单词 | endurance |
释义 | endurance [英 [?n?dj??r?ns] 美 [?n?d?r?ns] ] endurance的意思、解释 复数形式:endurances; endurance 基本解释 名词耐久(力),持久(力); 忍耐,忍耐力 endurance 反义词 endurance 名词weakness endurance 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Running the marathon tests a person's endurance. 马拉松赛跑考验人的耐力。 2. He came to the end of his endurance. 他忍无可忍了。 3. Long distance runners need great endurance. 长跑运动员需要有很大的耐力。 endurance 网络解释 1. 耐久性:理论上,3-bit/cell MLC虽具有低成本的优点,但在读写速度和耐久性(endurance)的表现上都不如2 bit/cell,且3 bit/cell的良率也可能不如2 bit/cell. 东芝及新帝阵营目前旗下两座12吋厂的产能多已转进43nm的制程, endurance 双语例句 1. 1. Results of endurance on temperature indicated that both wild and domestic pigs have different reaction of none adaptation below-13℃ or above 27℃, but wild pig has stronger endurance to high and low temperature than Bamei. It shows that the range of temperature from -13℃ to 27℃ is relatively fitting the growth and activities of wild pigs. 8 Analyzing synthetically the effects of light intensity on activity frequency and intake of wild pig, Bamei and Landrace, the range of light intensity adapted to wild pig is smaller than the domestic, but the variance of light intensity has more effects on wild pig within a fitting range of light intensity. 8综合分析光照强度对野猪、八眉猪和长白猪活动频度及采食量的影响,野猪适宜的光强度范围比家猪小,但在适宜的光强度范围内,光强度变化对野猪所起的正效应较大,说明野猪对光照强度的灵敏度比家猪高,在201x~901x的光照强度区间内相对喜欢光线较弱的环境,因此,在对野猪驯养时要尽可能满足野猪的这一习性,将光强度控制在501x以内。 2. Results:When the traction force is 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, of body weight, the average length is stretched of 0.21 cm, 0.33cm, 0.44cm, 0.56cm respectively; When the traction force is 25%, 35%, 40%, t he total stretching length is 0.56cm; and it won't increase anymore. And locatio n of maximum stress on the cervical colume is changed with the traction angle; th e endurance time of cervical traction is not more than 20 minutes. 结果:在牵引力按体重5%,10%,15%,20%时,颈椎平均分别拉伸了0.21cm,0 。33cm,0.44cm,0.56cm,当牵引力按体重25%,30%,40%时,其拉伸长度皆为0.56cm,不再增加;并且颈椎的最大应力点也随牵引角度的改变而改变;颈椎牵引的耐受时间亦不超过20min。 3. 3. In addition, the endurance is not degraded up to 106 write/erase cycles. 忍耐度即使到达106次的写入/抹除之后也没有变差。 4. endurance的解释 4. This paper studied systematic compared experiments of Al〓O〓/Ti ceramics composite tools and measured VB-t curves of different cutting thickness and impact on cutting length on endurance. The author discussed inactivation patterns of cutting quenched steel to provide applied feasible parameters. 本论文通过较系统的切削实验,测量不同切削用量下的VB-t曲线,考察切削用量变化对刀具耐用度的影响,初步探讨复合陶瓷刀具在切削淬硬钢时的失效方式,为刀具的实际应用提供切实可行的实验参数。 5. Analyses the problems of the investment, efficiency and endurance of using the domestic gas fuel cell in practice.... 分析了家用燃料电池实用化过程中面临的成本、效率、耐久性等问题,提出了发展我国家用燃料电池的构想。 6. 6. Follows organ standard and whole standard and electromyogram tests and analyses, and Moxibustion Guanyua can improve clearly waist back muscle power and endurance coiling protruding disease patient between the lumbar vertebra, and improves the whole lumbar vertebra merit ability, and relieves the waist leg pain symptom, and raises society and the day-to-day viability of patient 从器官水平和整体水平及肌电图检测角度分析,关元灸能够明显地改善腰椎间盘突出症患者的腰背肌肌力和耐力,改善整体腰椎功能,缓解腰腿疼痛症状,提高患者的社会和日常生活能力。 7. I really believe that the acceleration of the air has tremendous value as to the releasing of the necessary tensions that make it possible for long time endurance and a beautiful sound. 我非常相信,气息的加速和流动有巨大的价值,它可以帮助我们缓解紧张的神经,使我们可以获得长久的耐力和漂亮的音色。 8. endurance 8. According to low K endurance, variety adaptability and the tractional method made by Liu Hengguan, 45 wheat varieties were identified by field experiment. 