单词 | attachment |
释义 | attachment [英 [??t?t?m?nt] 美 [??t?t?m?nt] ] attachment的意思、解释 复数形式:attachments; attachment 基本解释 attachment的翻译 名词(用电子邮件发送的)附件,附属物; 依恋,依附; 扣押财产逮捕,扣押(人,财产) attachment attachment 相关例句 名词 1. attachment 1. She formed a strong attachment for him. 她对他产生了热烈的爱慕之情。 attachment 网络解释 1. attachment的翻译 1. 诉讼保全:姐妹船扣押实际上是一种诉讼保全(attachment),但在美国或大陆法系存在有attachment或saisie conservatoire 的国家就没有必要了. 参见1952年5月10日在布鲁塞尔通过的关于统一扣押海运船舶某些规则的国际公约第3(1)条. 2. 附录:Notes电子邮件的附录(Attachment)送到公司的另一个网站,从而使公司其他员也能共享这种明确清晰的知识. 知识地图还可以通过其他协作技术如Teamroom(TM)进行共享,从而进一步扩大和丰富讨论内容. attachment 双语例句 1. It will stay firmly in place with the secure Velcro attachment. 提高您的新陈代谢作用并减轻你的体重。 2. The attachment shape and distribution on the surface of stalk and leaf of G. 为材料 ,在沙基培养、溶液培养和大田种植 3种种植条件下用不同浓度的盐处理,观测了茎叶表面附着物的形态分布和腺毛的超微结构,测定了叶片腺毛分泌物中和叶片组织内部Na+和Cl-的含量变化,并对腺毛的 3个细胞以及表皮细胞和叶肉细胞内的Na+相对含量变化进行了X射线微区分析。 3. The exact position of the attachment of the xyloglucan to the pectic polysaccharide remains to be determined. 葡聚糖与果胶多糖相结合的正确位置还有待于测定。 4. This research uses surfing as the main topic of research. By adopting the purpose sampling method, there were 325 effective questionnaires collected. All the materials were analyzed by descriptive statistics analysis, t-test, one-way variance analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis to establish the relationship between flow experience and activity attachment. 本研究以冲浪为例,采立意抽样方式进行,回收有效问卷共计235份,根据所得资料,以描述性统计、t 检定、单因子变异数分析以及回归分析来建立心流经验与活动依恋两者间关系。 5. 5. As the saying goes, people eat mouth short, people take short hand, Oh 2 emotional attachment, but do not rely on, Xinyu Xin is the love of attachment. 俗话说 吃人家嘴短,拿人家手短,呵呵) 2)情感上依恋但不依赖,相爱是心与心的依恋。 6. In the neediness there is attachment and cords that go from the needy to the one they count on to provide for them. 在需要中,就有连线和束缚从那个需要的一方连接到被依赖的另一方。 7. It is difficult trying to subjectively value your home because of the emotional attachment that you have. 很难试图从主观价值的感情,因为你的家,你。 8. There are five kinds of attachments: intracoronal attachment, extracoronal attachment, stud attachment, bar attachment and auxiliary attachment. 它可以分为五类:冠内附着体、冠外附着体、杆式附着体、按扣式附着体、辅助固位附着体。 9. At the end of 1985, I expressed my attachment to it in a few Reminiscences. 在大轰炸中的伦敦,即使躺在地铁站台上过夜,我的心也驰向那座被护城河和垂杨柳围着的古城。1985年年底,我还在几篇《杂忆》里宣泄了自己对它的依恋。 10. The name of the attachment attribute (defined in the call to has_attached_file) downcased and pluralised for your enjoyment. 文件作为拥有者的属性的属性名,也就是跟在has_attached_file后面的那个名字,小写、复数形式。 11. CSSA'.''recipients and other socially disadvantaged groups through the Special Job Attachment Programme and projects supported under the Intensive Employment Assistance Fund, introduced in January and March 2001, respectively. 社署委讬了非政府机构,分别在二零零一年一月和三月实施特别就业见习计划和深入就业援助基金所资助的计划,为失业的综援受助人和社会上其他弱势社群提供适切的援助。 12. NGOs have been commissioned to provide tailor-made assistance to unemployed CSSA recipients and other socially disadvantaged groups through the Special Job Attachment Programme and projects supported under the Intensive Employment Assistance Fund, introduced in January and March 2001, respectively. 社署委讬了非政府机构,分别在二零零一年一月和三月实施特别就业见习计划和深入就业援助基金所资助的计划,为失业的综援受助人和社会上其他弱势社群提供适切的援助。 13. I can't ger rid of my attachment to her all the way. 我总是摆脱不了对她的依赖。 14. attachment的翻译 14. Was founded in Taiwan in August 2006, is a specialized production skin, salted egg, dry salted duck and duck products, new type of attachment the modernization of Taiwan-funded enterprises. 襄樊楚台食品有限公司成立于2006年8月,是一家专门生产皮、咸蛋、板鸭及鸭附件制品的新型现代化台资企业。 15. It is long and thin compared to the humerus of other mammals, but its articular surfaces and areas for attachment of muscles are fundamentally like those of most mammals. 它是漫长而薄相比,肱骨其他哺乳动物,但其关节表面和地区扣押的肌肉,基本上是一样,那些最哺乳动物。 16. attachment 16. Objective To test the test-retest reliability for the BTE Primus grip attachment. 目的测试BTE Primus多功能康复系统握力器的重测信度和效标效度。 