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词语 言传

言传(yán chuán)

Pronunciation: yán chuán

Basic Meaning: to transmit information or knowledge through words

Detailed Explanation: 言传 means to pass on information or knowledge through spoken or written words. It emphasizes the importance of communication and the power of language in transmitting ideas and thoughts.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe the process of passing on knowledge or information from one generation to another, such as from teachers to students or from parents to children.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. In traditional Chinese society, education was highly valued, and passing on knowledge was considered a moral duty. The idiom reflects the belief that knowledge should be shared and passed down through generations.

Structure of the Idiom: 言 (yán) means "words" or "speech," and 传 (chuán) means "to transmit" or "to pass on." Together, they form the compound word 言传, which means "to transmit information through words."

Example Sentences:

1. 他用言传身教的方式教育学生,让他们受益匪浅。

(He educates students through his words and actions, which greatly benefits them.)

2. 这本书是我父亲从他父亲那里言传给我的。

(This book was passed down to me by my father from his father.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 言传, you can imagine a person speaking and transmitting knowledge to another person. Visualize the words flowing from one person's mouth to the other's ears, symbolizing the transmission of information through words.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 言传, you can explore other related idioms and phrases, such as "传承" (chuán chéng), which means "to inherit" or "to pass down," and "言传身教" (yán chuán shēn jiào), which means "to teach through words and actions."

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 8-12): 我喜欢听爷爷奶奶言传故事给我听。

(I enjoy listening to stories passed down by my grandparents.)

2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 老师用言传的方式教我们知识,让我们更容易理解。

(The teacher transmits knowledge to us through words, making it easier for us to understand.)

3. Adults (age 25-40): 我们应该珍惜老一辈传给我们的知识,也要用言传将它们传承下去。

(We should cherish the knowledge passed down by the older generation and pass it on through words.)





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