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词语 功名




1.scholarly honour or official rank (in feudal times)


功名 gōngmíng
[scholarly honour or official rank in feudal China] 功绩和名位;封建时代指科举称号或官职名位
(1).功业和名声。《庄子·山木》:“削迹损势,不为功名。” 成玄英 疏:“削除圣迹,损弃权势,岂存情於功绩,以留意於名誉!”《史记·管晏列传》:“吾幽囚受辱, 鲍叔 不以我为无耻,知我不羞小节而耻功名不显于天下也。” 宋 岳飞 《满江红》词:“三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。” 续范亭 《莫干山》诗:“寳剑不存池水沸,三十功名赋等闲。”
(2).旧指科举称号或官职名位。 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷三:“不以功名为念,五经三史何曾想。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳续录三》:“朴者株守课册,以求功名,致读书之人十无二三能解事。” 巴金 《家》十三:“他从前怎样苦学出身,得到功名,做了多年的官。”

功名 (gōng míng)

Pronunciation: gōng míng

Basic Meaning:

功名 refers to fame and official position, especially in the context of achieving success and recognition in one's career.

Detailed Explanation:

功名 is composed of two characters: 功 (gōng) and 名 (míng). 功 means achievements or merits, while 名 means name or reputation. Together, they represent the idea of achieving fame and recognition through one's accomplishments.

Usage Scenarios:

功名 is commonly used in the context of career success and ambition. It can refer to the desire for fame and official position, as well as the pursuit of achievements and recognition in one's chosen field.

Story Origin:

The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China, where the pursuit of fame and official position was highly valued in society. Scholars and officials would often strive for 功名, dedicating their lives to achieving success and recognition in their careers.

Structure of the Idiom:

功名 is a noun phrase composed of two characters: 功 (gōng) and 名 (míng).

Example Sentences:

1. 他一心追求功名,为此付出了很多努力。

Translation: He single-mindedly pursued fame and official position, putting in a lot of effort for it.

2. 她并不追求功名,而更注重自己的内心成长。

Translation: She doesn't pursue fame and official position, but focuses more on her inner growth.

Memory Techniques:

To remember the meaning of 功名, you can think of it as the combination of 功 (achievements) and 名 (name or reputation). Just as you need to accomplish something significant to gain fame and recognition, 功名 represents the idea of achieving success and becoming well-known.

Extended Learning:

- Explore more idioms related to career success and ambition, such as "锦上添花" (jǐn shàng tiān huā, adding flowers to brocade) and "一举成名" (yī jǔ chéng míng, to become famous overnight).

- Read stories or biographies of successful individuals who have achieved 功名 in their respective fields.

- Discuss the concept of 功名 and its significance in different cultures and historical periods.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我长大后要考上大学,争取功名。

Translation: When I grow up, I want to get into a university and strive for fame and official position.

2. Teenagers: 我希望将来能在音乐界取得一定的功名。

Translation: I hope to achieve a certain level of fame and recognition in the music industry in the future.

3. Adults: 年轻时,我一直追求功名,但现在更注重内心的满足感。

Translation: When I was young, I always pursued fame and official position, but now I value inner satisfaction more.





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