17. Selection, attachment in the instrumentation plug, and verification of its operation are 传感器选择、它的操作的附件在仪器工作插座和证明的细节其次被描述。 18. Do not attempt to plug the nunchuk attachment into your foot. 不要试图把双节棍插在脚上,一样,会有闪电。。。 19. Type of attachment plug in use--Attachment plugs used throughout the world come in various forms, dimensions and configurations too numerous to describe in this report. 所用插座类型—插座在世界各地都广为使用,有着各种不同的形状尺寸和规格,数量巨大无法在本文中详述。 20. 20. If the power source is a 240 V AC supply, use the tandem type attachment plug with ground conductor power cord that meets the respective European country's safety regulations, such as VDE for Germany. 如果提供的是240伏的交流电源,用那种一前一后类型的插头和地下管道的电源线连接以适合各欧洲国家的安全设备规则,像 VDE 就适用德国。 attachment 词典解释 1. 喜欢;爱慕;忠诚 If you have an attachment to someone or something, you are fond of them or loyal to them. e.g. As a teenager she formed a strong attachment to one of her teachers... 少女时代的她曾迷上了自己的一个老师。 e.g. Mother and child form a close attachment. 母子情深。 2. (机器的)附件,附加装置 An attachment is a device that can be fixed onto a machine in order to enable it to do different jobs. e.g. Some models come with attachments for dusting. 一些模型上附带了除尘器。 3. (临时的)隶属,委派 If someone is on attachment to another company, department, or place, they are working there temporarily. e.g. During her course she worked on attachment for six months at Kew Gardens... 在上学期间,她曾临时到基尤植物园工作了6个月。 e.g. Before coming on my attachment to a City law firm, I spent a year at Strasbourg University. 在被临时派往伦敦的一家律师事务所工作前,我在斯特拉斯堡大学学习了一年。 4. (文件)附件 An attachment is an extra document that is added to another document. e.g. Justice Fitzgerald included a 120-page discussion paper as an attachment to the annual report. 在年度报告上,法官菲茨杰拉德附上了一篇长达120页的讨论稿。 5. (邮件)附件 In computing, an attachment is a file which is attached separately to a message that you send to someone. e.g. When you send an e-mail you can also send a sound or graphic file as an attachment. 在发送电子邮件时,你也可以附上一份声音或图片文件。 attachment 单语例句attachment 1. The main part of his act saw him appear on stage with a vacuum cleaner attached to his member through a special attachment. 2. In contrast, classical Chinese culture is characterized by the rule of virtues and personal attachment. 3. They also sang the songs of Descendants of the Dragon and Dream of Camel Ring to express their love and sentimental attachment to China. 4. The former Western colonial power still has an understandable " backyard " attachment to its former colony. 5. Kurds control of the area's oil resources and its cultural attachment to Kurdistan have been hotly contested. 6. But the pollution is distressing to the many people in Louisiana who have a deep attachment to the lake. 7. I feel a deep attachment to every inch of land and every single tree there. 8. The contention that snowballed over the supplemental living allowance arose from the attachment of a mandatory assets declaration by those applying for the allowance. 9. There is an unusual mutual sentimental attachment between the amicable former king of Cambodia and our government and people. 10. The settlers have retained a deep attachment to their native place, a characteristic of most Chinese living overseas. attachment 英英释义 noun 1. the act of fastening things together Synonym: fastening 2. the act of attaching or affixing something Synonym: affixation 3. faithful support for a cause or political party or religion e.g. attachment to a formal agenda adherence to a fat-free diet the adhesion of Seville was decisive Synonym: adherenceadhesion 4. a supplementary part or accessory 5. a connection that fastens things together Synonym: bond 6. a writ authorizing the seizure of property that may be needed for the payment of a judgment in a judicial proceeding 7. a feeling of affection for a person or an institution Synonym: fond regard |
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