单词 | injure |
释义 | injure [英 [??nd??(r)] 美 [??nd??] ] injure的意思、解释 过去式:injured; 过去分词:injured; 现在分词:injuring; injure 基本解释 injure的翻译 及物动词损害,毁坏; 伤害(名誉、自尊等); (尤指事故中)伤害; 伤害(感情,自尊心等) injure的反义词 injure 同义词 injure的意思 动词harmdamagewoundwronghurtimpair injure injure 反义词 及物动词healcure injure 相关例句 及物动词 1. His back was injured. 他背部受伤了。 2. 2. There were two people injured in the car accident. 有两个人在车祸中受了伤。 3. I hope I didn't injure her feelings. 我希望我没有伤害她的感情。 injure 网络解释 1. 损害, 伤害:initial 开始的,最初的 | injure 损害,伤害 | injury 受伤处 2. injure的解释 2. 损害:injurant 有害物 | injure 损害 | injured 受伤的 3. 伤害:inject 注射 | injure 伤害 | innocent 无辜的 4. 4. 伤害,损害:sue 诉,起诉,控告 | injure 伤害,损害 | administrative 行政管理的 injure 双语例句 1. To injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of without breaking the skin, as by a blow. 青肿:使皮下软组织或骨头受伤,但并没弄破皮肤,如挨一击 2. If the bag inflates, it can knock the car seat around and injure baby. 如果气囊膨胀,它可以敲周围的汽车座椅和伤害婴儿。 3. Into trouble; implicate injure; do harm to. 累害;累身带累自身 4. Moreover, the effect of the removal of mucilage in MD2 was more remarkable than that in MD5, suggesting that the protection of root apices from AI injure is an important mechanism for pigeon pea to resistant AI. 虽然铝胁迫可诱导木豆根系分泌柠檬酸和苹果酸,但根系苹果酸的分泌量在MD2和MD间无显著差异,MD2柠檬酸的分泌量甚至低于MD5。 5. injure 5. NO and its toxic metabolite peroxynitrite directly injure membrane integrity or impair mitochondrial function leading to DNA break, lipid peroxidation, and protein nitrosylation. NO与其更具有毒性的代谢产物,peroxynitriteONOO(上标-会直接破坏细胞膜完整性或间接地经由损害粒线体功能而造成DNA断裂、脂质过氧化、和蛋白质硝基化。 6. Like any sharp tool, C can injure people who don't know how to handle it. 但像任何锋利的工具一样,C语言也会给不能控制它的人带来麻烦。 7. It is unlawful to injure a football goal post, doing so is punishable by a $200 fine. 毁坏美式足球门柱是违法的,这种行为可处以200美元的罚款。 8. You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. 当你可合理地预见你的作为或不作为将影响邻人时,应采取合理的注意措施,以避免结果发生。 9. Make this craft and conventional technology quite, hand-in-hand travel full-page proof experiments, the result makes clear, in cotton cheese after bath oxygen floats, alkaline oxygen applies CTA, D2 is enzymatic wash deoxidize can be achieved and the coloring deepness like craft of bath of high temperature tradition is mixed colour fastness, shade of colored of the path after be over to be able to assure completely and coloring weigh a gender, and do not injure yarn rupture puissant and rupture stretchy, and can reduce water, report, steam significantly use up, reduce cost, reduce pollution to discharge, have very good economic benefits and social beneficial result. 将该工艺和传统工艺作比较,并进行大样试验,结果表明,在棉筒子纱碱氧一浴氧漂后应用CTA—D2酶洗除氧能达到和高温传统水洗工艺一样的染色深度和染色牢度,完全能保证后道染色的色光和染色重性,而且不损伤纱线的断裂强力和断裂伸长,并且可以显著减少水、电、汽的消耗,降低成本,减少污染排放,具有很好的经济效益和社会效益。 10. Objective:To study of earlier application of duodenoscopy in doubtful biliary tract injure after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 目的 :探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术后怀疑胆道损伤早期十二指肠镜的应用。 11. Results: The etiologies of the 95 cases of bilateral vocal cord paralysis were involving 45 cases caused by operation trauma or intubation injure which account for 47.37 percent (involving 29 thyroid operation, account for 64.44 percent), and 27 caused by tumor, account for 28.42 percent, and 11 cases with unknown reasons, account for 11.58 percent, and 6 caused by cranial and neural system disease and 6 were congenital disease, account for 6.32 percent respectively. 12 patients taken vocal cord abduction operation were all extubated in 1-3 months without aspiration, during the 10 months to 8 years follow-up in which 1 case with glottis vera a little bit reduced was appearing mild inhaling laryngeal stridor, 1 case with glottis vera enlarged appearing inhaling hoarseness. 结果:95例双侧声带麻痹的病因中,手术、外伤及插管损伤45例、占47.37%(其中甲状腺手术29例、占64.44%),肿瘤27例、占28.42%,原因不明者11例、占11.58%,颅脑及神经系统疾病与先天性各6例、各占6.32%。17例气管切开术后呼吸困难缓解。12例施行声带外移术的患者,术后1-3个月内全部拔管,无误吸。12例中有11例术后音质变化不明显或仅出现轻度声音嘶哑,仅1例由于术后声门裂过大,出现明显的气息性嘶哑。 12. injure是什么意思 12. New-style analyse palace produces conclusion not to oversew mural layer peritonaeum can make celiac straight flesh and uterus compact adhesion, bring about when the operation enters an abdomen, depart again adhesion time is long, loss of celiac straight flesh is big, adhesion is more traditional the uterus issues paragraph of analyse to produce art serious, to again the operation increased difficulty, what through new-style analyse palace peritonaeum of layer of wall yield art oversews is improved, not only the advantage that retained new-style analyse palace to produce, and the adhesion that block stopped celiac straight flesh and uterine cut, do not disturb especially and injure bladder, do not give again analyse palace is produced bring difficulty, it is a kind of very good new-style analyse palace produces improved art. 