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词语 外视


(1).犹外观,外表。 宋 文莹 《湘山野录》卷下:“ 严僕射 续 以位高寡学为时所鄙,又 江文尉 尝作《蟹赋》讥 续 ,略曰:‘外视多足,中无寸肠。’” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·物部四》:“近日 潘方凯 造开天容墨,又倍之,盖復用黄金矣。然以为观美,则外视未必佳;以为适用,则亦无以甚异也。”
(2).谓视如外人。中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·辛亥革命前后及南京政府成立》:“南方民军对於蒙族视如同胞,絶无丝毫外视之意。” 茅盾 《昙》:“她立刻感得自己是被欺骗了,至少也是被外视。”

外视(wài shì)

Pronunciation: wài shì

Basic Meaning: to look at something from an external perspective

Detailed Explanation: 外视 refers to the act of observing or analyzing something from an outsider's point of view rather than being biased by personal emotions or interests. It emphasizes the importance of objectivity, impartiality, and considering different perspectives when making judgments or decisions.

Usage Scenarios: 1. During a debate or discussion, it is essential to adopt an external perspective to understand different viewpoints. 2. When analyzing a problem or situation, taking an external perspective can help to identify potential blind spots or biases. 3. In interpersonal relationships, practicing external perspective can enhance empathy and understanding.

Story Origin: There is no specific story origin for this idiom. It is a combination of the characters "外" (wài), meaning "outside" or "external," and "视" (shì), meaning "to see" or "to look."

Structure of the Idiom: 外视 is a two-character idiom consisting of the characters "外" and "视."

Example Sentences: 1. 在解决问题时,我们应该学会外视,不要被个人情感所影响。 (When solving problems, we should learn to take an external perspective and not be influenced by personal emotions.) 2. 他总是能够以外视的角度看待事情,因此在决策时很客观。 (He is always able to look at things from an external perspective, so he is very objective in decision-making.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 外视, you can imagine yourself standing outside a building and observing it from a distance. This visual representation can help you associate the idiom with the concept of looking at something from an external perspective.

Extended Learning: 1. Research other idioms related to perspective or observation. 2. Explore different philosophical or psychological theories about objectivity and subjectivity. 3. Practice adopting an external perspective in your daily life by consciously considering different viewpoints and perspectives.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups: 1. Children (6-12 years old): 我喜欢用外视的方式看待问题,这样我能够更好地理解别人的想法。(I like to look at problems from an external perspective so that I can better understand other people's thoughts.) 2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 在决定加入社团之前,我会先外视一下社团的优点和缺点。(Before deciding to join a club, I will first take an external perspective to consider the pros and cons of the club.) 3. Adults (above 18 years old): 在处理工作纠纷时,我总是尽量以外视的态度来解决问题。(When dealing with work disputes, I always try to resolve them with an external perspective.)





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