以耐低钾力和品种适应性及分级指标进行评定,在微区试验的45份供试小麦品种中耐低钾能力强(1级)的占4.4%,耐性很差(7~9级)的占37.8%,其余介于二者之间(3~5级)的占与57.8%。 9. Watermelon materials were studied in lower temperature stress experiment, and were classied by determining the indexes which correlated with the chilling injury. 57 materials were analysised for genetic diversity by AFLP technology, and the cluster analysis was carried of genetic diversity. The results were as follows: 1. Among the 40 watermelon materials, the wild watermelon had the strongest chilling endurance, and male parent of h-11 took the second place. The Variety of Tedaxinhongbao had the weakest chilling endurance. 本研究对21份供试材料进行耐低温研究,通过各项与耐低温密切相关的生理生化指标的测定,最终将供试西瓜材料从耐低温程度进行了分类;运用AFLP分子标记技术对57份西瓜种质资源的遗传多样性进行分析,并进行遗传多样性的聚类分析,结果如下:1.40份西瓜种质资源中,野生西瓜材料耐冷性最强,其次为栽培种h-11父本,特大新红宝杂交种耐冷性最弱。 10. Through researching the mechanism of biological nitrification and denitrification and actual project application of the technology and related literature materials, the obtained results are as follows:(1) Anoxybiosis is effective to the removal of COD; after the anoxic process, BOD/COD of the outflow increases, it shows that the degradation ability of wastewater is improved; anoxybiosis is insensitive when shock loading of inflow wastewater varies greatly; (2) It is demonstrated by the operation of inoculation and cultivating that biofilm takes two weeks to succeed in cultivating on packings and the removal ratios of NH3-N and COD get 50% and 70% respectively, when gas-water ratio is 6:1, HRT is 7.3 hour, water temperature is above 15°C; (3) It is demonstrated that gas-water ratio, hydraulic loading, HRT, temperature, pH etc are important factors which influence the removal effect of pollutants, when the gas-water ratio is 6:1, hydraulic loading is about 0.38kgNH3-N/m~3.d, water temperature ranges from 15°C to 27°C, pH ranges from 7.5 to 8.0, the BIOFOR removal effect of pollutants is the best; (4) The operation indicated that, this technology has strong ability of nitrification and denitrification; it has extremely vital significance for reducing the water body eutrophication; (5) It is confirmed the feasibility and the usability of preanoxic-BIOFOR process to treat L-lactic acid production wastewater. The experiment indicated that the treatment effect of this technology is very good and also shows that the technology has many advantages, such as small volume, high treatment efficiency, good effluent quality and strong endurance to load variation, this technology is a new and economical wastewater treatment process. 通过对生物脱氮机理的研究和该组合技术的实际工程应用,并结合有关文献资料,取得如下结论:(1)预缺氧池对L-乳酸生产废水中的COD去除具有一定的效果;废水中难降解的高分子物质经过缺氧工段分解为易于氧化降解的物质,浮状有机物在水解菌的作用下,将不溶性有机物水解为溶解性物质;预缺氧池具有较强的抗冲击负荷能力;(2)BIOFOR接种挂膜过程表明:HRT为7.3h、气水比为6:1、水温保持在15℃以上,经过半个月生物膜即以形成,NH_3-N和COD的去除率分别达到50%和70%左右;(3)研究表明:气水比、水力负荷、HRT、温度、pH等是影响污染物去除效率的重要因素,在气水比为6:1,NH_3-N容积负荷为0.38kgNH_3-N/m~3·d,温度在15℃-27℃,pH在7.5-8.0之间的条件下,BIOFOR对污染物的去除效率达到最佳;(4)运行表明,该组合技术具有较强的脱氮能力,对于减少水体富营养化具有十分重要的意义;(5)经过半年多实际工程的现场调试与运行,验证了利用预缺氧—BIOFOR组合工艺处理L—乳酸生产废水的可行性和实用性,得出该组合技术具有占地面积小,处理效果好,运行费用省,耐冲击负荷能力强等优点,是一项新型、经济的污水处理技术。 11. The study suggests that regularly performed endurance exercise may help improve insulin resistance in people with excess levels of available fatty acid, such as those with obesity. 研究表明,经常演出耐力运动可以改善胰岛素抵抗的人,超额各级现有的不饱和脂肪酸,如那些与肥胖有关。 12. I`m a girl of patience, endurance and perseverance. 我是个有耐心,能忍耐,能坚持的女孩。 13. And two cultivars, one tenderness to root-zone hypoxia stress, one endurance, were adopted to research their ROS mechanism and the changes of antioxidant activity under hypoxia, in order to discover the physiological basis of different hypoxia tolerance. 