结论新式剖宫产不缝合壁层腹膜可使腹直肌和子宫致密粘连,导致再次手术进腹时分离粘连时间长,腹直肌损伤大,粘连较传统子宫下段剖产术严重,给再次手术增加了难度,通过新式剖宫产术壁层腹膜缝合的改良,不但保留了新式剖宫产的优点,而且阻断了腹直肌和子宫切口的粘连,非凡是不扰乱和损伤膀胱,不给再次剖宫产带来困难,是一种很好的新式剖宫产改良术。 13. To bring disaster or misfortune upon; to strike with calamity; to ruin, afflict, injure seriously, endamage. 而disaster 一词作动词用法产生之初,according to OED,竟然是来自对法语的误读。 14. injure在线翻译 14. I mean to say, I'm sure nobody intended to injure him. 我的意思是说,我敢肯定没人要故意打伤他。 15. Hereafter, Donghua and Yin Yuhua answered two question led by Qubo`s injure. 此后,针对曲波受伤引发的两个问题,董华和尹煜华分别进行了解答。 16. Content of result grackle extraction can reduce liver to injure the serum ALT of small rat apparently, AST and content of MDA of oar of liver divide evenly, XOD of oar of liver divide evenly is active, raise GSH active, liver organizes pathology to change to be reduced apparently. 结果白头翁提取物能明显降低肝损伤小鼠的血清ALT,AST和肝匀浆MDA含量,肝匀浆XOD活性,提高GSH活性,肝组织病理变化明显减轻。 17. injure是什么意思 17. Although his injure is not bad, he has no weapon anymore when Po attacks him once again. 金老爷脸色大变,童博已用剑把暗格内用布包著的一个盒子挑了出来,暗格内射岀几股毒汁,但当然伤不到早有防备的童博,童心情急之下,以十成功力劈向童博大腿,童博突然双眉一轩,回身向童心一剑刺岀,童心看到神龙剑上泛起一阵白光,而那龙形雕刻上隐隐有彩辉流动,不敢怠慢,立刻收招以全力档格,只听得清脆的锵啷一声,童心手中之剑竟在一接触神龙剑锋时就断成了三截,他连忙闪避,肩头还是被划伤,虽然伤势不重,可当童博再回身攻来,他已无剑可档,正在危急时,突然听到金灵的声音 18. the part of transverse incision along the clavicle from acromion to medial end of the incision can't go beyond (8.73±0.64) cm, or easy injure the cephalic vein in the deltopectoralgroove, the thoracoacromial artery and the lateral pectoral nerve. 手术横行切口,从肩峰沿锁骨向内侧不超过(8.73±0.64)cm,否则容易损伤位于三角肌胸大肌间隙内的头静脉、胸肩峰动脉和胸外侧神经。 19. By imitating different concentration of Cd2+ Cu2+ Cr3+ Cr6+and Zn2+polluted water environment, we mainly studied their toxic effects on aquatic piants by means of measurement of physiologicai indexes and electron microscopy observation as well as the relieving to Cu2+ injury of antioxidase enzyme system in Lemna minor L. and Vallisneria asiatica Miki in this paper by throwing Ce. the experimental results showed that Cd2+ Cu2+ Cr3+ Cr6+ and Zn2+ might injure photosynthetic systems, protective enzyme system, substance metabolism systems and cell ultrastructure of the plant. 本文通过模拟不同浓度梯度的重金属Cd~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Cr~(3+)、Cr~(6+)和Zn~(2+)污染环境,利用生理生化测定、扫描电镜、透射电镜、气相色谱及激光共聚焦等实验手段,研究了四种金属离子对不同生态型的水生植物的毒害影响,初步探索了Ce对浮萍Cu害的缓解效应和La、Zn及其交互作用对浮萍活性氧清除系统影响。 20. An ambulance officer bring a stretcher for the injure woman. 救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救受伤女子。 injure 词典解释 1. 伤害;使受伤 If you injure a person or animal, you damage some part of their body. injure的反义词 e.g. A number of bombs have exploded, seriously injuring at least five people... 数个炸弹爆炸,造成至少5人重伤。 e.g. Several policemen were injured in the clashes. 几名警察在冲突中受伤。 injure 单语例句injure的意思 1. They are in the final stages of a training program to find landmines that kill or injure hundreds of people each year in Colombia. 2. A contractual joint venture must abide by Chinese laws and regulations and must not injure the public interests of China. 3. Police finally cornered Shi on the fifth floor of the hospital, even as he " repeatedly tried to injure himself with the weapon ". 4. Detention houses and jails must offer compensation if their officers kill or severely injure inmates, according to a draft law expected to be passed on Saturday. 5. Hao was also found to be in possession of five illegal air guns which can injure someone shot at close range. 6. It's alleged the woman used a fruit knife to fatally stab Deng Guida and injure Huang. 7. The first may injure your body but the second will harm your soul, which is a human's most precious possession. 8. Two landslides in a popular tourist destination in Sichuan Province over the May Day holiday did not kill or injure anyone. 9. Free radicals are highly unstable and reactive molecules that attack, infiltrate and injure vital cell structures. 10. " I can't guarantee that we will not injure more civilians, " Hilferty said. injure 英英释义 verb 1. cause injuries or bodily harm to Synonym: wound 2. cause damage or affect negatively e.g. Our business was hurt by the new competition Synonym: hurt 3. hurt the feelings of e.g. She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests This remark really bruised my ego Synonym: hurtwoundbruiseoffendspite |
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