单词 | atrocious |
释义 | atrocious [英 [??tr????s] 美 [??tro???s] ] atrocious的意思、解释 atrocious 基本解释 atrocious在线翻译 形容词穷凶极恶; 恶毒的,残暴的; 糟透的; 狠戾 atrocious 相关例句 形容词 1. An atrocious accident happened this morning. 今天上午发生了一起使人震惊的事故。 2. Murder is an atrocious crime. 谋杀是残暴的罪行。 atrocious 网络解释 1. atrocious的近义词 1. 残暴的:atrocious weather 恶劣气候 | atrocious 残暴的 | atrociously 残酷地 2. 糟透了 # precocious 早熟的:Movie tunes # 选自电影 | # atrocious 糟透了 precocious 早熟的 | Eg : Bad news sports fan ! 告诉你们个坏消息哦! 3. 残暴的, 凶恶的:atrocious weather || 恶劣气候 | atrocious || 残暴的, 凶恶的 | atrociously || 残酷地, 万恶不赦地 4. 残忍的,凶恶的:ATONAL 无调的 | ATROCIOUS 残忍的,凶恶的 | ATROPHY 萎缩,衰退 atrocious 双语例句 1. These people are criminals, they have committed atrocious crimes against humanity. We've helped to glorify them. 那些人是罪犯,他们对人类犯下了滔天大罪,我们却帮助美化他们。 2. Scorpion, forehead is growing a pair greatly forceps, hind raise is taking the end thorn of poison gland, natural disposition is atrocious. 蝎子,前部长着一对大大的钳子,后部扬起带着毒腺的尾刺,生性凶恶。 3. I have a great mind to put it into the fire, to punish your atrocious humbug and hypocrisy 为了对你这种万恶的骗子和伪君子实施惩戒,我倒很赞成把它一把火烧掉完事。 4. A few experiences, like the trial of Elizabeth Taylor`s `Poison` (which truly reeked of something poisonous on my skin) and the near fainting spell in an elevator with someone who`d clearly over spritzed made me realize that what was heavenly to my olfactory senses, was possibly atrocious to others`. 一些经验,如审判伊丽莎白泰勒的'毒'(即真正reeked有毒的东西,对我的皮肤)和近昏厥袭港在电梯,有人要清楚谁超过spritzed ,使我认识到什么是天堂,以我的嗅觉感官,可能是残暴别人。 5. Taking the life of an atrocious murderer, and to morrow of a wretched pilferer who had robbed a farmer s boy of sixpence. 今天处决一个穷凶极恶的杀人犯,明天杀死一个只抢了农家孩子六便士的可怜的小偷。 6. To-day, taking the life of an atrocious murderer, and to-morrow of a wretched pilferer who had robbed a farmer's boy of sixpence. 今天处决一个穷凶极恶的杀人犯,明天杀死一个只抢了农家孩子六便士的可怜的小偷。 7. I've heard her practice her German, and it is atrocious. 有趣的是,她选的每门课都学的不是很好。 8. 8. Most Invincible Emperor, Caesar Augustus, Most Clement Lord: Inasmuch as Your Imperial Majesty has summoned a Diet of the Empire here at Augsburg to deliberate concerning measures against the Turk, that most atrocious, hereditary, and ancient enemy of the Christian name and religion, in what way, namely, effectually to withstand his furor and assaults by strong and lasting military provision; and then also concerning dissensions in the matter of our holy religion and Christian Faith, that in this matter of religion the opinions and judgments of the parties might be heard in each other's presence; and considered and weighed among ourselves in mutual charity, leniency, and kindness, in order that, after the removal and correction of such things as have been treated and understood in a different manner in the writings on either side, these matters may be settled and brought back to one simple truth and Christian concord, that for the future one pure and true religion may be embraced and maintained by us, that as we all are under one Christ and do battle under Him, so we may be able also to live in unity and concord in the one Christian Church. 最立于不败之地的皇帝,皇帝奥古斯都,最克莱门特勋爵:因为您的帝国国王陛下召见食帝国在这里奥格斯堡审议有关措施,以防特克,最残暴,遗传,和古老的敌人,基督教的名称和宗教,以何种方式,即有效地抵御他的愤怒和攻击的强劲和持久的军事规定;然后也涉及纠纷在这件事我们神圣的宗教和基督教信仰,在这件事宗教的意见和判断,有关各方可能在听到对方的存在;,并考虑及衡量我们之间在相互慈善,宽容,和善良的,为了使,搬迁后和纠正这些事情,作为已处理和理解在一个不同的方式,在著作对任何一方,这些问题可能得到解决,并带回了一个简单的真理和基督教的和谐,为未来的一个纯和真正的宗教可能是拥抱和维持我们,因为我们都是根据一基督做斗争下,他的,所以我们可以,也住在团结与和谐,在一个基督教教堂。 9. An Afghan immigrant worker lost his life in one of these atrocious attacks. 一名阿富汗移民工人丧生于其中一起残暴攻击。 10. atrocious 10. Happy centuries, who know nothing of our hates, how can you understand the atrocious power of our deadly love? 幸福的世纪阿,你们对我们的仇恨一无所知,又怎能理解我们爱极生暴的力量呢? 11. I. MAYHEM, mahemium, was in part considered in the preceding volume, 1 as a civil injury: but it is also looked upon in a criminal light by the law; being an atrocious breach of the king's peace, and an offense tending to deprive him of the aid and assistance of his subjects. I。人身伤害,作为一种世俗伤害在前一卷中有所考虑:但是它也被法律视为一种犯罪;被认为是一种对国王的和平的凶残破坏,和意图使国王丧失他的臣民的支持和帮助的一种侵犯。 