品种为试材,采用模糊隶属法,研究了根际低氧胁迫下不同黄瓜品种的耐性差异,并从中选择耐性差异较大的两个品种为试材,研究根际低氧胁迫下活性氧代谢和保护酶活性的变化,初步探讨了低氧耐性差异的生理基础 14. Its endurance and resistance to heat are second to none. 它的耐力和耐热性是首屈一指的。 15. But this four-year-old child's resoluteness made me surprised. The most strong quality of human being is endurance. 她已经是个孤儿了,我们见过太多的眼泪,可这个四岁的小女孩的坚强让我惊讶! 16. AC voltage endurance test of secondary circuit:voltage for test is 1000V, when insulation resistance of circuit is above 10M, we can use megohmmeter of 2500V for replacing, test time is 1 minute, take measures to prevent overvoltage and dielectric puncture during test. 二次回路交流耐压试验:试验电压为 1000V,当回路绝缘电阻在 10M 以上时,可用 2500V 兆欧表代替,试验时间为 1min,试验时应采取措施防止过压击穿。 17. 17. Relax Life S Model Adjustable Bed System consists of four boards with different sizes, the metal frame as well as two powerful but quiet motors. It can smoothly move on the two rails. After the accurate and complicated mechanical test and endurance test, it can support a great extent of the curve change and the frequencies when facing with the different bodies and different proportions 雷莱克斯S系列可调节床设计采用四块不同大小的木板结合金属床框,再配以两个强劲有力却极安静的驱动电机组成,双滑轨动作,经过了精密而繁复的力学及耐力度测试,面对人体不同的体型及比例条件,皆能承受身体大幅度的曲线变化及使用频率。 18. endurance 18. It was a question now not so much of physical stength but of spiritual endurance which kept him up. 现在支持着他的与其说是体力,还不如说是毅力。 19. Jack Wolfskin Trailhead Final Grade 4.4 A true bargain that features all-day comfort, at least a decade of endurance, a versatile compression system, good access to gear, and fine attention to details. Jack Wolfskin Trailhead 一个真正的便宜货,其特定是,有着全天的舒适,至少十年持久性,一个多功能的背负系统,非常便于有效使用装备,杰出的对细节的关注。 20. Training at this zone improves your aerobic endurance i. e. the ability to do prolonged exercise without fatigue. 这个区间训练能够提升你的有氧耐力能力。 endurance 词典解释 1. 耐力;忍耐力 Endurance is the ability to continue with an unpleasant or difficult situation, experience, or activity over a long period of time. e.g. The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance. 这种锻炼会明显改善体力,增加耐力。 e.g. ...his powers of endurance. 他的忍耐力 endurance 单语例句endurance 1. Chen recalled that he first became interested in endurance sports after his first trip carrying water from the mountain near his village. 2. He said women astronauts theoretically enjoy advantages over their male counterparts in terms of endurance and circumspection. 3. There are annual daylong horse endurance races that push the famously tough Xilin Gol steeds to their limits. 4. It is mainly amateurs looking to challenge themselves who participate in outdoor endurance events like the Sultan Marathon Des Sables. 5. Wang also attributed the delays to Westinghouse's design adjustments during construction and a stricter construction requirement for endurance concerns. 6. It will also prove to be an endurance test for most Europeans. 7. Hof set the world record for full body ice contact endurance in 2004, when he immersed himself in ice for an hour and eight minutes. 8. No urban resident has the strength or endurance to work on farms, do all the household chores and take care of kids and senior family members simultaneously. 9. They also report that in mice that did exercise training, a second drug made their workout much more effective at boosting endurance. 10. Hua said the big difference between working for a regular province or region and the XPCC is that the latter requires more perseverance and endurance. endurance 英英释义 noun 1. the power to withstand hardship or stress e.g. the marathon tests a runner's endurance 2. a state of surviving remaining alive Synonym: survival |
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