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词语 纠耳


亦作“糺耳”。饼类食物。《太平御览》卷八六○引 晋 束晳 《饼赋》:“安乾粔籹之伦,糺耳狗后之属。”《骈雅·释服食》:“纠耳……饼属也。”

纠耳(jiū ěr)

Pronunciation: jiū ěr

Basic Meaning: to correct someone's improper speech

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "纠耳" refers to pointing out and correcting someone's improper or incorrect speech. It implies that the speaker's words are not accurate or appropriate, and it is necessary to correct them.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used in situations where someone makes a mistake in their speech, such as mispronouncing words, using inappropriate language, or spreading false information. It can be used to remind or correct others in a polite and gentle manner.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD). It is said that there was a scholar named Zhang Heng who was known for his eloquence and correctness in speech. Once, during a banquet, Zhang Heng heard a guest mispronounce a word. He immediately corrected the guest's pronunciation, which impressed everyone present. From then on, the idiom "纠耳" came into existence.

Structure of the Idiom: This idiom consists of two characters. "纠" means to correct or to rectify, and "耳" means ears. Together, they imply that one uses their ears to rectify or correct someone's speech.

Example Sentences:

1. 他的发音很不准确,我得纠耳一下。

Translation: His pronunciation is very inaccurate, I need to correct him.

2. 我们要纠正孩子们的错误发音,帮助他们学好语言。

Translation: We need to correct the children's mispronunciation and help them learn the language properly.

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can imagine someone using their ears to straighten or adjust someone's speech. Visualize the process of correcting someone's pronunciation or language usage by using their ears.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "纠耳," you can explore other idioms related to speech and communication, such as "指鹿为马" (zhǐ lù wéi mǎ, calling a deer a horse) and "言过其实" (yán guò qí shí, exaggerating or boasting). These idioms all highlight the importance of accurate and proper speech.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (8-12 years old): 我要纠耳妈妈的发音,她总是说错字。

Translation: I want to correct Mom's pronunciation, she always says the wrong words.

2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 老师纠耳了我的语法错误,我要努力改正。

Translation: The teacher corrected my grammar mistake, and I will work hard to correct it.

3. Adults (above 18 years old): 在会议上,我纠耳了同事的错误观点,并给出了正确的建议。

Translation: During the meeting, I corrected my colleague's wrong opinion and provided the correct suggestion.





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