单词 | austere |
释义 | austere [英 [??st??(r)] 美 [?:?st?r] ] austere的意思、解释 austere 基本解释 形容词朴素的,简朴的; 严峻的,严厉的; 苦行的; 一丝不苟的 austere 相关例句 形容词 1. They lived an austere life. 他们过着极端清苦的生活。 2. I like an austere style of writing. 我喜欢朴实无华的文体。 3. Father was an austere man, very strict with his children. 父亲是个严厉的人,对子女十分严格。 4. The people are still leading an austere life in the mountains. 山区人民仍然过着艰苦的生活。 austere 网络解释 1. 严峻的:austenitic 奥氏体的 | austere 严峻的 | austerely 严格地 2. 严厉的:atmosphere 大气 | austere 严厉的 | here 在这里 3. 简朴的:intricacy 纷乱 复杂 | austere 简朴的 | flourish 繁荣 4. austere是什么意思 4. 严厉,严格的:eligible 符合条件的 合格的 | austere 严厉,严格的 | imperative 命令 规则 austere 双语例句 1. The desolate sands was a little bit acclivitous towards the plain, the tone was firm and persistent and austere. 略微向平原倾斜的荒滩,景物的色调是坚毅的、严峻的。 2. Mr. Leifeng lived an austere life dedicated to doing good deeds without expecting any reward and succoring people from all walks of life, yet he was remembered as one of the most successful idol of our time. 雷锋生活简朴,一生致力于做好事不计任何回报,同时帮助各行各业的人们,然而他被公认为我们时代最成功的楷模。51-免费-51免费论文网-网 3. Mr. Leifeng lived an austere life dedicated to doing good deedswithout expecting any reward and succoring people from all walks oflife, yet he was remembered as one of the most successful idol ofour time. 雷锋生活简朴,一生致力于做好事不计任何回报,同时帮助各行各业的人们,然而他被公认为我们时代最成功的楷模。 4. But beneath it all lay a austere affair -- how to acquisition a role afterwards retirement, and how to accomplish a success of what can be a catchy accord with those who appear after. 但是总得面临一个严峻的问题—退休之后如何找到自己的位置,如何胜利和他继任者相处。 5. 5. She leads an austere way of life. 她过着简朴的生活。 6. The management of small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with the more and more austere challenge. 随着市场竞争越来越激烈,中小企业的经营管理正面临越来越严峻的挑战。 7. His way of life is rather austere. 他的生活方式相当简朴。 8. I like an austere style of writing. 我喜欢朴实无华的文体。 9. They are now the most austere of the main parties. 他们现在是主要党派中处境最困难的。 10. austere的翻译 10. At present, the employment situation of our country is austere. 当前,我国的就业形势十分严峻。 11. austere什么意思 11. But low petroleum prices, a high birthrate, and austere policies produced a dismal economic picture. 社会主义体制,军管政府将他们的希望寄托在蕴藏在撒哈拉中的石油和天然气上。 12. With the huge exchanges of the surroundings to our country's money market, and the more austere new compete surroundings, how can we commercial bank face it is a big problem. 我国金融市场的环境发生了重大变化,对于新的更加严峻的金融市场的竞争态势,我国商业银行如何应对,是一个重大的问题。 13. Has this idea it must be austere... 有了必须要苦行的想法。。。 14. Occasionally, fashion attempts to edge into the arena via pilgrim-inspired black-and-white dressing (see Jil Sander's rigorously elegant high-necked white polo, skinny black pants and austere single-buttoned jackets) or fowl-esque, feather-trimmed frocks like Alberta Ferretti's and Rochas'ostrich numbers. 偶尔,时尚界试图通过受朝圣者启发的黑白服装(看看Jil Sander庄重优雅的高领白色马球衫、贴身的黑色裤子和简洁的单扣夹克)或者像Alberta Ferretti和Rochas鸵鸟毛皮上衣挤进这个圈子。 15. austere的意思 15. Yet the Greek poet, like a sunbeam, touches the terrible and austere Memnon's Column of myth, which proceeds to give forth Sophoclean melodies. 然而,希腊诗人象一绪阳光照射到这神话的壮丽肃穆的绵侬巨象上,于是它突然发出清音——索福克勒斯的歌曲。 16. The relationship between writer and reader should not be one between an austere school master and his pupils, but one between familiar friends. 作者与读者之关系不应如庄严之塾师对其生徒,而应如亲熟故交。 17. Far from an austere backwater, the intergalactic medium is turning out to be the central staging area for cosmic evolution. 星系际介质完全不是死水一潭,它正跃居宇宙演化的中心舞台。 18. Faithful to the rule of penance, they retrenched nothing from the austere practices of their holy state. 忠实于法治的忏悔,他们被裁,没有从过紧的做法,他们的圣地。 19. Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty---a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture. 思考,如果公正地看,包含的不仅是真理,也是无上的美——一种冷峭和严峻的美,恰像一尊雕刻一样。 20. 20. His change in painting style is remarkable, from austere Medievalism in the early period to volumptuous Venetian style in the late years. 他的绘画风格发生过显著的变化,从前期创作阶段的质朴的中世纪风格转向后期华丽的威尼斯风格。 austere 词典解释 1. 简朴的;朴素的 If you describe something as austere, you approve of its plain and simple appearance. e.g. ...a cream linen suit and austere black blouse... 乳白色亚麻套装和简朴的黑色衬衫 e.g. The church was austere and simple. 教堂的布置很简朴。 2. (人)严厉的,严肃的,严格的 If you describe someone as austere, you disapprove of them because they are strict and serious. austere在线翻译 e.g. I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person. 我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。 e.g. ...an extraordinarily austere and puritanical organization. 有着非常严厉的清规戒律的组织 3. (生活)简朴的,不奢华的,苦行的 An austere way of life is one that is simple and without luxuries. e.g. The life of the troops was still comparatively austere. 军队的生活还是相对清苦的。 4. (经济政策)紧缩的 An austere economic policy is one which reduces people's living standards sharply. e.g. ...a set of very austere economic measures to control inflation. 一套大力控制通货膨胀的紧缩性经济措施 austere 单语例句 1. These are contrasted with an austere vista of Edwardian England, where the young Angel Deverell is at school and already creating florid fictions. 2. Not that schools cannot be beautiful, or a little more than austere. 3. They said the austere burial site did not tally with the legend of him building up to 72 tombs to thwart tomb raiders. 4. Compared to the intensive care the surviving miners received, the rescue teams that eventually brought them to safety have been living in austere conditions. 5. Lisbon is preparing to pass an austere 2011 budget that it hopes can deliver tough spending cuts to ward off the eurozone debt crisis. 6. Country borders usually conjure up an image of austere soldiers on each side watching their counterparts suspiciously from a distance. 7. Zhenwu realized that he should not give up his belief of Taoism halfway and must go on practicing Taoism and living an austere life. 8. They sent almost all of their earnings to their hometowns to support their families, while they themselves lived austere lives. 9. This prosecco is elegant and slightly austere, a bit like a refined older relative with a dry sense of humor. 10. Yet he has always sounded quite austere in the past, and the most surprising thing about his intervention is its timing. |
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