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词语 灾虐

灾虐(zāi nüè)

Pronunciation: zāi nüè

Basic Meaning: to suffer from disaster and destruction

Detailed Explanation: 灾虐 refers to a disastrous situation where people suffer from various calamities and destruction. It implies the severity and intensity of the disasters.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe the devastating impact of natural disasters, wars, or other catastrophic events. It emphasizes the misery and suffering inflicted upon people.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China, where frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, and earthquakes, plagued the country. People used this idiom to express the immense suffering caused by these calamities.

Structure of the Idiom: 灾 (zāi) means "disaster" or "calamity," and 虐 (nüè) means "to oppress" or "to abuse."

Example Sentences:

1. 这场洪水使整个城市陷入了灾虐之中。

Translation: This flood plunged the entire city into disaster and destruction.

2. 历史上的战争给人民带来了灾虐和痛苦。

Translation: Wars in history brought disaster and suffering to the people.

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can associate the character 虐 (nüè) with the concept of "oppression" or "abuse," and the character 灾 (zāi) with the idea of "disaster" or "calamity." You can also create a mental image of a devastated city or a person suffering from various calamities to help you recall the meaning of this idiom.

Extended Learning: To deepen your understanding of this concept, you can explore historical events or natural disasters that have caused significant devastation and suffering. Additionally, you can learn more idioms related to disasters and calamities to expand your vocabulary and language proficiency.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 那个地区的人们在灾虐中失去了家园。

Translation: The people in that area lost their homes in the disaster and destruction.

2. Teenagers: 他们用勇敢的行动帮助了那些遭受灾虐的人们。

Translation: They helped those who suffered from disaster and destruction with brave actions.

3. Adults: 面对灾虐,我们应该团结一致,共同战胜困难。

Translation: In the face of disaster and destruction, we should unite and overcome difficulties together.





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