you are grown up. 我想你长大后能当天文学家 18. His dream is to become an astronomer. 当一个天文学家是他的梦想。 19. The astronomer may speak to you of his understanding of space, but he cannot give you his understanding. 太空的奥妙,天文学家可以告诉你他的理解,但无法给你他的理解。 20. If they are successful, they may solve a number of problems about the Mars and provide information of its makings on the surface of Mars which nearly 100 years ago, astronomer, Schiaparelli thought it is canals 如果成功拍摄到照片的话,他们可以解决许多关于火星的问题,提供其表层物质的信息。而大约100年前,天文学家 Schiaparelli 认为火星表面为运河 astronomer 词典解释 1. 天文学家 An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space. astronomer在线翻译 astronomer 单语例句astronomer的反义词 1. MOSCOW - Russian scientists expect humanity to encounter alien civilizations within the next two decades, a top Russian astronomer predicted on Monday. 2. The spacecraft was named after Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer who discovered Jupiter. 3. China's leading astronomer has said the country plans to launch the world's largest and most advanced space solar telescope into orbit in 2008. 4. German astronomer Johannes Kepler first predicted a transit of Venus in 1627 but he died before he could witness one. 5. BEIJING - A senior Chinese astronomer on Friday revealed a timeline for China's planned program of space research. 6. One astronomer said scientists have been filling in the details ever since. 7. The amateur astronomer is one of the country's few comet hunters and one of the best. 8. It was first created in a German lab in 1996 and named for the astronomer Copernicus. 9. This is the conclusion reached by an amateur astronomer, a former US government adviser Timothy Hood. 10. " My dream is to become an astronomer to explore the secrets of the universe, " he said. astronomerastronomer 英英释义 noun 1. a physicist who studies astronomy Synonym: uranologiststargazer |
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