12. However, when horses are saddled and reined; their conducts are controlled, they will expose atrocious manner to express their discontent. When they know how to turn heads to bite people or to sneakingly bite off the rein, they look like thieves somewhat. 可是当马儿被套上马鞍,系上缰绳,行为被控制时,马儿就学会了露出凶恶的姿态,以表示不满;当它们学会急转回头过来咬人,或者偷偷地将缰绳咬开等动作时;这时的马儿看起来就有点儿像小偷儿了。 13. It's far more acceptable than it actually is to just make screamingly atrocious spelling and grammatical errors. 令人惊愕的、严重的拼写和语法错误实际上并不是那么难以让人接受。 14. atrocious的翻译 14. I think that text messaging has made students believe that it's far more acceptable than it actually is to just make screamingly atrocious spelling and grammatical errors. 我认为比起犯严重的拼写的语法和拼写错误,学生更容易接受书面的信息。 15. Go all the way, began to leave novice, everything is so relaxed, more and more the person lets comfortable like feeling the mood seemed to be purified, the soldier of the brutal battlefield kill machine in I yesterday or that WOW, remain besides my consciousness bloody with atrocious, look at 1 each player to topple before me, relapse instead answer brushing battlefield, killing a person, be like me today pick up ego is same. 一路走来,开始离别了新手,一切都是这么的轻松,越来越觉得心情似乎受到了净化一样让人舒适,昨日的我还是那个WOW里残酷的战场杀戮机器的战士,除了我的意识之外就剩下血腥与残暴,看着1个个玩家在我面前倒下,反反复复的刷着战场,杀着人,今天似乎我又重新找到了自我一样。 16. The wickedness of a loose or profane author is more atrocious than that of the giddy libertine, or drunken ravisher, not only because it extends its effects wider. No.77 一个作家任性或亵渎的邪恶,比起轻率的浪子或醉酒的强盗还要残暴,不仅仅因为他们能把邪恶扩散到更大的范围内。 17. I think it's atrocious. 我想这很可怕 18. She's doing the most atrocious things to him. 她正在对他做最残忍的事 19. That`s an atrocious waste of power, my dad said when I told him. 这可真是太浪费电了,我告诉爸爸后,他这么说。 20. Because people wish me to do the most atrocious things. 因为人们希望我去做我最不愿做的事。 atrocious 词典解释 1. 糟透的;恶劣的 If you describe something as atrocious, you are emphasizing that its quality is very bad. e.g. I remain to this day fluent in Hebrew, while my Arabic is atrocious... 时至今日,我的希伯来语仍很流利,但阿拉伯语却糟透了。 e.g. The food here is atrocious. 这里的食物难以下咽。 atrociously He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously. 他凭着记忆作了记录,用词恰当但拼写错误百出。 2. (行为、行动)残暴的,凶恶的,残忍的 If you describe someone's behaviour or their actions as atrocious, you mean that it is unacceptable because it is extremely violent or cruel. atrocious的近义词 e.g. The judge said he had committed atrocious crimes against women... 法官说他对妇女犯下了滔天罪行。 e.g. The treatment of the prisoners by their captors is atrocious and breaks all international laws. 俘获者对待囚犯异常凶残,违反一切国际法律。 3. (天气)恶劣的,糟糕的 If you say that weather conditions are atrocious, you mean they are very bad, for example that it is extremely cold, wet, or windy. e.g. ...closed roads and atrocious weather: snow in the mountains, torrential rain elsewhere. 道路封锁,天气恶劣:山区雪花纷飞,其他地方大雨倾盆 atrocious 单语例句atrocious 1. " The new flotilla may face complicated situations and atrocious weather conditions in the region, " said Admiral Wu. 2. Tottenham were robbed of their first Old Trafford victory for 16 years by an atrocious blunder from a referee's assistant in a goalless draw. 3. " Your Mandarin is absolutely atrocious, " Wu recalls being told. 4. The ordinary war dead were ordered to carry out atrocious aggressions, and they might be remembered as sacrificial lambs of the top war criminals'delusions. 5. The poet drowned himself to protest against an atrocious monarch on fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 BC. 6. Tanggula Township is 420 km in the south of Golmud in Qinghai province, the roads are mostly bumpy mountain roads and the local climate is atrocious. 7. After the failure of the 1927 revolution, the new KMT warlords began their atrocious rule in China. 8. When she told me about it and found my Chinese was as atrocious as ever, we realized what had happened. 9. Innocent civilians were hacked and beaten to death, in an atrocious and brutal way. 10. Abe is not facing the truth of his country's atrocious wartime past. atrocious的反义词 |
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