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词语 互讹


亦作“ 互譌 ”。谓古籍中上下两句的文字互相讹误。 清 俞樾 《古书疑义举例·上下两句互误例》:“古书有上下两句平列,而传写互误其字者。《诗·江汉》篇:‘ 江 汉 浮浮,武夫滔滔。’ 王 氏 引之 曰:‘当作“ 江 汉 滔滔,武夫浮浮。”’……写经者‘滔滔’‘浮浮’上下互譌。”《管子·侈靡》“使君亲之际同索,属敬也;使人君不安者,属察也” 郭沫若 校:“‘察’与‘际’互讹。”

互讹(hù é)

Pronunciation: hù é

Basic Meaning: Mutual deception

Detailed Explanation: "互讹" means that two or more parties deceive or cheat each other. It refers to a situation where both sides are dishonest and try to fool or trick each other.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe a situation where two or more people are involved in a fraud or deception, each trying to deceive or cheat the other.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. During the Warring States period, there was a story about two merchants who were both dishonest. They tried to deceive each other in a business transaction, resulting in both of them suffering losses. This story became the basis for the idiom "互讹".

Structure of the Idiom: This idiom consists of two characters, "互" and "讹". The character "互" means "mutual" or "each other", and "讹" means "deception" or "cheating".

Example Sentences:

1. 他们两个人互讹了对方,最后都没得到任何好处。

Translation: Both of them tried to deceive each other, but in the end, neither of them gained any benefits.

2. 这场争论变成了一场互讹的辩论,双方都不肯退让。

Translation: This argument turned into a debate of mutual deception, with neither side willing to back down.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "互讹", you can associate it with a situation where two people are playing a game of deception, trying to cheat each other. You can also create a mnemonic by imagining two people pointing fingers at each other, accusing each other of lying.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of mutual deception, you can explore related idioms such as "相互欺骗" (xiāng hù qī piàn), which means "to deceive each other", and "尔虞我诈" (ěr yú wǒ zhà), which means "to engage in mutual scheming and deception".

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我们一起玩游戏的时候,互讹是不对的。

Translation: It is not right to cheat each other when we play games together.

2. Teenagers: 在考试中互讹是不公平的,应该遵守考试规则。

Translation: Cheating each other in exams is unfair; we should follow the exam rules.

3. Adults: 商场竞争激烈,互讹的现象时有发生。

Translation: In the fiercely competitive business world, mutual deception happens from time to time.





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