单词 | auditorium |
释义 | auditorium [英 [??:d??t?:ri?m] 美 [??d??t?ri?m, -?tor-] ] auditorium的意思、解释 复数形式:auditoriums; auditoria; auditorium 基本解释 名词观众席,听众席; 礼堂,会堂 auditorium 网络解释 1. 礼堂:一个ceo,又是逻辑学家 logist,站在拱门(arch)下;一个aeo,站在爱琴海的(Aegean)拱门(arch)下,而这个人还是一个logist;一个aeo,站在蓝天白云的爱琴海的(Aegean)拱门(arch)下,而这个人还是一个logist;通过左边的胡同(alley),有一个礼堂(auditorium). 2. 大礼堂:会后,我们要带他们参观教学楼、实验楼、图书馆和游泳池. 最后,要在大礼堂 (auditorium)举行聚会,聚会上有唱歌、跳舞、音乐、游戏和交换礼物等活动. 请大家积极参与. 谢谢. 3. 大讲堂:文法学科上课的地方有两个:一个叫大讲堂(Auditorium),一个叫研究班大楼(Seminargebude). 白天,大街上走的人中有一大部分是到各地上课的男女大学生. 熙熙攘攘,煞是热闹. 在历史上,大学出过许多名人. 德国最伟大的数学家高斯(Gauss), 4. auditorium 4. 观众席:随后,我进入了一楼的观众席(auditorium). 没想到,还没走几步,又遇见了lisa. 走到舞台上时,一瞬间我又听到有人再说话. 不过这次说的是戏剧中的台词,似乎是在进行戏剧的排练. 最终由于一个叫托尼(tony)的演员突然咳嗽并流出鼻血, auditorium 双语例句 1. Everyone in the auditorium was whispering back and forth, appraising him with great curiosity 全礼堂的人都在交头接耳,好奇地赏着自己。 2. auditorium 2. She delivered a moving speech on the platform of the auditorium. 她站在礼堂的讲台上发表了一场动人的演说。 3. auditorium 3. The Auditorium Theatre, a Chicago Landmark, is part of the Auditorium Building and located at 50 East Congress Parkway. 礼堂剧院,芝加哥地标,是礼堂大楼和位于东国会百汇50 。 4. The morning of January 13, Jingdong Yi Autonomous County People's Hall auditorium. 1月13日上午,景东彝族自治县人民会堂座无虚席。 5. We had a whole school district Professional Development workshop yesterday in the auditorium of New London High School, a guy named Tony Flach started his speech with a few jokes from the kids, we all laughed so hard. 昨天,整个学区的教师在新伦敦高中培训,一个叫 Tony Flach的人与我们讲了几个笑话,我拿来与你分享。 6. The restaurant covers an area of 1500 square meters, and the auditorium is 5-meter high. 餐厅不仅拥有1500平方米的空间,还有挑高5米的大堂。 7. Hole conduction can be explained by the use of the following analogy. Imagine a row of people seated in an auditorium, where there are no spare chairs. 周围电子可以填补这个空穴,同时在原位置产生一个新的空穴,因此实际上的电子运动看起来就如同是空穴在移动。 8. The irreparability of the past: once at a performance of Albert Hengler's circus in the Rotunda, Rutland square, Dublin, an intuitive particoloured clown in quest of paternity had penetrated from the ring to a place in the auditorium where Bloom, solitary, was seated and had publicly declared to an exhilarated audience that he was his (the clown's) papa. 317过去的事是已经不可挽回的了。有一回艾伯特。亨格勒马戏团在都柏林市拉特兰广场的圆形建筑里演出,一名富于机智的小丑身穿色彩斑驳的服装,为了寻找乃父,竟走出马戏场,钻进观众席中,来到孤零零地坐着的布卢姆跟前,在大庭广众之下,向兴奋不已的观众公开宣称:他是他的爸爸。 9. auditorium是什么意思 9. We use irregular auditorium to make audiences enjoy Taiwan drum music casually. 以不规则形的观众席平台,让观众能自在随兴地观赏完全属於台湾风格的传创鼓曲。 10. The soil beneath the Auditorium consists of soft blue clay to a depth of over 100 feet, which made conventional foundations impossible. 之下的土壤礼堂由蓝色软粘土的深度超过100英尺,这使得传统的基础是不可能的。 11. Determined to make the most of the situation, I followed my orders to report to the auditorium, where I officially enlisted in the army. 当我决定充分地利用每一个机会时,我照我所收到的命令到礼堂报到,而在那里从职务上我应募入伍了。 12. 12. I`m not sure, but I think it`s in the auditorium. B:我不确定,但我想是在礼堂里。 13. I`m sure it in the auditorium. 我确定是在礼堂。 14. auditorium是什么意思 14. It was so hot in the auditorium that several people passed out. 这是这么热的礼堂,有几个人来进行。 15. My voice won't reach to the back of the auditorium. 我的声音大概到不了后面的观众席。 16. Last year, I am also one sitting in the auditorium. 上年,我也是坐在台下的其中一个。 17. I want all of you to meet in this very auditorium 25 years from today. 他说,我们会永远记住你们,也希望你们能永远记住我们,更重要的是,我希望你们能够在25年后相聚在今天这个礼堂。 18. Look at the stage, the auditorium, and the actors'makeup room and the lounge. 你看这舞台、看台,还有演员的化妆间和休息室。 19. auditorium 19. When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Zigler. I remembered sitting in that dark auditorium listening to Mr. Zigler raise everyone`s spirits to the ceiling. 当我12岁的时候,我的爸爸带我去看ZZ先生,我记得坐在观众席上听Z先生的演讲,Z会让每个人的细胞都为之振奋。 20. Acoustics of an auditorium, etc. 这个礼堂的收音效果不太好。 auditorium 词典解释 1. (剧院或音乐厅的)观众席 An auditorium is the part of a theatre or concert hall where the audience sits. 2. 会堂;礼堂;音乐厅 An auditorium is a large room, hall, or building which is used for events such as meetings and concerts. e.g. The Albert Hall is a huge auditorium. 艾伯特音乐厅是一个大型音乐厅。 auditorium 单语例句 1. One day Yan was installing air conditioners at the auditorium of China University of Political Science and Law. 2. Queen Latifah will host the awards show, which airs live on June 27 from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. 3. Lucerne Hall, an auditorium and the Museum of Art are also part of this complex. 4. The event will take place at the Shrine Auditorium on November 21. 5. The project to develop the center into an exhibition hall, an auditorium and 89 guestrooms will start in October and be complete next year. 6. Kim walked on his own into a Pyongyang auditorium for Wednesday's ceremony at a normal pace and bowed while standing during a moment of silence. 7. Teachers were busily hanging red and yellow ribbons in the school's auditorium where Wen will teach the students Chinese calligraphy and tai chi. 8. The donation will be used for the development of two important buildings in Peking University, a sports complex and an auditorium at the School of Government. 9. Ahmadinejad and other senior Iranian officials were shown in an auditorium but state television did not say where it was. 10. A courier had to run from the courthouse to the auditorium delivering one document at a time. auditorium什么意思auditorium 英英释义 noun 1. the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits |
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