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词语 散水

散水(sàn shuǐ)

Pronunciation: sàn shuǐ

Basic Meaning: Watering plants

Detailed Explanation: 散水 is a Chinese idiom that refers to the act of watering plants. It is commonly used to describe the action of sprinkling water on plants to keep them hydrated and healthy.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used in gardening or agricultural contexts to describe the process of watering plants. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the act of providing care or nourishment to something or someone.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China, where agriculture played a vital role in people's lives. Watering plants was an essential task for farmers to ensure the growth and productivity of their crops. The idiom 散水 originated from this agricultural practice and has been widely used to convey the concept of nurturing and taking care of something.

Structure of the Idiom: 散水 is a two-character idiom consisting of the characters 散 (sàn) and 水 (shuǐ), which literally mean "scatter" and "water" respectively.

Example Sentences:

1. 我每天早晨都会散水,以确保花草茂盛生长。

(I water the plants every morning to ensure their lush growth.)

2. 她认真地散水,把每一株植物都照顾得很好。

(She diligently waters the plants and takes good care of each one.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 散水, you can associate it with the image of scattering water on plants. Visualize yourself carefully sprinkling water on a garden full of blooming flowers, connecting the action with the idiom's meaning of watering plants.

Extended Learning: To further expand your knowledge, you can explore related topics such as gardening techniques, different methods of watering plants, and the importance of proper hydration for plant growth.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我每天都帮爸爸妈妈散水,让花草长得更美。

(I help my parents water the plants every day to make them grow more beautifully.)

2. Teenagers: 我们学校的花坛很漂亮,每个星期我们都轮流散水。

(The flower beds in our school are beautiful, and we take turns watering them every week.)

3. Adults: 在炎热的夏天,要记得经常散水,保持花园的绿意盎然。

(In the hot summer, it's important to water the plants regularly to maintain the greenery of the garden.)





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