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词语 悬超

悬超 (xuán chāo)

悬超 (xuán chāo)

Pronunciation: xuán chāo

Basic Meaning: hanging in mid-air

Detailed Explanation:

悬超 (xuán chāo) is an idiom that refers to something or someone hanging in mid-air without any support. It can be used metaphorically to describe a precarious or uncertain situation. This idiom often implies that the situation is risky or unstable.

Usage Scenarios:

1. Describing a difficult or dangerous situation: 在这次考试中,他的成绩悬超,不知道能不能及格。

2. Describing a person's state of mind: 这个问题让他感到悬超,无法决定下一步该怎么办。

Story Origin:

The origin of the idiom "悬超" can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In ancient China, there was a famous poet named Li Bai. Legend has it that Li Bai once went to a cliff to admire the scenery. While he was standing at the edge of the cliff, he suddenly lost his balance and almost fell off. Fortunately, he managed to grab onto a branch that was hanging in mid-air, saving his life. This incident inspired the creation of the idiom "悬超."

Structure of the Idiom:

悬 (xuán) - hanging

超 (chāo) - in mid-air

Example Sentences:

1. 他的未来发展前景非常悬超。

(Tā de wèilái fǎzhǎn qiánjǐng fēicháng xuán chāo.)

His future prospects are very uncertain.

2. 这个项目的成功与否还悬超在我们的努力之上。

(Zhège xiàngmù de chénggōng yǔfǒu hái xuán chāo zài wǒmen de nǔlì zhī shàng.)

The success of this project still hangs in the balance of our efforts.

Memory Techniques:

To remember the idiom "悬超," imagine someone hanging from a tree branch in mid-air. This visual image will help you associate the idiom with its meaning of hanging in mid-air.

Extended Learning:

1. Research more about Li Bai, the poet associated with the origin of this idiom.

2. Explore other idioms related to precarious or uncertain situations, such as "摇摇欲坠" (yáo yáo yù zhuì) - on the verge of collapse.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (6-12 years old): 我的气球不小心飞到了树上,现在悬超在树枝上。

(Wǒ de qìqiú bù xiǎoxīn fēi dàole shù shàng, xiànzài xuán chāo zài shù zhī shàng.)

My balloon accidentally flew onto the tree and is now hanging on a branch.

2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 我的考试成绩不太好,现在悬超在及格线上。

(Wǒ de kǎoshì chéngjī bù tài hǎo, xiànzài xuán chāo zài jígé xiàn shàng.)

My exam results are not very good, and now they are hanging on the passing line.

3. Adults (19+ years old): 我们公司正在面临困境,未来的发展前景悬超。

(Wǒmen gōngsī zhèngzài miànlín kùnjìng, wèilái de fāzhǎn qiánjǐng xuán chāo.)

Our company is facing difficulties, and the future development prospects are uncertain.





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